

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

More Beach Photos

Well, we got home from the beach safely Monday evening after 10 hours of traveling!!  That's right...10 hours!  Between the normal 6 1/2 hours it should take, we stopped to eat (us and Bentley) twice, got stopped in two accidents, and went through a monsoon all the way from Birmingham to Huntsville.  Boy, were we glad to get home, especially Bentley.  Bless his heart, he travelled really well, but I know he was tired of riding becuase I certainly was. 

Even though getting home was a pain, we did enjoy our time away.  It rained pretty much all day Saturday and Sunday, but we did manage to go out to eat, go shopping, and make one quick trip to the pool/beach in between rain showers on Sunday.  We tried to remember the camera everywhere we went, so we have some pretty cute pictures of Mister Man.  Enjoy!!

This was what the weather was like just about all weekend.  Dreary, raining, windy, but still better than being home.

We went to eat at The Boatyard on Saturday night after a little shopping at Peir Park.  This is my favorite place to go.  The ambiance is really nice and the food is delicious!  Bentley liked it a lot too, because we sat outside.  He really enjoyed his sweet potatoes and green beans...yummmmm!
Hey Mommy!  He was flirting with me here.


Look really close toward the bottom of this one, and you can see his football socks that match his shirt!  Too cute!


Thank you Mrs. Nancy for my awesome bib! 

Roll Tide Roll!!

Mmmmmmmm...sweet potatoes and green beans...DELICIOUS!
On Sunday, we decided that the weather wouldn't hold us back, so we went to Margaritaville for lunch.  Bentley really liked it there.  There was so much stuff for him to look at, and I think he liked the music, too.

Curious George, you are so silly!

Just chillin'

After a yummy lunch and even more rain, we went back to the condo and waited for a quick break from all the rain to take Bentley out to the pool and beach.  Finally, after a few hours, we were able to do just that.

Mommy and I played in the baby pool...FUN!

Hey Ducky!  Where have you been all my life?

Splish Splash

Handsome little boy!

Funny face.

Ha! Ha! This is soooo much fun!

I think I want to be a fish when I grow up.

This was super fun!  The ocean touched me! :)

Hey...where did the ocean go???

The beach and pool were followed by quick nap for Bentley and then an oh so good dinner at the Saltwater Grill.  Bentley LOVED the enormous fish tank in the restaurant.  This was our last stop of the night, and we went back to get a good night sleep before leaving out Monday morning. 

Daddy and Me...I want to grow up to be just like him!

We had a great trip, but it's nice to be home.  We all sleep better in our own beds (especially Bentley), and we had to get back into our normal routine.  We are still catching up on laundry and chores since we were gone over the weekend, but maybe everything will fall into place soon.  Have a great week everyone!!

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