

Thursday, August 23, 2012

16 Months...I'm late!

I know, I know, I know!!  I'm not just late, I'm SUPER LATE!  Bentley turned 16 months old on August 11th.  It is already the 23rd, and I have yet to post.  Before you decide to scold me too hard, please keep a few things in mind.  He turned 16 months old on the 11th, and I started back to school/work on the 13th.  I have transitioned to not only a new class, but a new school in a new school system...more on that later.  :)

So, there is a perfectly acceptable reason for posting late...I've been going NON-STOP since the beginning of August trying to get ready for the start of school.

Oreo Cookies, anyone?
Moving on...

Bentley is AMAZING!  He is the smartest, cutest, sweetest little man EVER!  For those of you that have little boys, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but Bentley steals my heart everyday.  (I know you all feel that same way about your Little Men, and that is perfectly acceptable!)  :)  I am in awe of him every single day.  He does things that are hilarious, things that heart wrenching, and things that are trying (Imagine that...he actually acts like a little boy...hah!).

For a few you go.

  1. The other night I was putting him to bed, and he did his normal thing.  He named the fire on every page of Goodnight Moon, named the mush "bite bite," talked to the kitties and a few more things.  We said his prayers and I sang his song.  While I was singing, he sat up and looked me straight in the face and said, "My Mama."  I said, "Yes, I'm your Mama."  He laid back down for a second then sat back up and looked at me so intently before he planted a big 'ol smooch right on my lips.  (For those of you that don't know, he no longer gives open-mouth kisses.  His kisses are with his lips together as he loudly says, "Mmmmmm.")  By that time, it was time to lay him down, so I said, "Night night, baby."  He said, "Ni Ni."  (About 5 times)  I laid him down. covered him up saying, "Here's your blankie."  He normally lays really still, but not this night.  He rolled over, looked really hard at me, then smiled the biggest smile, and said, "Mama...Ni Ni."  I heard him on the monitor for a solid 2-3 minutes saying, "Ni ni, Ni ni, Ni ni...."  If I could bottle those moments and bottle that feeling...ahhhhhh...pure BLISS!
  2. Just tonight he was repeating everything I said at the table.  He tries really hard to say what we say, though sometimes is just doesn't come out right.  Well, we named the kitty kitty and said, "meow," named the dog and said, "woof woof," and named the cow and said, "moo."  Just for kicks, I said, "What does a rooster say?...Cock-a-doodle-doo!!!"  Without missing a beat, Bentley said, "Do do doooo!!!"  It was hysterical!  This is just one moment of the million we've experienced lately.
  3. I got so tickled this morning on the way to school.  Bentley was in the backseat, eating his Cheerios, and I looked back to see him with a Cheerio stuck on his face right beside his nose.  He was saying, "Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh," over and over while he tried to figure out how to get that off of his face.  I laughed until I cried!

Bentley's language is off the chart!  Like I said, he tries to repeat everything we say.  I cannot even keep up with all that he says, though some things are really cute to hear.  Here's a list of some of the SO sweet things he says:
  • La La - That's Ella, Ashley's little girl.  Ashley is keeping Bentley for me this year along with her own two kids, Ella (5) and Molly (14 months).
  • Du Diiiii! - Roll Tide!
  • TuDow - Touchdown!  with his hands in the air.
  • Mamowa - Lawnmower
  • Bowa - Blower (He loves lawn care!)
  • Pidee - Spider (pictures of spiders in his book or anything strange looking on the ground or floor, such as a leaf, fuzz ball, or string)
  • Coa - Car
  • Moa - More
  • Nu nu nu - No No No, that's how I usually say it, and he usually says it as he does something he's not supposed to, such as climbing the stairs alone.
  • Dadaing - cute to hear!
  • Boy - He sounds so southern when he says this (see attached video)
  • Doowa - the video he says, "Good Girl!"

There are so many more things he says all the time, but these are the ones that are SO sweet right now.  I wish so badly that I just carried a recorder around all the time to catch all of the things he says.  I know there are so many things that I just forget.

Bentley is growing.  He is almost 20 pounds (we may never get there), and he's getting taller.  He is able to reach things that were out of reach just a couple of weeks ago.  His hair is getting thicker, he's able to run (not very gracefully), and he is able to follow directions so well.  At church last week, we kept him in our class of 2-year-olds because his teacher was late.  At snack time, they all sat down on their bottoms on the floor, and Bentley walked up to me saying, "Cracker."  I said, "You have to sit on your bottom like your friends if you want snack."  To my surprise, he looked around, found a spot to sit beside a little girl, and sat just like her waiting patiently on his cracker.  Who woulda thought...

To prove that he's getting so big, I'll share what we did on Sunday.  We took a family outing to the Par 3 course at the Hampton Cove Robert Trent Jones Golf Course.  Bentley made it through all 18 holes without any issues.  He loved getting in and out of the cart and drinking water like a big boy out of the water coolers on the course.  Every time he saw other guys playing, he was point and say, "Boy!"

So, I think I covered most of the important stuff.  There are lots of things going on that I could post, my new nephew, Reese, or how much Bentley loves seeing Ella everyday.  Bottom line...I'm tired!  This first week of school is kicking my tail, so I'm going to call it a night.  I'll make another post soon (I hope) with all of the other things I mentioned.

Ni Ni!!!