

Monday, June 4, 2012

Bentley's First Date

Last Friday, Daniel, Bentley, and I went down to Birmingham to go out with Scott, Mary Catherine, and Anna Scott.  We had such a wonderful time catching up, and it was so fun to see Bentley and Anna Scott together. 

As a little background, Bentley and Anna Scott are a mere one month apart.  As a matter of fact Bentley was born on April 11th, the day after Anna Scott's baby shower.  Anna Scott followed shortly after on May 10th.  It is so fun to see how similar, yet how different they are as they grow up so close in age.  They are both jibber-jabbering away, and it is so cute to see how they interact with one another.  Here's some pictures of our outing Friday night.

First, we met Scott and Mary Catherine at their house.  Bentley had painted Anna Scott a picture, and I can't believe I didn't manage to get a picture of it.  Anyways...we transferred Anna Scott's car seat to our car, and we headed out!

This is a horrible picture, but it's the best I could do to get them both in the same picture.
We went to  dinner at Cocina, a yummy Mexican restaurant.  The food was good and the kids were adorable.
Anna Scott and Bentley are getting acquainted.

Drinking from a BIG BOY cup!

So Sweet...Mister Man is feeding Anna Scott his food.
 After eating...the fountain outside made for the perfect photo op.

Sweet babies...they both LOVE the water.

Is this not one of those photos that just melts your heart?

Trying to get a picture with everyone looking and sitting still... HAHA

We tried to get Bentley to sit still by holding Anna Scott's hand.  He just wanted to play in the water.

Just like a boy...Not touching. Not touching!!

Just let me in, Daddy!  I can swim, I promise!
After the yummy dinner, we headed to get some ice cream at Edgewood Creamery.  Talk about was amazing!  Bentley and Anna Scott agreed!

Bentley and Mommy eating chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream in a waffle cone!  He loved the ice cream AND the cone!

Anna Scott shared her Daddy's ice cream...strawberry cheesecake, I believe!

She took the best part of her Mommy's cone...YUM!

Hmmm...trying to get two one-year-olds to sit on a ledge together AND smile at the camera...VERY FUNNY!
Finally, we headed back to Scott and Mary Catherine's for a little while before coming home.  Bentley and Anna Scott changed into their jammies, and they played a while before we left.  They really seemed to enjoy one another's company.

Bentley seemed to like Anna Scott's playpen for a little while.  He was cute playing with all of her pink toys.

Bentley got so excited seeing Hobie, Anna Scott's doggie.  He gets so excited when he sees any doggie these days.

This was the first time Bentley said, "out," though it sounded more like, "a."
Overall, this was a wonderful outing with old friends introducing new friends.  I can only hope that Bentley and Anna Scott become good friends, just like their parents.  Before we left, Bentley and Anna Scott gave each other a kiss...Yes, on the lips.  They were so cute together, and I can't wait to get us all together again!

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