

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A is for Anna Scott, B is for Bentley

Friends...sometimes I try to think back to being a child and playing with friends.  I can remember playing with my brothers and neighbors, and I can remember playing in school.  It's really hard for me to remember playing when I was really little, with the exception of a couple of instances.  So, my goal is to document all the fun times Bentley has with friends so we can look at the pictures in hopes that he remembers, even if it's just a little.

All that being said, Scott and Mary Catherine Laney are high school friends who, like us, married after college.  The have a daughter, Anna Scott, that is one month younger than Bentley.  The only problem...they live in Birmingham, so it's not as easy to get the kids together that often.  We've had a few play dates so far, but this past weekend was definitely the best. 

Daniel, Bentley, and I headed for a day of fun in B'ham, and this is what we got...

We met the Laney's at their new home in Homewood and made plans for the day.  First on the list, EAT!  We were already hungry before 11:00, so they took us to a little pizza place near their home.  It was SO good!  After eating, we got just a few pics of the kids, but these were my faves.

After eating we headed straight to the zoo.  As a matter of fact, the kids were ready to go there first.  Bentley kept saying, "My want to see the monkeys." while we were trying to eat.  He even ate a banana to be like a monkey...silly boy.

Oh, back to the zoo!  Even though it was somewhere between 95-100 degrees, we had a great time.  The kids loved all the animals (and so did I).  For anyone that knows me, I LOVE animals and LOVE to see everything there is to see at the zoo.  I think Bentley liked the monkeys and the elephants the best.  He really liked the reptile house, too.  I got so tickled at him and Anna Scott; they both would go right up to the glass to an enormous iguana, a giant snake, or even the Komodo Dragon and say, "Hey Lizard!" in their highest sweetest come hither voices.  No fear of things behind glass at this stage! 

Bentley and Anna Scott both did very well, even though we were there smack in the middle of nap time.  There were a couple of times that they zoned out like zombies.  They always came back to reality, though, saying, "I want the Splash Pad!"  So, we made our way through the rest of the zoo to find the Splash Pad.  Should I say...F-U-N!!!

Right beside the Splash Pad was the Foam Zone.  They loved that, too.  It looks like dish soap bubbles, but the worker said it's not real bubbles.  Both kiddos loved this section, and they were so cute playing and washing off.

At some point during the Splash Pad adventure, Bentley spotted the Carousel.  That. Was. It!  He wanted to ride the carousel so badly.  He never fussed or cried for it, but I bet I heard, "My want to ride it." about 100 times.  So, we did!  That still is his favorite part of the zoo.  He talks about it  every day.  He tells me that he rode a tiger and Anna Scott rode a frog.  Then he will say, "My want to ride a frog.  My want to ride a carousel MORE!"  I think another trip to the zoo (or maybe just Bridge Street) will be in the near future. :)

After riding the carousel, we loaded up the two zombie children and headed for the house.  NAP TIME!  They slept well, thank goodness.  This also gave us some much needed down time to catch up with one another, as adults that is.  After getting up and getting awake, we headed to dinner.  A delicious meal, live music (kind of), dinner on a patio, PERFECT!  It had recently rained, but it stopped just in time for us to eat.  It's as if it was meant to be!  After eating, the kiddos decided to do a little running/dancing.  Adorable!  I never got a really go picture, but I'm keeping that memory. :)

Bentley and Anna Scott had already decided (before we ever got the Birmingham) that we were having ice cream.  So, after dinner, we head to the creamery.  Chocolate chip ice cream for Anna Scott and mint chip for Bentley = Life is GOOD!  They were so happy. 

After a few pictures, it was back to the Laney's for some bounce house fun!  Bentley was SO excited.  He loves bounce houses like Daniel loves golf.  It's a  real passion of his...haha!  We decided that since it was still hot out, the kids could bounce in undies only.  I must say, that's pretty to cute to see!  They bounced until their hearts were content!

Bath time!!!  These two sweaty little munchkins needed to be clean before bed, so they tag-teamed the bathtub.  Anna Scott has "magic color" for her bathtub, according to Bentley, so we turned the water pink.  There was one cup, and they both wanted it, so was cracking up as they sat and tried to convince one another whose turn it was.  It went something like this...

AS:  I need that cup.
B: It's my turn for a minute.
ME: Bentley, let AS have a turn.
B: My get it back?
Me: Yes, in a minute.
AS: Thanks!
B: Welcome, it's my turn.


Finally, it was time to say goodbye.  Bentley and Anna Scott played very well together, and we all had a good time catching up.  We all said our goodbyes, including the kiddos, which was so sweet to see.  In the pictures below, I love to see them hugging and then their expressions as they released one another from that bear hug.  Melts my heart!

Hopefully, these two will have the opportunity to play more and get to know one another as they get older.  They could be the best of friends one day.

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