

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bedrest...What's That???

Wonderful news!!!  Bed rest, couch rest, house arrest (all of the above) are OVER!!  I cannot even tell you how excited I am.  I get to be part of the real world in a real way.  No more bossing me around ("sit down, let me get that, are you supposed to be doing that, etc"), so I hope you all enjoyed it while you got a chance. :)

Here's the latest stats from our doctor visit yesterday:
Urine test: Normal
Blood pressure: 106/62
Weight gain: 1 pound (total of 11 pounds)
Bentley's heart rate: 138 bpm
Dilation: She didn't check me. 

The first thing we did was an ultrasound to check on Bentley's size.  Every other ultrasound we've done has indicated that he's a little ahead of the curve, believe it or not.  When they measure my belly, though, I've been measuring a week or so behind.  Well, the numbers are in, and he's growing perfectly.  He was measuring exactly 36 weeks gestation in all of the following: legs, arms, and head.  His belly is the only thing that measured a little small, so I guess he's skinny like his Mommy.  They were very pleased with his measurements, and said he's "perfect."  I do have to say, he is still a BOY!!  He's very proud of his boy parts, and we have yet another picture to prove it.  After checking him over and getting all his measurements, they estimated his weight to be 5 pounds 10 ounces, which is textbook.  I know you all want him to be bigger and stay put as long as possible, but coming from the one that has to get him out...I'm ready when he's ready!! :)

After the ultrasound, we had our usual check-up.  The doctor came in to check on us and turn us over to a nurse practitioner since I'm no longer a source of drama.  They were both glad to see me with Bentley still in my belly.  She said it was not necessary to continue "resting."  They'd like to see Bentley stay put for another week; babies are considered full term at 37 weeks, so that's what we're shooting for now.  The also did the test for Strep B, which apparently 30% of women have and need antibiotics during labor.  I suppose we'll get those results at next week's visit.  Overall, all is well.  The doctors are happy, I'm happy, and Bentley is happy.  Now, if he will just give me about a week to get all my last minute "nesting" done, we'll be good to go!

Sorry there's no pictures for this update, but I posted enough of the shower to last a while!  Thanks for all your prayers and sweet thoughts, as well as all you've provided during this very trying time in my life.  I am truly grateful!  Hopefully it won't be too long before I'm writing about labor!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad it went well! You look great!
