

Friday, April 22, 2011

Since Coming Home

First of all, I apologize for the late post.  Believe it or not...I've been a little busy.  We'll start where I left off on the last post. 

The Hospital Stay:
Out stay at the hospital was really good.  It was a great experience, and we had wonderful nurses that were all eager to help with anything we needed.  Per everyone's recommendations, we sent Bentley to the nursery both nights we were there, but the nurses brought him to us every three hours for feedings.  That brings us to a whole different situation...learning to nurse.  Apparently preemies have a more difficult time learning to nurse than full term babies.  So, I would attempt to feed him at each feeding and follow that up with pumping for his next feeding.  Overall, it went okay.  The nurses said he was doing good, especially for being 3 1/2 weeks early, but it only took a few days for him to get the hang of what to do.

One of the great things about our hospital was the newborn photos.  Bella Baby Photography comes to the hospital room and takes beautiful pictures on the hospital bed.  You'd have no idea that's how they're done.  Here's a few, and you can go to  Click on "view photos," and enter the password "huntsville".  Select April 11, 2011, then select "niki b".

Tuesday was a whirlwind of a day.  We had visitors all day, which we loved, and they did all the formalities at the hospital that day, as well.  (birth certificate, hearing test, pictures, etc.)  Lots of people came by to meet Bentley, but the most memorable moment was when Coen met him for the first time.  To recap, Coen is my nephew (Russ and Cyndel's son), and we are very close.  When we started talking about a baby and him meeting Bentley, he often said, "Mo, my Kiki."  He didn't want me to have a baby or play with someone else.  As time passed, he seemed to be a little better about the idea, but still not thrilled.  So, we all expected the worst when Bentley got here.  We were all afraid Coen would feel left out or have his feelings hurt if anyone was holding Bentley.  Well...he surprised us tremendously.  He was so sweet with Bentley, and he took to him right away.  Coen gave Bentley kisses, and I had him sit with me so we could hold Bentley together.  Check out some of the pictured Daniel got while I cried my eyes out over it all.

You'll notice two Biscuits (the little yellow dog).  Coen brought Bentley's to the hospital so he could play with it.  Too sweet!!

Call it hormones or whatever you want, but I couldn't help but cry at how sweet my two boys were together.

Wednesday was much slower and calmer.  We had a few visitors throughout the day, and we got to go home that afternoon at about 5:00.  While we were at the hospital, I did manage to fit in a nap.  Daniel got a sneaky shot while Bentley and I snoozed together.

This was a really good nap!!
Here's a few shots of us heading home, along with a couple once we got home.

Wheeling out to the car...Goodbye hospital!

Bentley looks so tiny in his car seat!

Here's Daddy, carrying Bentley into the house for the very first time.

Porsche was soooo excited to see Daniel and Me, but I can't really say the same about Bentley.  She ignores him the best she can.
The next day, I managed to fit in another nap.  This is the one and only nap I've had since we've been home.  I'm going to have to hide the camera if I plan to sleep from now on...Daniel seems to get like sleeping shots.

Snuggled with my snugglebug!  Heaven!
We went to Bentley's first doctor's visit on Friday morning.  He was so good, except they had to stick his heel to check for jaundice.  He was not thrilled at all about that.  As soon as that part was over, he went into a deep sleep, and he slept for about four hours.  Bentley checked out perfectly.  He was down to 5 lbs. 10 oz., which is normal.  He is a little jaundice, but the doctor wasn't concerned.  A little sunshine should cure that.  She said she'd like to see us back when he's two weeks old, so we'll see her again on the 25th.

This was right after the heel stick.  He was sleeping really good snuggled with me.

If you look closely, you can see that Porsche is wrapped up in Bentley's blanket and laying in the Boppy.  Bentley is laying over by himself...Is there anything wrong with this picture???
Finally, we had newborn pictures made of Bentley on Saturday.  A friend of ours, Sean Harrison, is an up-and-coming photographer, and we have talked about him doing Bentley's pictures for a while.  Well, the time came, and we couldn't have asked for better pictures.  They are beautiful, and I will cherish them for the rest of time.  While I don't have the pictures to upload on the blog, you can access then on Sean's website at Fine Light Photography.  Please take the time to look...I am so pleased with the photos, and I can't believe that beautiful baby is mine!!

For now, that's all the info I have to share.  I'll post again after Easter.  We will all be matching as a family, and I am SUPER excited for Bentley to wear his Easter outfit.

Have a great day! :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Happy Birthday, Bentley!!

What we've all been waiting for...I'll start from the beginning.

