

Monday, January 23, 2012

My First Day of School

This is my excited face!!
That's heard me. I started school today! In case you didn't know, I'm a "Weeble." Ha ha ha! I weeble and I wobble, but I don't fall down....or actually, I do fall down, but who's checking.

I woke up bright and early this morning in my gator jammies.  I was ready to go to school.

If you look close you can see that I am sitting on my knees.  Mommy thinks I look like such a big boy when I do that.

Mommy fixed me a yummy breakfast so I would be ready for my big day.  I started off with a bottle of milk, then Mommy fixed me a piece of wheat toast, half a jar of cinnamon applesauce, and quite a few bites of Mommy's cream of wheat.  It was all so delicious, and I enjoyed it SO much.  Thanks Mommy!

Here I am eating my toast.  It's one of my favorite things.

I found my high chair tray in the floor, so I thought I'd push it around a bit.  Mommy keeps singing some funny song about an alligator.  All I know is I AM wearing alligator pants.

Insert from Mommy:
Alligator, Alligator, Alligator
The alligator is my friend.
He can be your friend, too.
If only you can understand.
Don't wear him as your shoe.

Alligator, Alligator, Alligator
The alligator is my friend.
He likes to sing and dance.
If only you can understand.
Don't wear him as your pants.

.......Sounds like Mister Man might have some 'splainin to do.
Those gator pants are pretty cute, though!

After getting out of my alligator jammies and into my big boy clothes, I was ready for school.  Though Daddy will usually take me to school, Mommy went this morning.  It was a special day, after all.  So you know, I did great.  At first I didn't want to go to my teacher, but Mommy and Daddy found a toy for me, and I got in the floor and played and played.

This toy made noise and music....I love toys like that.

I was looking around at all the other kids here.  I thought to myself...Hey, you are just my size.  Maybe we can be friends. :)
While I did a wonderful job of going to school and being a completely happy boy, Mommy didn't fair so well.  She did good until it was time to leave.  Then, she lost it.  Poor Mommy...I tried to tell her this is what's best.  I'll have friends to play with, a regular routine, and I'll learn so much.  She said she completely understood all of that, but there is just something about the first day of school.  Mommy cried when she left, cried all the way to school, cried when she saw her assistants in the classroom (because they asked about me), and even cried throughout the day at things that made her "emotional."  She's okay now, though, so don't worry.  When she picked me up, I gave her the biggest smile, the biggest hug, and the biggest kiss.  It made it all worth it.

After Mommy picked me up, she took me to Daddy's work to see him.  Apparently, he thought it was a little sad leaving me in a strange place, too.  So, we visited, and I got to crawl all around his office.  I had a great time, BUT Daddy had to get back to work, so Mommy and I headed home. 

And when we got home...we PLAYED and PLAYED and PLAYED!!!

Big smiles to remind Mommy how much I love her.

Okay, Okay...I realize this picture is enormous, but you have to look very closely.  Look in my mouth.  Look at my gums (on my left and on your right).  Look very very closely.  Do you see it???  That's right...
You got it, Buster!  Today was a very big day for such a tiny little guy.  I had my first day of school, and got my first tooth!  It is barely peeking through, but it's there.  Whew....what a day!

I know this picture is kind of weird, but Mommy thinks I have amazing eye lashes, so we just had to show you.  Also, do you see the boo boo on my head.  I faceplanted into the leg of a table...oops! 

A little privacy, please. 
For anyone that has a child...I think we all know what this face means.  :)
It's now 8:13, and Mommy put me in bed about 10 minutes ago.  I'm sleeping soundly, getting ready for another fun-filled day at school.  Keep me in your prayers as I ease into a new routine and get used to sharing my time with other kiddos.  Good Night!!

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