

Monday, November 19, 2012

Christmas Card...It's almost time!!!



Spread Laughter Holiday Card
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Sunday, November 4, 2012

18 Month Portraits

There's not much to say on this post except...

Pictures are worth a thousand words.  Fall is here, my baby is growing into a big boy, and these pictures pull at my heartstrings. 

Bentley didn't cooperate completely for very long, but I couldn't blame him considering that I scheduled pictures for the day after Halloween, which means less Bentley terms, that is never a good thing.  As a matter of fact, he fell asleep in the car at 6:45 that evening and didn't budge until the next morning.  While we didn't get many family shots, he showed no interest in some of things I thought he like, and I forgot to a get a shot with his Bunny, most of the pictures turned out SO good! 

Without further ado...

Thank you so much to our friend Sean Harrison for the wonderful pictures of my little man!  You are helping us save these memories forever, and I truly cherish them.

Fall back and have a great week!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from my Mouse to yours!

Mickey Mouse, in case you couldn't tell :)
We had a blast on Halloween.  Bentley was SO funny about his costume.  Up until that very night, he never would wear anything on his head.  We've been practicing the mouse ears a little at a time, but he always ends up taking them off.  So, I honestly thought we were going to have an earless mouse, not to mention a gloveless mouse.  Much to my surprise, Bentley knew what he had to do to get the job done, to be a believable Mickey Mouse, and to get the ooooo's and ahhhhh's that he got on Halloween night.

He put on his outfit, sat very still for me to paint his nose, and happily put on his hat and gloves (a.k.a. "hans").  As soon as Daniel got home, I turned on the fireplace (since that always gets my little pyromaniac's attention) and told him to smile with Jack (the skeleton pumpkin).  He did one better...he put his arms around Jack and said "hug."  Thus began our perfect Halloween night.

Bentley posing with Jack
Bentley got a couple more pictures at home...

Before heading to see Taylor and Terry, who worked with me at Challenger the last few years.  Taylor and Bentley have a very serious relationship...she thinks he's adorable, and he's smitten with her.  Too cute!

Taylor and Bentley...I mean Mickey :)

This one kills me!!  It's like he's saying, "Come and get me!"
After leaving Terry's, we headed to Arab to see all the grandparents.  Bentley decided to mix things up a bit on the way. 

...changing from Mickey Mouse into a mummy.
First, we went to see Nana Reg and Mimommy.  Luckily, we got there just in time to see Ruby Cate (a fairy) and Charlie (a policeman).  Oh, and Nana was still dressed up from school as a cowgirl.'s the back view of Mickey's costume, tail and all!

This is the only picture of all three kiddos together.  Bentley wasn't cooperating very well (in case you didn't notice).

Nana and her grand babies

Ruby, Charlie, and Bentley ran laps around the couch, and they all thought it was HILARIOUS!  The funniest part to me...Mickey Mouse is carrying a hot dog.
Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog!
Next, we headed to Grumpy's for dinner with Nana Kay and Papaw.  Bentley LOVES spaghetti ("ghetti").

After a yummy dinner, we went to see Granddaddy ("dananny") and Mimi.  Another moment of good timing...we got there in time to see Russ, Cyndel, Coen, Reese. 

Coen was Batman

Reese was a Jack-o-Lantern.

The big boys played and played!

Reese is smiling more and more...this time at Granddaddy.
Finally, we had two more stops.  We went to see Adrienne (a student teacher that's working with me some) and Mrs. Jenn Jenn (an assistant in my classroom).  Bentley loved both places.  Adrienne had her fireplace and candles burning, so Bentley was in awe.  He also got his first Tootsie Roll there.  At Jenn Jenn's Bentley was already an hour past bedtime and delirious.  Not mean and cranky funny you can't stop laughing delirious!  He played and played with Jenn Jenn, and he talked to her dogs and met a gerbil that Bentley called a "bunny."  He had the BEST TIME!

I changed him into his pajamas before we left because I knew he'd fall asleep on the way home.  He said goodnight to the moon, I recited Ollie (our bedtime book), and he talked himself to sleep.  It was exhausting but SO much fun!  I love that he can actually experience more and understand where we are going and who we are going to see.  I love to see his reaction and talk to him about what we've done.  He makes connections so well, and he remembers EVERYTHING!  It is absolutely precious!

Pumpkin Patch Playtime

It's been a couple of weeks since we went to the Lyon Family Farm Pumpkin Patch, but I am just now getting a chance to post our pictures.  I won't bore you with a play-by-play, but I'll get right to the good!

To let you know, though, we went to the Pumpkin Patch on Sunday.  Sounds like a great idea, right?  Not so much...Lyon Family Farms happens to be the ONLY patch near us that is open on Sunday, so there were a GAZILLION people there.  We waited in line at admissions for half an hour before even getting in, but when we did it was worth it.  :)

"uh oh"

Mommy helped ride the horsie.

I wish I could bottle up that laughter for a day we really need it!


Not a big fan of the corn crib.  He's not afraid of hardly anything, but I don't think he liked the way it felt on his feet.

Concerned...other kids are playing in the corn.

"ride ride slide"

Farmer Bentley

So cute walking along the hay.

My two best guys!  Aren't they cute?!?

Silly goose!

So, this is what happens when you try to get a posed picture with props.

Ooooo, a bumpy "punkin"

Found a pecan.  a.k.a a "decan"

Trying to find his pocket.  He already had a pecan in his pocket, and he was trying to put this one in there with it.  I was laughing SO hard!
Overall, the pumpkin patch was great.  It's a wonderful family tradition that we will carry on each year.  Bentley had a great time, and I know he will like it more and more as he can understand and do more.

Happy Fall!