

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Five Months Old...Oh My!!

Can you believe that my Snuggle Bug is already 5 months old???  Part of me can't believe he's been here for five months, and the other part of me feels like he's been here...forever.  Bentley is AMAZING right now!!  He is so much fun, and I can't get enough of him.  We had a wonderful weekend, and it was the perfect way to enjoy and celebrate Bentley's five month birthday.

Saturday was a day of house cleaning (Thank Goodness!), so Daniel and Mom (Nana) helped me clean Saturday morning.  Since we went to the beach last weekend, it had been two whole weeks since I had cleaned really good, so I was about to have come apart over the dirt and dust.  I told Daniel on Friday that if I didn't have a clean house by Saturday he may as well take me to the Loony Bin.  Ha! Ha! :)  It worked out perfectly, though.  As soon as Mom got here to help, Bentley went down for a nap, so Daniel could help, too.  We got almost everything done before Bentley woke up.

Then...RTR!!!  It was time for some Alabama Football!   All the grandparents (my parents and Daniel's parents) came over to our house to watch the game and hang out with Bentley.  We had some YUMMY Midas Burger chicken and sauce (I could drink it with a straw).  I got a couple of good pictures with my parents, but we didn't manage to get any with Daniel's.  That's on the agenda for next time.

Kisses from Granddaddy.  Bentley was a stick-tight with Granddaddy during the ballgame.


Two BIG smiles!  CHEEEEEEEESE!  Nana and Bentley are so silly! :)
  After the game Nana Reg went shopping, and everyone else went for a walk around the block.  Bentley loves riding in his front carrier (kangaroo pouch), but Daniel thinks we look really silly when we use it.  Too bad we didn't get a picture of us walking around the block...Daniel was laughing pretty hard!

After the to bed!  This was probably the best night sleep we've had in a LONG time.  Bentley went to sleep at about 8:00, and he didn't make a peep until 3:00 when I got up to feed him.  After 15 minutes of eating, it was back to sleep until 7:00 am.  Woo Hoo!!  That's the most I've slept in a long time, and I loved it!  After waking up at 7:00, it was breakfast time.  A small bottle of milk and a bowl of apples, bananas, and cereal were on the menu for Bentley.  He thoroughly enjoyed it all.

As you can see, Bentley is really good at helping with his bottle now.  He holds on tight to make sure no one takes it away.
Once breakfast was over and we got ready, off to church we went.  Bentley did wonderful in the nursery.  All the sweet ladies love him.  They said he took a 30 minute nap and played the rest of the time.  They bragged about how sweet he is and how he smiles all the time.  While Bentley was making friends in the nursery, Daniel and I heard a fabulous sermon from Brother Jimmy Jackson.  It was based on lessons learned (or what we should have learned) from 9/11.  It pulled at my heartstrings terribly.  I still remember that day so vividly, and my heart aches for all those who lost loved ones in the tragedy.  I truly cannot imagine making the phone call that you know will be the last time you speak to someone you love.  I cannot imagine not ever hearing from the person(s) you love and never getting closure.  I simply cannot imagine what the victims and their families must have gone through. 

Moving on...after church we got a quick bite to eat at Zaxby's and a few pictures of Mister Man in his church clothes.  He was so handsome!

Big smiles for Mommy!

"Hey, Mommy!  Do you like my golf outfit?"

Chillin' in the swing.  He's trying to sit up, but he's just not there yet.
We had planned to go to Monte Sano park and walk around, but by the time we got there, Bentley was asleep, and he usually sleeps about two hours at that time of day.  Rather than waking him up, we rode around enjoying the beautiful weather.  When he woke up, it looked a little like rain, so we headed home to swap cars and get coupons for grocery shopping.  While at home, we decided to take a few pictures of Bentley in the front yard.

Trying to sit up by himself. me...I'm falling...

...and I can't get up!  Mommy to the rescue! :)

Now then...I've got this sitting thing under control.

Oh shucks, Mommy, you're embarrassing me!


Sweet face...he looks concerned.

Wow...something is super funny!  I bet it's Daddy!

This face cracks me up...he looks mad or mean, but he's squealing in delight.
Finally, we went grocery shopping then came home to cook steak for dinner.  We got just a couple more photos of Bentley.

He likes him Bumbo seat a little more, but he doesn't love it.

He really likes the exersaucer for short periods of time.  I think his legs get tired, and he can't figure out how to turn himself around good.
That's all the pictures we have for now...but here's the latest stats on our Big Boy!

  • Length: 26 1/4 inches
  • Weight: 13.4 pounds
  • Baby food update:  He has eaten sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, prunes, green beans, bananas, apples, pears, and rice cereal.  He likes everything except green beans, which he will eat if I mix them with squash or sweet potatoes.  Bananas and pears are his favorites, and he eats those REALLY good! :)
  • Bentley LOVES his gym right now.  He loves to pull on the guitars and the mirror that hang over his head.
  • He also loves Curious George (his small stuffed animal).  It usually goes everywhere he goes. 
  • He can roll over, but he still does not like tummy time, so we practice for little bits at a time.  I'm beginning to think he'll walk before he crawls. :)
  • He is chewing on everything and slobbering like a rabid dog, so I don't think it will be too awful long before we see little toothies coming through.
I think that's about everything.  Sorry for the long post, but I had to share it all!  Have a great week!

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