On Monday morning, 4/11, I started having some cramping around 9:00 am.  After a call to the doctor, we got an appointment for 1:30 pm, so Cyndel and I carried on with our plans to go do some shopping for Easter decorations.  Throughout the day, my cramping/contractions continued.  Daniel, Cyndel, Coen, and I ate lunch together, finished our shopping, and then Daniel and I were off to the doctor.  I debated on whether to take our suitcase or not, and decided against it, for I feared it would jinx us and we'd have to come home.  (Good thinking!)  Well, Daniel and I made it to the doctor, where I found that I had gained one more pound (up to 12 pounds for the total pregnancy), and I was dilated to at least 4 cm and 70-80% effaced.  The doctor decided to send us over to the hospital to be monitored and see if I progressed any.  So, we walked over to the hospital where our journey really began. 

Once at the hospital, they put me on the monitors and found I was having consistent contractions, and Bentley was doing wonderully.  I wasn't in any pain at this point.  My contractions just felt like cramping, so I was "good to go."  Daniel and I were determined that we weren't going home without a baby, so we then spent about 2 hours walking the halls of the hospital to try and get things moving.  At about 5:15, the nurse checked me and determined I was dilated to somewhere between 5 and 6 cm, and I was still in no real pain.  So, the doctor declared it "Baby Day!"  We were thrilled.  At about 5:30 the doctor came over to check me again and break my water.  (Boy...that was a strange feeling.)  She also started me on pitocin to get labor moving.  The very next contraction after she broke my water, I knew what labor pain was.  As a matter of fact, here's a couple of pictures of me during this time.  The doctor was funny.  I said, "Can we wait a second to take this?  I'm having a contraction."  Her response was, "Oh, just smile through it. (ha ha)."  So, I did!

Dr. Kakani and Me...smiling through a contraction.

Here we are...We LOVE our doctor!!

Here's the last shot of my belly before Bentley made his appearance.
I had lots of pain in my lower belly and in my back.  (Remember...I missed all my childbirth classes due to bedrest, so I was recalling A Baby Story episodes to help get me through the contractions.)  Daniel did really good during all this.  He sat by me and held my hand (as I squeezed his with all I had).  My family was there as well.  My parents, Daniel's parents, and Russ and Cyndel were all there during this portion of labor.  There came a time when the contractions were stronger and I wasn't getting much of a break in between them.  I asked everyone in the room to be quiet so I could focus on what I was doing.  The doctor had mentioned that the rule of thumb for rate of dilation was about a 1 cm/hour.  So, here's where my "birthplan" came into play. 

I have always said that I would like to have a natural birth, but I am not totally opposed to an epidural.  I have never had any surgeries or major injuries, so I had nothing to compare the pain to.  I really felt like I could handle the pain and contractions if I knew the time frame.  When Dr. Kakani mentioned 1 cm/hour, and I had just been checked an hour ago at 6 cm, I was thinking, "Holy Cow!!  This is crazy!"  Well, the nurse asked what I wanted to do, and Daniel reassured me that I could have the epidural if I wanted it, but I decided to wait until 7:30 when they planned to check me again.  I told her I would let her know after I was checked so I could gage how much time we had left.  Well, out of nowhere, the contractions became REALLY intense, and I couldn't get enough of a break in between then, so at about 7:05, I told the nurse I wanted the epidural.  I told Daniel that I didn't think I could handle pain that intense for 3 more hours.  So, the nurse asked my family to leave, and she told me to sit up on the side of the bed.  The anesthesiologist would be there in a few minutes.  (In my mind, a few minutes meant at least 3 contractions...I couldn't hardly bear it at this point.)

Daniel took a quick bathroom break between contractions, and as soon as he got back I had a big one.  All of a sudden, I felt pressure.  I told the nurse, and she decided to check me.  (This was at about 7:10 or 7:15.)  I was dilated to 10 cm and complete...READY FOR BABY!!  You can only imagine what must have been going through my head at this point.  I knew this meant no epidural, and it scared me to death.  Ultimately it's what I wanted, but it all happened so fast that I couldn't process everything fast enough.  Now...for the scary part!  My doctor wasn't there!  We had to wait through at least 3 contractions for her to arrive.  This meant NO pushing.  For those of you that have been in labor, you must remember what it feels like when you need to push, and for someone to say you can' was torture.  Dr. Kakani arrived shortly, and IT WAS TIME!  After only two contractions, after the greatest fear I've ever experienced, and after perfect coaching from my wonderful husband...Bentley was here at 7:34 pm!!  He was perfect.  All the fear I felt and all the pain I felt melted away at the sight of my baby boy.  That was the most surreal moment of my life.  I went from pregnant and waiting on my sweet baby to holding, touching, seeing, and LOVING my baby in my arms.  Daniel and I looked at each other in amazement, and tears of joy were inevitable.  Here's some of the first pictures of Baby Bentley after he made his appearance at 36 1/2 weeks.

