

Saturday, November 16, 2013

I'm SO behind...

I know, I know!  I said I'd be better about keeping up.  That didn't happen.  The bad news, this will be a long post...the good news, if you're into pictures, you'll be happy!  We've been very busy since I last posted, so here goes...We've been busy this fall. 

To start, we had a birthday celebration for Daniel's Grandmother Frances, and I got some really cute pictures of the Bowling kids.

I am in a Bunco group with some of the great ladies I worked with in Huntsville.  October was my month to host, and we had a great time.  Vicki Hestley "Goosey" helped me decorate, so of course it was really pretty.  I made chili, potato soup, cornbread, and a fresh apple cake.  Delicious!

On of the most fun things we did this fall was going to Gullion Farms with Anna Scott and her family.  Bentley had a WONDERFUL time.  He absolutely LOVED the hay jump, hay ride, and hay maze.  His favorite thing, though, was the HUGE slide.  Of course my big boy was totally fine with going down the slide "my byself."  The only thing about that trip that was bad was Bentley getting his first bee sting.  He cried, I was awful.  Thank goodness we were "down on the farm."  One of the workers brought us some Benadryl cream and "snuff," which apparently takes the sting out.

We also celebrated Nana Reg and Mimi's birthdays.  A fun Sunday afternoon with good food, family, and friends.

Then it was time for Halloween.  We prepared with carving our pumpkin.  Bentley wasn't too sure about the guts, but he came around.  We joked that our pumpkin had freckles because he wanted to "cut it" and "poke it" with the tools just like Daddy.

Finally, Halloween arrived.  My little Handy Manny was adorable!  We went to the Fall Festival at Gilliam Springs Baptist Church on Wednesday night.  Bentley was SO excited.  One of his most favorite things in the world is a bouncy house, and there were a ton of them there.  He had a great time.  On Thursday, we did our normal Trick-or-Treating with family and friends.  Bentley was allowed to have one piece of candy at each location, so it was the one night of the year that I was a horrible mother and didn't make him eat a real dinner.  Candy for dinner on one out of 365 days...that's not so bad.  :)

Well, that's all.  Hopefully, you've enjoyed the pictures enough.  I know I usually put captions on my pictures, but I think my little man is about to get up.  I better click "publish" while I can.

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