

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Long Gone November

I know, I know!  In blogging years, it's been FOREVER since I posted last.  So, to make this one quick, we'll get right to it. 

Bentley turned 19 months old on November 11th and enjoyed his second Thanksgiving.  I think he liked the food better this year than last year, as well.  We spent a lot of time with family and ate yummy meals filled with delicious holiday staples.  So, to get on with's the pictures to prove it!

I cooked Thanksgiving Dinner for my Mom's side of the family.  I must was delicious even if I did make it myself!

Daniel smoked a turkey breast to go along with the cornbread dressing and cranberry sauce.

Sweet potato casserole with pecan crust, green beans, and homemade mac 'n  cheese rounded out the side dishes.

To end the meal...homemade pecan pie!  YUMMMM

Charlie, Bentley, and Ruby Cate played together at Daniel's family dinner.
 I know you must remember, but Thanksgiving Day the weather was PERFECT!  We ate and played outside for the rest of the afternoon.  It was so much fun!  My little guy is a huge fan of anything that makes noise or moves, so Charlie's Gator was right up his ally!

Sliding with Daddy


Daddy was trying to pedal the gator with a pop Mommy took over!

Yes...I rode the Gator!

Bentley loved every minute of it, though my legs were a little cramped.
I know this post is not worthy of telling the Thanksgiving greatness we actually enjoyed, but I need to get up to speed.  So...we will take what we can get!  Enjoy!