Here he is...posing!  18 1/2 inches long and 6 lbs. 1 oz.
Although he was 3 1/2 weeks early, Bentley is perfectly healthy.
He scored 9 out of 10 on the Apgar.

Check out those lips...just like his 4D ultrasound.
Here we are...Happy Family!!

Happy Daddy...SOOOO Proud!  He was soooo good during labor.  I never dreamed he would be as wonderful as he was.

Dr. Kakani and Me with Bentley...after all our hard work to get him here safely.

One of my first times holding Bentley...WOW, what a feeling!

I was so happy and still in shock that he was here...I kept saying, "I can't believe he's here!"
Well, the quick labor was a blessing, and I am so happy that it all went the way it did.  God had a way of making the birth of my baby exactly what I wanted.  I still feel an amazing sense of accomplishment.  Making a baby must be better than making anything else in the world.

After Bentley was born, the nurse called my family back into the room.  Let me remind you, they thought I was getting an epidural while they were gone.  Considering they waited about an hour rather than the 20 minutes they were told, they thought something was up.  Perhaps I was having complications with the epidural.  Perhaps I had decided not to have it at all.  Whatever they were thinking...I don't  think they expected to see a baby in my arms when they walked in the room.  Of course everyone was surprised, excited, and extremely happy. 

They quickly moved us to a postpartum room and sent Bentley to the nursery for a check-up.  Daniel was lucky enough to get to help give Bentley his first bath.  He loved it and did a wonderful job.  Here's a couple of pictures.

Here's Daddy waiting to give Bentley his first bath.

Looking at his Sweet Baby Boy.


Daddy is getting Bentley all cleaned up for the next time he meets Mommy.

All done!! 
Finally, we got Bentley back in the room at about 11:30 that night.  I still can't believe he's here, but I can't imagine my life without Bentley.  I'll post again soon with more pictures.  We've got some great ones, but it's 10: 55, and I'm ready for bed.  Both my boys are down and it's my turn to sleep for a couple of hours.

Thanks for all your prayers...They worked!  We have a beautiful baby that is so perfect and healthy.  We couldn't ask for anything else.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bedrest...What's That???

Wonderful news!!!  Bed rest, couch rest, house arrest (all of the above) are OVER!!  I cannot even tell you how excited I am.  I get to be part of the real world in a real way.  No more bossing me around ("sit down, let me get that, are you supposed to be doing that, etc"), so I hope you all enjoyed it while you got a chance. :)

Here's the latest stats from our doctor visit yesterday:
Urine test: Normal
Blood pressure: 106/62
Weight gain: 1 pound (total of 11 pounds)
Bentley's heart rate: 138 bpm
Dilation: She didn't check me. 

The first thing we did was an ultrasound to check on Bentley's size.  Every other ultrasound we've done has indicated that he's a little ahead of the curve, believe it or not.  When they measure my belly, though, I've been measuring a week or so behind.  Well, the numbers are in, and he's growing perfectly.  He was measuring exactly 36 weeks gestation in all of the following: legs, arms, and head.  His belly is the only thing that measured a little small, so I guess he's skinny like his Mommy.  They were very pleased with his measurements, and said he's "perfect."  I do have to say, he is still a BOY!!  He's very proud of his boy parts, and we have yet another picture to prove it.  After checking him over and getting all his measurements, they estimated his weight to be 5 pounds 10 ounces, which is textbook.  I know you all want him to be bigger and stay put as long as possible, but coming from the one that has to get him out...I'm ready when he's ready!! :)

After the ultrasound, we had our usual check-up.  The doctor came in to check on us and turn us over to a nurse practitioner since I'm no longer a source of drama.  They were both glad to see me with Bentley still in my belly.  She said it was not necessary to continue "resting."  They'd like to see Bentley stay put for another week; babies are considered full term at 37 weeks, so that's what we're shooting for now.  The also did the test for Strep B, which apparently 30% of women have and need antibiotics during labor.  I suppose we'll get those results at next week's visit.  Overall, all is well.  The doctors are happy, I'm happy, and Bentley is happy.  Now, if he will just give me about a week to get all my last minute "nesting" done, we'll be good to go!

Sorry there's no pictures for this update, but I posted enough of the shower to last a while!  Thanks for all your prayers and sweet thoughts, as well as all you've provided during this very trying time in my life.  I am truly grateful!  Hopefully it won't be too long before I'm writing about labor!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bentley's Baby Shower

Oh my goodness!!!  I can't tell you how wonderful my baby shower was!  It was everything I could have dreamed, and I officially have the best friends ever!  My hostesses did an amazing job of pulling off a wonderful shower.  Everything was so beautiful and delicious.  Here's a few pictures of the hostesses with me.  Get ready for this beautiful group of ladies! 

