

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bentley's Baby Shower

Oh my goodness!!!  I can't tell you how wonderful my baby shower was!  It was everything I could have dreamed, and I officially have the best friends ever!  My hostesses did an amazing job of pulling off a wonderful shower.  Everything was so beautiful and delicious.  Here's a few pictures of the hostesses with me.  Get ready for this beautiful group of ladies! 

Here's my lovely hostesses with the Mommy-to-Be...
From the back left: Krista, Cyndel, Jessica, Deborah, Judy, Terry, and Nancy
From front left: Jennifer, Me, and Raven

College friendships that turned into lifelong friendships!
Altogether, we've now had four baby showers between us.
Krista has two beautiful girls, Jessica has a lovely little lady, as well, and I'm "rounding" out the group with a baby boy.

Of course Cyndel and Raven are sisters, but some people try to include me as a sister, too.  They are the sisters I never had!
It's my school crew!  I love these ladies, and they sure make it easier to go to work each day.  I've missed them terribly!!

Now, look at the gorgeous decor for the shower.  They based it all off of my invitations, and everything was so adorable.  The food was so delicious, as well.  It was all just amazing!

Here's the gift table with a beautiful centerpiece that Nancy made.  We should have a photo of the WHOLE table (and underneath).  I've never seen so many gifts...Thanks everyone!

Precious punch!  I got to keep the duckies!

Check out this gorgeous table.  The decorations were so perfect.  I was really impressed and so excited!  By the way...the chicken salad sandwiches and pimento cheese sandwiches HIT THE SPOT!

These the cutest cupcakes EVER!  Tiny birds' nests went perfectly with the theme.  These were Krista's handy work.

The cake was too cute!  It looks so much like the invitations, and I hear it was delicious.  (I had to choose between the cake and Krista's cupcakes, so I went with the cupcake.  I can only fit so much food in these days.)

These favors were also Krista's handwork!  Aren't they precious!?!?!

Here's another shot of Nancy's flowers.  So, so pretty!

Here's a close-up of the cupcakes.  I can't get over how cute they are!!

The diaper cake is perfect, thanks to Cyndel and Raven.  You can see they had a few pictures of Daniel and Me as babies...It sure makes you wonder what Bentley will look like!

Now for the fun pictures of gift opening...Some of are good; some are funny.  You decide which is which!

This is Callie Grace (my cousin) and me waiting for presents!

"Oooooohhh!" This blanket is so soft, and it has Bentley's sweet monogram on it.

This the the baby toy gift pack that Daniel picked out.  Perfect for my little golfer.

My sweet friend Janice even included Porsche (my furry baby) in the gift getting.  Porsche got a new frog toy and treats!

Here's my Aunt Sammi, Nanny, and Callie Grace watching the show.

Four of these ladies are known best as "The Sisters."  Daniel's Grandmother Frances and three of her sisters are sitting nicely  with Grandmother's niece, Terry. 

So you know...this is Daniel's diaper bag.  I have a couple of really cute ones, but I didn't want to see him walking around with Vera Bradley.  We found this one that matches the carseat and stroller.

I LOVE stuff from  31.  This adorable insulated lunch tote, along with a burp cloth and bib were only a few things in this precious bin.  It was FULL of wonderful things.

Oh my!!!  This basket was full of BOOKS!  You must know the teacher in me craves books, and I loved this thoughtful gift from Cyndel, Raven and their boys.

Here I am checking out all the books.  This is of Coen's favorite books and characters.  He is having a hard time understanding that this Biscuit belongs to Bentley.  I have a feeling that the Easter Bunny will be bringing Biscuit to Coen this year.

I don't know what I was looking at or hearing, but it must have been surprising!! :)

Bentley and I were about to partake in this too-cute cupcake.  He really liked it!

The Moms and Me...or should I say the Nanas and me!  Poor Bentley has to get used to have having two Nanas and two Granddaddies.  Maybe he won't be confused.

This is Terry's daughter, Taylor (she helped a lot during the shower) and Krista's daughter, Brinlee (she was the designated gift wrap opener) with me. 

We finished the day off with a kiss from Grandmother Frances.  Apparently, she thinks I'm sweet!  :)
Well, I didn't include photos of every gift because I figure you're all probably tired of seeing me open presents.  To everyone of my friends and family...You are all too sweet and too kind.  I had the best day ever.  The weather was perfect, the company was fabulous, and my baby boy got so much wonderful loot.  As a matter of fact, Mom and I spent all day yesterday washing his clothes and organizing his room.  Now, all I need is my Baby Bentley!

I want to send one more thank you out to all the hostesses of my shower!  I am truly blessed to have each of you in my life.  You worked hard to make my day really special, and it couldn't have been better.  I love you all, and I can't wait for each of you to meet my baby boy! 

For an update...We're doing great.  Bentley is staying put for now.  Daniel and I go to the doctor tomorrow (Wednesday) to see how everything's going.  They will do another ultrasound of Bentley to check is measurements and estimate how big he is.  I can't wait!!!  Also, all "rest" should come to a halt tomorrow.  I get to go and do as I please come Thursday!  You better believe I'm going shopping!!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely post! She looks beautiful and the arrangements are fantastic. I feel home studios NYC are the best place for such parties. I liked everything about this party. Her dress is gorgeous and she looks cute with the bump.
