

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Not grumpy here...I love being outside!

 is for Good Golly Gracious...teething stinks!!!

 is for bad can it be???

U   is for Unbelievable...the first two teeth weren't bad.

M   is baby is so sad.

P   is for Painful...his cry just hurts me so.

Y   is for Your many teeth are left to go?

Poor Bentley has started the wonderful world of teething.  His first two teeth were super easy with hardly any signs of discomfort.  He is starting to cut one of his upper teeth, and he is pitiful.  He's grumpy, wants to be held (all the live long day), in pain, and has diarrhea.  To go along with all of that...the diarrhea has caused his first bad case of diaper rash.  When I changed his diaper and gave him a bath, he SCREAMED!  So sad.  I was about to cry with him.  He looked at me with his pitiful face as if to say, "Help me, Mommy."  It broke my heart (and Daddy's, too).  You can see one place in his gums that is swollen and bulging.  I think the tooth is about to break through, and maybe he will get some relief when it does.  Keep him in your thoughts and prayers.  I'll post another update soon with some good news.  For now...this is it...Mr. Grumpygus!

'Til next time...See Ya!!!

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