

Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Perfect Day

Sunday, otherwise known as my favorite day...

I have always loved Sunday.  As a matter of fact, I wanted Bentley to be born on Sunday (he decided to make his appearance on Monday).  I love waking up knowing that it's still the weekend.  I love drinking my coffee, talking to my hubby, playing with my baby, and deciding whether we'll have orange rolls or cinnamon rolls for breakfast.  I love getting ready for church and picking out just the right outfit for Bentley, so that people at church will say, "Isn't he cute?"  I know that's silly, but we all do it.  I love that Daniel brings my breakfast upstairs, but he and Bentley have their manly time over breakfast and reading the newspaper.  I love going to church...I always feel that my week goes better on the weeks we go to church.  Those weeks that we "just can't make it" always seem to need a little pick-me-up.

And finally, I love that Sunday afternoons are MINEMy family day.  My time with my little family to do as we wish, whether it be lazy afternoons watching golf or cooking shows.  Whether it be grocery shopping and running to four different stores to get the best deal.  Whether it be spending the day out together doing something we hope Bentley will love.  Sunday is my favorite day for all of these reasons.  So, there are some Sundays that are consumed with other people's needs and wants.  You know, a guy's golfing outing, a baby shower, a visit from the grandparents...but on the Sundays that are MINE, I am in heaven.

Today was just that!  We started our day at about 6:45, were out the door for church by 9:00, and this afternoon was amazing.  We took Bentley to Big Spring Park to have a picnic and feed the ducks, geese, and fish.  He had a wonderful time.  Then we did a little shopping at Sam's and came home.  Bentley and I took a nap while Daniel watched golf.  We all cooked dinner together (chicken wings and French fries), and then it was time for Bentley's bed time.  This Sunday was "a perfect day."

"Duck, duck, duck..."(about 100 times today)!
Yes, we are aware that is a goose, though Bentley does not care.

Bentley and Daddy looking for "more ducks."

On the bridge looking at the "fishies."

He would have jumped in if I let him.

Feeding the fish.  They were as big as him!

Mommy and her Little Man

Baby Boy Overboard!

You'll notice his shoes were off.  We had to put his feed in the water at the fountain.  He really wanted to go swimming.

Daddy and Silly Boy!
Like I said, today was a perfect day.  Days like today make me love my life even more than I usually do.  I am so blessed, and I can only hope that there are many more days like today left to experience with my little family.

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