Here's my lovely hostesses with the Mommy-to-Be...
From the back left: Krista, Cyndel, Jessica, Deborah, Judy, Terry, and Nancy
From front left: Jennifer, Me, and Raven

College friendships that turned into lifelong friendships!
Altogether, we've now had four baby showers between us.
Krista has two beautiful girls, Jessica has a lovely little lady, as well, and I'm "rounding" out the group with a baby boy.

Of course Cyndel and Raven are sisters, but some people try to include me as a sister, too.  They are the sisters I never had!
It's my school crew!  I love these ladies, and they sure make it easier to go to work each day.  I've missed them terribly!!

Now, look at the gorgeous decor for the shower.  They based it all off of my invitations, and everything was so adorable.  The food was so delicious, as well.  It was all just amazing!

Here's the gift table with a beautiful centerpiece that Nancy made.  We should have a photo of the WHOLE table (and underneath).  I've never seen so many gifts...Thanks everyone!

Precious punch!  I got to keep the duckies!

Check out this gorgeous table.  The decorations were so perfect.  I was really impressed and so excited!  By the way...the chicken salad sandwiches and pimento cheese sandwiches HIT THE SPOT!

These the cutest cupcakes EVER!  Tiny birds' nests went perfectly with the theme.  These were Krista's handy work.

The cake was too cute!  It looks so much like the invitations, and I hear it was delicious.  (I had to choose between the cake and Krista's cupcakes, so I went with the cupcake.  I can only fit so much food in these days.)

These favors were also Krista's handwork!  Aren't they precious!?!?!

Here's another shot of Nancy's flowers.  So, so pretty!

Here's a close-up of the cupcakes.  I can't get over how cute they are!!

The diaper cake is perfect, thanks to Cyndel and Raven.  You can see they had a few pictures of Daniel and Me as babies...It sure makes you wonder what Bentley will look like!

Now for the fun pictures of gift opening...Some of are good; some are funny.  You decide which is which!

This is Callie Grace (my cousin) and me waiting for presents!

"Oooooohhh!" This blanket is so soft, and it has Bentley's sweet monogram on it.

This the the baby toy gift pack that Daniel picked out.  Perfect for my little golfer.

My sweet friend Janice even included Porsche (my furry baby) in the gift getting.  Porsche got a new frog toy and treats!

Here's my Aunt Sammi, Nanny, and Callie Grace watching the show.

Four of these ladies are known best as "The Sisters."  Daniel's Grandmother Frances and three of her sisters are sitting nicely  with Grandmother's niece, Terry. 

So you know...this is Daniel's diaper bag.  I have a couple of really cute ones, but I didn't want to see him walking around with Vera Bradley.  We found this one that matches the carseat and stroller.

I LOVE stuff from  31.  This adorable insulated lunch tote, along with a burp cloth and bib were only a few things in this precious bin.  It was FULL of wonderful things.

Oh my!!!  This basket was full of BOOKS!  You must know the teacher in me craves books, and I loved this thoughtful gift from Cyndel, Raven and their boys.

Here I am checking out all the books.  This is of Coen's favorite books and characters.  He is having a hard time understanding that this Biscuit belongs to Bentley.  I have a feeling that the Easter Bunny will be bringing Biscuit to Coen this year.

I don't know what I was looking at or hearing, but it must have been surprising!! :)

Bentley and I were about to partake in this too-cute cupcake.  He really liked it!

The Moms and Me...or should I say the Nanas and me!  Poor Bentley has to get used to have having two Nanas and two Granddaddies.  Maybe he won't be confused.

This is Terry's daughter, Taylor (she helped a lot during the shower) and Krista's daughter, Brinlee (she was the designated gift wrap opener) with me. 

We finished the day off with a kiss from Grandmother Frances.  Apparently, she thinks I'm sweet!  :)
Well, I didn't include photos of every gift because I figure you're all probably tired of seeing me open presents.  To everyone of my friends and family...You are all too sweet and too kind.  I had the best day ever.  The weather was perfect, the company was fabulous, and my baby boy got so much wonderful loot.  As a matter of fact, Mom and I spent all day yesterday washing his clothes and organizing his room.  Now, all I need is my Baby Bentley!

I want to send one more thank you out to all the hostesses of my shower!  I am truly blessed to have each of you in my life.  You worked hard to make my day really special, and it couldn't have been better.  I love you all, and I can't wait for each of you to meet my baby boy! 

For an update...We're doing great.  Bentley is staying put for now.  Daniel and I go to the doctor tomorrow (Wednesday) to see how everything's going.  They will do another ultrasound of Bentley to check is measurements and estimate how big he is.  I can't wait!!!  Also, all "rest" should come to a halt tomorrow.  I get to go and do as I please come Thursday!  You better believe I'm going shopping!!!! :)