

Monday, June 4, 2012

Memorial Day Cookout

I have no excuse for not posting lately, except for the fact that I've been enjoying myself and my time with my Little Man!  We haven't really been busy with stuff that "matters," just stuff that's FUN!

Here's some pictures of Bentley's first trip to the pool this year.  He LOVED it.  He went straight for the pool, and he is fearless!  He walks right off the edge of the pool into the water.  Too cute!

Swimming with Daddy...doesn't get much better than this.

About to go under for the first time...

Whew...what was that all about?

Hey, Daddy!  Did you make me do that?  Do it again!

Getting a suntan...wanted his shoes on...hahaha
We had family and friends over for Memorial Day.  Daniel smoked ribs, and we had grilled corn on the cob, potato salad,baked beans, Texas caviar, cantaloupe, watermelon, AND ooey gooey butter cake (Paula Deen's recipe, so you know it's good).  Everything was SO yummy delicious!  We all had such a good time, and it was fun to see Bentley play with all the kids.  Check out some of our photos of the very hot, super fun day.

Bentley and I played outside waiting on everyone to get there.  He slept until 9:00, so he was ready to play!

Karington is waiting to play in the water.

Eating lunch...watching other kiddos play!

After eating, we got him ready to play on the Splash Pad, but he went straight for the Gator.

Ruby Cate was taking a break from playing.

Coen and Charlie were waiting patiently for the Splash Pad to get hooked up.

Check out "the boys." refreshing.


Coen is taking it all in...he LOVED the splash pad.

Ruby decided to get in on the action.

And so did Karington. 
Finally, all five kiddos are playing together!

Taking a break from the splash pad...time to SLIDE!

Coen was holding Bentley's hand leading him back to the water.

Charlie is having a great time!

It's time to "ride ride!"
 After playing on the Splash Pad in the back yard, we decided to take the party to the pool.  Here's the pictures I have from that fun time!

Here's Coen and Russ having a good time.  I think Russ is about to throw him in the air!

Bentley was too preoccupied for this family shot.

Chris, Kayla, and Karington are all smiles!

This was the first day that Bentley had a Capri Sun.  He thought it was YUMMY!  (If only I could get him to drink it without squeezing it.)

Too tired to even pick up goldfish...He's eating them straight out of my hand.

So cute...nearly naked is my favorite!
We had a great time everyone, and the food was so good.  I look forward to the same shindig next year. :)

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