

Saturday, April 14, 2012

A Look at Bentley...One Year Old

It is so hard to believe that Bentley is already one-year-old.  He is so funny and smart, and (I may show a little bias...BUT) he's pretty darn cute.  Check out his One Year Photos.

We had his pictures done at the main entrance to Hampton Cove.  The waterfall, pump house, and beautiful blooming flowers made for a perfect location on a perfect Spring day. 

This was the only picture in front of the pump house in which Bentley's face was showing.  He had Easter eggs in his hands, and he kept banging them together in front of his face...silly boy.

You've seen our "good" family shot at the top of the blog...this is Bentley being silly again.  He likes to just lay down wherever he is and just grin from ear to ear.

Like I said...he likes to lay down.  The sun was shining in his eyes, and he thought that was hilarious!

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?  is, and always has been, Bentley's favorite book.  It was all too appropriate for him to read to Brown Bear for his one year photos.

"Brown Bear, are you paying attention?," said the teacher's son.

Sweet feet taking sweet steps.

How I wish we could stay this way forever...

My BIG boy...he looks so big in this picture...and so handsome.

Do you like his Sperrys? 

Playtime with Mommy and Daddy...mostly Daddy.

Mommy's turn!

Ahhhh....those baby blues...

Such sweet innocence.  He is playing with bubbles.

"They're coming at me!"

"They got me!"  I LOVE this face...he was so excited!

This picture is priceless to me.  You've seen my posts about Sleepy Bunny, and this picture is worth a thousand words.  Bentley's face says it all..."Ahhh, no worries, no wrongs, just right."

Precious hand...holding his Bunny tight.

Amazing feet...for nine months you worry about whether or not your baby will have ten fingers and ten toes.  One year later, those ten toes of just as precious as the day I first kissed them.

Need I say anything at all?
We are so happy with these photos, and I am so glad to capture these moments.  They pass so quickly, it's sometimes hard to remember every little moment, feature, and sound.  Now, at least I will never forget this sweet face.


We had Bentley's birthday party last Saturday, April 7th.  It was a few days before his actual birthday, but today was the Walk for Autism, so we had to schedule around that.  It went off without a hitch, and I am so pleased with how his first birthday party turned out.  The weather was perfect, the food was yummy, the cake was adorable, and Bentley's friends and family were so generous.  It could not have been any better. 

Rather than having to take pictures myself, I wanted to enjoy the party and spend time with Bentley, so we had our photographer come to the party to capture some of the wonderful moments we experienced.

We used The Very Hungry Caterpillar as a theme, and it made it so easy to decorate and plan a menu.  The colors were beautiful and boyish, and the food was everything the caterpillar ate in the story.  So perfect!
The invitation was framed and on the entrance table with the favors.  Cyndel and I made sugar cookies in the shape of ice cream cones and decorated them with royal icing.  (I was not about to serve ice cream cones to small children.) :)
Forgive the quality of this was taken with my phone.  At least you have an idea of what the favors look like.  The tag attached said, "Thanks for inching by.  Love, Bentley"  :)
Here's the top of the cake.  Thank you so much to Renee Lowder for making this cake for my little man.  You did an amazing job!

The top was vanilla, and the bottom was chocolate.  Not only was it was delicious!
Bentley's "smash" cake...that will make perfect sense in a moment.

The Hungry Caterpillar came to visit at the party.  I got creative and made this big guy during my spring break.

A little hard to see...12 month progression pics of Mister Man.

The whole set-up.  I made the birthday banners, the food tags, and the table runner.  Birthday party on a budget!

In case you haven't read The Very Hungry Caterpillar, the caterpillar eats through many different kinds of food on each day of the week.  For example, "On Saturday he ate through one slice of Swiss cheese."

On Monday he ate through one apple.
On Tuesday he ate through two pears.
On Wednesday he ate through three plums.
On Thursday he ate through four strawberries.

Nana Reg and Bentley

Karington was giving Bentley birthday kisses.  How sweet!!

Mommy and Sweet Baby Boy!

Nana Kay and Bentley

"The Craft"
We made Caterpillar Bags to use for our Caterpillar Hunt

After making Caterpillar Bags, everyone headed outside for the caterpillar hunt.  There were about 60 pom pom caterpillars laying all around the clubhouse.  I think all the little guys were found. 

Bentley was hunting caterpillars with all of his friends.  His party was the day before Easter, so we were practicing for the Easter Egg Hunt.  Thanks to Aunt Cyndel for making about 50 pom pom caterpillars!

I got this tent from Barnes and perfect!  Brinlee and Payton like it.

I have a feeling Karington will get one of these cars in the very near future.  I don't think she let it leave her sight during the whole party.

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, Dear Bentley!
Happy birthday to you!

It took no time for him to get his first taste of icing.  I have let him have a little cake before, but the icing was a special save for his first birthday.  He LOVED it!  Just like Mommy!


Check it want a bite?


"Cake?  What cake?  I don't know what you're talking about."
 Bentley was cleaned up (and changed...hmmmm, I wonder why he changed clothes?), and it was time for presents.  Woohoo!  Bentley got so much good stuff.  He (and Mommy and Daddy) were so grateful for all of his wonderful gifts. 
Bentely opened one present before he decided to spend the rest of the time in his car that Daddy and I got for him.  Too cute!

Uncle Russ, Aunt Cyndel, and Coen got him this wagon...he LOVES it.  I think we've gone for a walk every evening, and he has ridden in his wagon with a big smile on his face.

After finishing presents, all the kiddos headed outside to play, while the party planning women cleaned up!  It was a wonderful day.  Bentley was actually quite sick during it all.  He had an ear infection and a cold, but he was a trooper.  With all the excitement, I think he forgot he felt bad.  I wish he would remember his party because I know he had a blast.  Oh well...I'll remember for him.  While it was a lot of work and I was completely exhausted after the fact, it was well worth it.  He will only turn one once, and I am glad to say that his first birthday party was everything I dreamed it could be.

Finally...thank you SO much to Sean Harrison, our photographer.  You can see more of his wonderful work at  He did Bentley's one year photos at Hampton Cove and the birthday party.  I am so pleased with the photos, and I am so thankful that our wonderful memories have been captured and saved.  Sean, you are AMAZING!  Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


  1. Where did you get that adorable polka dot border that you used on all of the signs for the birthday party?!

  2. I took photos of the actual book, then I cropped it to fit the cards in Micrisoft Word.
