

Monday, January 16, 2012

Nine Months Old.....and MOBILE!!!

Hi everyone!  I cannot believe the title of this post.  It seems like the last nine months have flown by, and the changes we've seen in Bentley are amazing!

Here are a few pictures of our little man.  Where did my baby go?

Cruising around the couch.

Practicing his basketball game...he wants to be just like Daddy.

Check out the BIG BOY clothes...skinny jeans, hightop shoes, and an oh-so stylish thermal shirt.
 Also, in case you didn't catch it...he is mobile! I hinted around at the end of the last post, saying that he was being G.I. Joe, but for the last week, G.I. Joe has been thrown to the wayside, and Bentley is crawling on hands and knees. It took him a little while to figure it out, but once he got it...that was the end of that story. Here he is, crawling up a storm.

Happy Face...still no teeth, as you can see.

Mad Face...He really wanted the camera and mean ol' Mommy wouldn't let him have it.

Playing on Mommy and Daddy's bed...supervised, of course.

Handsome Little Man

Ready or I  come!

On a mission.
Here are few more pictures of Bentley from the last few days/weeks. 

Bentley and two handsome men!

Big boy eating Mommy's watch...good teether.

Who is this big boy...what have you done with my baby?

Messy face, huh?  This was Bentley's first encounter with a NutriGrain bar.  Apple Cinnamon...YUMMMMM!

He loves this toy!  Walk like an elephant, chew like a hippo, swing like a monkey from the trees!!!

Having so much fun!

This is Bentley pointing.  Daddy just walked in the door, so he was pointing at him.
Now that we are updated on pictures, it's time to update you all on his nine month check-up with Dr. Gunter.  He is growing, growing , growing!  Bentley is 29 inches long, which puts him in the 75th percentile on the growth chart.  While he's a tall little fellow, his weight didn't quite reach so high on the chart.  As a matter of fact, all 16.2 pounds of him is in the negative.  Yep, that's right...he's skinny!  I told the doctor what his daily feeding schedule is, and she said it's perfect.  He's getting plenty to eat, he's just burning tons of calories by being so active.  She did say that he is more active that most babies his age, so she would expect his curve to start leveling out, but she still wants to see good weight gain over the next three months.  The only recommendation she gave us was to start Bentley on table foods.  Overall, it was a great visit, and Bentley only got one shot.  He was not one bit happy about that, but they also had to prick his toe to test for anemia, and he didn't flinch.  That's my muscle man!  Here's our pictures from the doctor visit.

Sweet little naked boy!

Reading up on the literature for the upcoming months of his life.

Hey, Doc, can I help you with that?

Can I see that next, please?


I see how it sugar me up and then you tick me off!  How dare you!!!!!
Bentley's Top 10 List: My Favorite Things
  1. Bath Time (in the big more baby tub for this big boy!)
  2. Being mobile (I can go anywhere I want, or at least anywhere Mommy will let me.)
  3. Meal time (favorite foods: sweet potatoes, butternut squash, apples, pears, yellow squash, cherries, bread, crackers, puffs, and we discovered today...JELLO!)
  4. Sister (I love my sister, Porsche!  If only she loved me back. :( 
  5. Books (Brown Bear is still my favorite.  What does a brown bear say?  "RAWWWWRRRR"
  6. Cooking (I love to help Mommy and Daddy cook.  I get to play with my spoons, measuring cups, and spatulas...It's SO much fun!)
  7. Play time (I know how to work my toys now.  I can open and close doors, flaps, etc., put balls where they are supposed to go, and press the buttons on my toys.  Mommy says that I am so smart.)
  8. Sleepy Bunny (Yep...I think Sleepy Bunny makes the list each time, but he's still one of my favorite things.)
  9. The baby in the mirror (If you find out who that baby is, let me know.  I play with him every day and all he ever does is copy me.  I have to say, though, he's pretty cute!)
  10. Door stoppers (You heard me right...I like door stoppers.  I love the ones near the floor that spring back and forth, and boy am I good at that!  I also like the ones at the top of the door that keep the door from hitting the wall.  I like to look at those, but I'm a little scared to touch them.  I also like door hinges.  I think I'm kind of mechanical like Daddy.  I like to know how things work.)
Now that we are all caught up, there is one more thing.  I started writing this post this afternoon, and since then we've played, napped, played, had dinner, played, gotten a bath, and now Bentley has been in bed for over an hour.  That being said, he's no longer crawling.  I think we took Brown Bear to the baby boy now does a bear crawl.  Maybe he'll crawl again tomorrow.  Enjoy!!!

By the way...please forgive the quality of the video.  I took it on my phone. :)

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