

Monday, February 21, 2011

We are Home!!! feels good to be in my own house for the first time in a week.  I can sit on my own couch, sleep in my own bed, and snuggle with my puppy.  I was having major withdrawals from bad that Russ and Cyndel brought her to the hospital on Saturday, and I got to see her during my "wheelchair privileges." 

Everyone has been so sweet to think about us, pray for us, and visit us in the hospital.  We really do appreciate everything that everyone has done.  Now, all that rest will continue as I have been assigned bedrest for the rest of my pregnancy.  This is "true" bedrest.  I am only allowed to be up and about for showers and potty time.  This is going to be extremely hard for me, but I'll do anything for my baby boy.

Speaking of my sweet baby Bentley...they did an ultrasound yesterday to check his position and measurements, and everything was good.  Though I have dilated to 2 cm and am 60% effaced, my cervix still measures 3 cm long, and anything over 2.5 is good.  At least we have some good news about my changing cervix.  Also, Bentley is head down and pushing hard on my cervix.  They have suspected he's been head down for weeks, but now it's confirmed.  The ultrasound tech had a hard time getting my measurements for the pressure of Bentley pushing down.  I suppose that's why I feel like he's falling out every time I stand up.  I've decided he just doesn't have enough room.  I know lots of thin people have babies, but my body is just not cut out for this.  Oh's a little late to decide that now!  Back to Bentley's measurements...he measured between 29 weeks 3 days and 30 weeks 2 days for all his measurements (belly, head, legs, etc.), so he is right on track.  Overall, he measured 29 weeks 4 days, which is one day larger than he was at the time.  He is in the 46% compared to other babies his age, and he weighs right at 3 pounds.  That's bigger than I expected, but I can definitely tell I've grown in the last week.  There's no telling what kind of weight the two of us will gain over these next weeks of laying around with no activity.  Oh well!

Finally, I'll post nursery updates soon.  My sweet husband and our best friends (Russ and Cyndel) have painted the nursery, had trim installed, put together the crib and set up the nursery with what we have right now.  As I type this, I haven't seen it yet.  The nursery is upstairs, and I haven't made it that far since I got home.  I am thrilled to see it, and I am excited for my little boy to spend time in there.  He needs to wait a while, though.  I'll spend my time "resting" and planning for the nursery while everyone else gets to put it together. 

I suppose that's all the news I have for now, but keep us in your prayers.  We need them right now, and we are so grateful for the kindness everyone has shown.  I never dreamed I would be in this position, but it is quite humbling.  Everything seems to come pretty easy most of the time, but this is a reminder that I am not in control.  God is in control, and He knows what's best for me and my family.  Something wonderful will come of this, and we are keeping a positive outlook.  I cannot change things that I have no control over, so I will not fret over them.  Rather, I'll leave it in God's hands and simply roll with the punches.

Again, we thank you so, so much!  Lots of love!!

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