

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

Father's Day was so much fun for us this year.  Since I'm not working right now and Bentley understands and follows directions better, we were able to shop together (with him actually having say in what we bought), and we were able to do crafts and cook for the special occasion.  We did a little bit at a time so we didn't get overwhelmed before the big day.

We are leaving for Hawaii in less than a week, and Daniel will be playing golf at the Turtle Bay Golf Resort, so we thought he could use some more golf gear...thus, the golf themed Father's Day.  Enjoy the pictures!

We took some pictures for Daddy so he could have some sweet pics of his sweet boy.  I framed the D-A-D pictures, as well as one of the "I 'heart' DADDY" pics for Daniel to take to work.

We also baked cupcakes for Daddy (and all other Daddies) that came over for our Father's Day cookout.  The cupcakes turned out really cute, and Bentley loved helping me.  He mixed the batter with a whisk, mixed the homemade buttercream frosting with the mixer (a favorite in our home), and he LOVED adding the food coloring.  We added a few drops of food coloring to coconut in a zip-top baggy and Bentley did a little "shake shake shake" to make "the rough."  Some crushed up Nilla Wafer (pounded in a baggy with Bentley's hammer) made the sand trap.  We made the flagsticks from toothpicks and cardstock, and small white sprinkles made the golf balls.  Bentley was so enthralled with helping with every single step of these, so I'm glad he got to eat one before I dropped the rest of the tray on the patio and on my feet during the cookout. 

We decorated the mantle for the big day, too!

We made Father's Day cards for Daniel and the Granddaddies (yes, both of them).  They turned out SO cute.  Bentley absolutely loves to paint, especially when we paint his hands and feet, so this craft was a winner!

Daniel woke up to his card and everything he needs for his coffee right on hand.
If you notice, Bentley's handprint is the golf green on the front of the card, and his footprint is the golf club inside.  Also, we usually draw on golf balls when they are given as gifts around here, so we stayed with tradition.
Look closely, and you'll see a lawnmower on one of the golf balls...a family favorite!
Father's Day morning was so nice.  Since Daniel was smoking a Boston Butt for our family, we skipped church (sorry) and stayed home to cook, play, and enjoy being able to be together without any other distractions.  As soon as Bentley woke up, it was time for presents!

Before and After...
Bentley helped open present Sunday morning, and enjoyed Daddy time before bed on Sunday night.  Such a good day!
 We welcomed everyone to the cookout with a bit of sidewalk chalk...

The picture to right is of Daniel's golf outfit we got him for Hawaii.

Of course, I somehow managed not to get pictures of all the Dads in attendance, but I did get the kids playing...

It was a wonderful day to celebrate fathers. 

~To My Dad~

I love you!  You stepped up to be my dad when you really didn't have to.  I can't imagine a better Daddy or Granddaddy! 


~To My Husband~

You are a better Daddy than I could have ever imagined.  I never dreamed I could love you more than I did years ago, but seeing you with Bentley each day brings more joy to my heart than I thought possible.  I am so proud to be your wife and so proud to call you my husband.  I love you, love you, love you, and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you grow with you as parents. 

Love you bunches,

My Silly Boys!!!

Monday, June 17, 2013

What we've been up to

We've been busy, busy, busy!  Bentley and I go to the pool almost every day that it's sunny.  We also go to Story Time at the public library every Wednesday.  On other days, we have pool dates with cousins, play dates with friends, and we've also been to a family reunion.  I'm loving the summer and loving my time with my little man.  I have lots of pictures to share, so here goes...

Here's some story time pics.
Bentley LOVES using a glue stick.  Once we finished the Tiger puppet, he just put glue ALL OVER the bag.

Ready to go grocery shopping and then to the library.  SO EXCITED!

Showing off his dinosaur puppet after the dinosaur puppet show.
We made colored ice cubes with food coloring.  They were really neat. 
As they melted, they changed the color of our drinks.

We spent an afternoon at one of my college friend's house with her, another friend, and all of our kids.  Jessica, Krista, and I enjoyed catching up while the kids played and played.  They both have little babies, so we got to have some baby time, too.

We made a craft for the dads for Father's Day, too. 

Sweet Baby Trey, Jessica's 5 month old.

Little Payton, also Jess's.
She just turned 5.

Brinlee, Krista's oldest.
She just turned 6.

Marlee, Krista's middle child.
She turned 3 in February.

We had to tag-team sweet Brady.
He's 7 months old.

Baby Trey had to be tag-teamed, too.

Here's the whole brood.
 Daniel's family (The Lewis's), had a reunion at the Hebron Community Center.  Of course we walked through the cemetery while we were there.  I felt a little weird taking pictures of the kids in the cemetery, but I figured it was okay.  :)

Ruby Cate was a doll in her summertime dress.

Bentley and Nana Reg

Balance Beam

The Sisters and an Aunt and Uncle

Grandmother Frances's family...US

There's a "big rock" in the middle of the woods where Grandmother Frances great-grandmother lived as a child.  There house was built around the rock, and they carved their name into the rock, as well.  It's hard to see, but the rock says "HOLT."

Bentley enjoyed our trek through the woods to see the rock.

Daughter and Mother

Nana Reg and Granddaddy Dave

Mommy and Daughter, Jennifer and Ruby Cate

Walking out of the woods.

Notice the butterfly on Mimommy's head.

The next day we went with Daniel to play golf.  Here's my Little Tiger!

...and my Big Tiger!

I love the way he was holding his golf club.
One night last week Russ, Cyndel, Coen and Reese joined us for swimming, spaghetti, and fun in the sprinklers.
I love when babies eat spaghetti.  There's not much that's cuter...
Bentley is obsessed with sprinklers, so he plays in them at least three nights a week.  Coen joined him on this night.

He fell down and was crying, but still paused to say "CHEESE!"

Reese couldn't play in the sprinklers, but he watched from the sidelines.

Strawberry Shortcake for dessert.

Two cute boys and a beautiful sunset.

After a bathtub full of boys and a clean pajamas, they were all begging to sleep in my bed.
Enjoy for now.  I'll have a Father's Day post and update soon.  Happy Monday!  BTW...Bentley and I discovered that rainy Mondays are the perfect time to build a fort!  Blankets, books, and flashlights...OH YEAH!!!