

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Baby Shower Dilemma

First of all...we're still at home!  No baby, no labor, no hospital.  I'm still having contractions, but they don't seem to be changing anything.  We go to the doctor Monday morning, so we'll see how everything is going then, I suppose. 

Ahhhh....think of me Monday morning at about 7:45.  That will be my first time to leave home since last Monday.  I guess my doctor's visits will become my new "outings."  I'll probably wear something cute and maternity since it doesn't look like I'm going to get to wear my cute clothes anytime soon. 

Bedrest is going okay.  Daniel brings me my coffee (decaf, that is) and juice in the mornings, and I eat breakfast in bed.  Then, I usually get up and get my shower/bath.  That whole process takes at least 1 1/2 hours.  I guess my inactivity exhausts me.  I feel kind of like you do after being sick for a while.  It takes a few days to get all your energy and strength back.  It doesn't seem like this is getting any better though.  Oh well...I usually shower, lay down, do my make-up in bed, lay down, dry my hair, lay down, etc.  It's quite a process.  After finishing all that, I make my one trip down the stairs for the day and plant myself on the couch.  The only times I'm up and about are for potty breaks and periodic trips to the fridge.  Overall, it's going okay.  This is certainly not how I'd like to spend my pregnancy, but I'll do what I have to for Bentley!  I told Daniel that if we make it to a point where I am not on bedrest anymore (36 weeks or so), I'll be doing jumping jacks to get my baby here! 

Now...for the baby shower dilemma.  Did you know that there is no baby shower etiquette for when to have a shower when you're in my position?  We have changed dates, changed minds, thought about every scenario, and we've ended up back at the original shower date we started with.  April 3rd is the magical day!!  I figure, whether Bentley is born by then or not, he probably will not be at home yet.  Also, I'll be about 35 1/2 weeks along, so maybe (just maybe) I'll be off bedrest or will at least be granted a couple of hours to attend my own shower.  We'll see how it goes.  Cyndel and I spent quite a while looking at shower invitations while I was in the hospital, and I had one picked out from Tiny Prints Big Impressions.  The more I looked at it, though, the less I liked it.  So, I spent LOTS more time looking at every site I could find, and finally found a great website that prints all kinds of things (not just invitations).  VistaPrint has tons of cute options and much better prices.  So, after lots of's what I found that I fell in love with.

Isn't this precious!  We don't really have a theme in Bentley's nursery, so I didn't want the invitation to insinuate a theme that could be mistaken for his room.  So, as a note...his room is not done in birds!  Ha! Ha!
Now, we just have to wait for my "baby bird" to arrive!  I am so excited.  The nursery is getting closer to being ready, but I'm about to have to try my hand at online shopping to finish off the decor shopping.  That's what really kind of stinks about staying home all the time.  I don't get to go shopping for baby stuff.  It's a good thing we registered before all this started.  Poor Daniel would have flipped out if he'd been doing all that without me.  I think I would have flipped out too!

Well, that's the latest.  I don't think anything has changed, I'm okay, and Bentley is hanging in there.  Keep us in your prayers...we still need them!

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