

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Introducing.....Bentley Daniel Bowling

Daniel and I went to the doctor today for the glucose test, 4D ultrasound, and a check-up to see if I get to go back to work.  Overall, here's the results:
  • I've gained 2 more pounds, bringing the grand total to 8 pounds!
  • My blood pressure was good at 102/60.
  • I passed the glucose test, so no meds or special diet.
  • My hemoglobin was borderline normal/low, so they went ahead and prescribed iron pills.
  • My cervix has not changed since last week, so with a little coaxing and a promise to "take it easy" at work, my doctor cleared me to go back.  She said she'd see me back in 2 weeks for another ultrasound of my cervix to make sure that being up and about does not cause any thinning or dilation. 
  • Because the contractions are still happening, she's prescribed me another medication to try, so we'll see how it goes.
  • Finally, I have the cutest and most photogenic baby on the planet (in the womb, that is)!
Take a look!!

This was one of the first pictures she got of Bentley.  The moment of "seeing" my baby for the first time was amazing!

He's got his eyebrows scrunched up...he got that from his Mommy!

He still looks a little concerned right here.

All concern is gone.  Check out that smile!!!  By the way...those are his Daddy's lips!

This one is precious.  I love his little nose.

He wanted to make sure we know he's a BOY!!

Pucker up!!

He opened and closed his mouth throughout the ultrasound.


Here's my Daddy's lips again!

Check out the 5 little can see his tongue here, too!

Here's a sweet profile shot (kind of).

Well, I hope you enjoyed meeting Bentley!  He was a mover and a shaker during the entire ultrasound, so we decided the glucose drink must have gotten to him.  Overall, he was very cooperative, and we are very pleased with the pictures we got. 

Keep us in your prayers as we return to work tomorrow.  Getting up early should be interesting.  (That's one thing I am NOT excited about!)  Hopefully, all will go well, and I'll be able to work until he decides to make his appearance, which we hope is not for at least 10 more weeks!

Daniel and I went to Target last week to register for "baby stuff," and I suspect we'll go to Babies R' Us this weekend, so we're getting really excited.  It's neat to imagine what it will all be like when our house is full of baby stuff and Bentley is here.  I'm so excited...I can't stand it!  Keep checking the blog for nursery updates.  It's painted, and the trim should be going up this week.  Also, the crib is in, so we'll get it soon.  I'll post some pictures as we start putting it together

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