

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The things he says...

Since getting back from Hawaii, I've completely slacked off taking pictures.  I'll recoup soon, I'm sure, so you'll just have a few pictures from the 4th of July on this post.  Rather than enjoying pictures, take a bit to just enjoy and take in the thoughts of a toddler.

I've finally come to the realization that Bentley is no longer a baby.  He's is developing so quickly into a silly, smart, and amazing little boy.  According to him, though, he's a "big boy, not a little boy."

Here's an idea of what we've been hearing lately...

1. "My need ____."
For the longest, he wanted stuff.  As soon as he figured out that "need" is more urgent and necessary than "want,"  he decided that he "needs" EVERYTHING."
2. "You be happy!?"
We hear this every time he does something that's a big deal.  This could be going pee pee or poo poo in the potty, eating something new, cleaning up after himself, etc.  It's so sweet, though to hear the intonation in his voice saying, "You be so happy, Mommy."  If I say, "Yes, I'm so happy," he usually gives us a big clap with a "YAY!"
3. "You sad, Mommy?"
Okay...go ahead and say I'm too hard on him if you want, but if he doesn't follow directions or poops in his pants, Mommy gets sad.  It doesn't really seem to bother him that much except he's figured out how to "fix" it.  "My give you a hug and a kiss, Mommy."  So, Mommy gets sad, Bentley gives me a hug and a kiss and says, "All better.  You so happy now, Mommy?"  with an enormous smile on his face.  So, I could be standing there with dirty undies in hand, completely frustrated that we still are not going #2 just perfectly, but that hug, kiss, and big smile make it "All better!"
4. "I'm sorry, Mommy."
What makes this funny is that he rarely apologizes without prompting for things that really require an apology.  Rather, he tells me he's sorry for funny things.  For example, we went to Bruster's Ice Cream last night since Bentley ate BBQ chicken (still working on eating new things), so that was his reward (and ours too...hehe).  While standing on the bench, he stepped on a napkin.  No biggie, right?  There were ten other napkins that didn't have tiny footprints, so I didn't even acknowledge that he had stepped on ONE.  Well, as soon as he realized he had stepped on it, he picked it up and handed it to me.  "I sorry, Mommy."  I said, "Thanks, babe, what are you sorry for?"  He said, "My was standing on a napkin."  Alright then!
5. "oh..."
Since we were in Hawaii, Bentley started saying, "Oh, oh Mommy."  It's hilarious.  He usually says it when he already knows the answer to a question he's asking.  For example, in the car (while I was driving), he said, "Mommy doing?"  I said, "I'm driving the car."  His response..."Oh..."  Just two minutes ago, he put chicken in his microwave, and asked, "Is that my microwave, Mommy?"  I said, "Yes."  He said, "Oh, oh Mommy," as though that was a completely new concept.  He cracks me up!
6. "Let's go Hot Shot!"
I've caught myself saying this a couple of times, but it surprised me last weekend when Bentley and I were upstairs getting ready to go to the pool, and Daniel was coming up the stairs to get ready.  Bentley stood at the top of the stairs saying, "Daddy, my going to the swimming pool.  Hurry, get ready.  Let's go Hot Shot."  I laughed SO hard!
7. "Why?"
This started right before vacation, but is in FULL SWING!  We have definitely hit the WHY stage.  I can't even list examples...there are so many!  He asked why about EVERYTHING!  I try to give an answer, but I admit that I have said, "Just because" a couple of times.  Now, if I don't answer fast enough, Bentley says, "Cuz, Mommy?"  
8. Talking on the phone...
He used to just says, "Hey.  Bye."  Now, it's like he has a full out conversation, including facial expressions and hand gestures.  It usually goes a little something like this..."Hello, Buddy.  Doing?  You ridin' a mawnlower?  You goin' to the pond?  Be careful.  K...Bye!"  This little man gets me SO tickled!
9. "My not want to ____."
This is a phrase we hear a lot these days.  "My not want to take a bath, eat supper, take a nap, go night night, go bye bye, etc."  It doesn't matter what it is...he usually starts with "My not want to..."  Sometimes he even says he doesn't want to do something he really wants to do.  I think he just likes to hear himself talk. :)

10. "Wow!"
We usually hear this when Bentley thinks he has done a good job or he thinks we have done a good job.  Also, he says this when he's excited about something.  We had company today, and when I told him Taylor was coming over he said, "Wow!  Taylor coming to my house?!?! Wow!"  So funny!
11. "Little bit some..."
This one is so funny to hear.  He means "little bit more," but that's not what he says.  For example, he always goes through my bathroom cabinets while I get ready, and he often steals my lotion.  One day, he said, "My need Mommy's lotion," and this is how the conversation went..."Bentley, you got plenty.  You don't need any more."  He said, "My get just a little bit some."  I said, "You mean a little bit more."  He said, "Uh huh. (He squirted some in his hand.) My got plenty."  Then I'm pretty sure he got more and more and more.  Since then we've transitioned into getting a "tiny bit" about five times.  :)
12. "Not yours..."
Anything that belongs to Bentley is "not yours."  Lately, he informs me (and everyone around us) of what is his and what belongs to others.  I took him with me to Danceline practice this week where he rode his tricycle.  He told the girls, "My ridin' my bicycle.  Not your bicycle...MY bicycle!"  He does indicate when something does not belong to him though, so at least we have that going for us.  I usually hear (in a super sweet voice), "That not mine?"

There are so many other things he says, and I'm sure I forgot something really funny, but I just can't keep up with it all.  He's speaking in full sentences/paragraphs and carrying on conversations, so I can't seem to keep up with all of the new things he says.  If there is anything else that makes me laugh hysterically, I'll let you know. :)

Like I said...I few more pictures from the 4th ~ Enjoy!

LOVED the sparklers and the fireworks!

Catching lightning bugs...

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