

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

SPOOK-tacular Halloween Night

"Good Morning," said the Mommy Monster to the Baby Monster!
Bentley opened his Halloween treats from Mommy and Daddy...
He got a Halloween book, a bath time book, and an elephant rattle.  I think he likes it all!
So cute...the cutest little monster I've ever seen!
"Neigh," Bentley said as we got ready to leave for his very first Trick-or-Treat extravaganza!

We left home at about 4:00, in hopes that we would be home by 7:30 for Bentley's bedtime routine.  He is so used to his bedtime routine and his schedule, and it's become a blessing and a curse.  He goes to bed so easily, and he loves his routine, but if we are not home in time, he gets pretty cranky.  He doesn't love being held to sleep, and he sleeps much better in his own bed, so being out past bedtime is not as easy as it used to be. :)

First, we met up with Cyndel and Coen to go see Taylor, the boys' babysitter this past summer.  Bentley was super sweet and went to see Taylor and her mom, Terry (who also works with me at Challenger), but Coen was a different story.  He is completely smitten with Taylor, so he was SOOOOOO shy.  He just stood there and grinned and refused to talk.  It was too cute.  As soon as we walked down their sidewalk as we left, Coen started talking again.  He is so silly and so in love with Taylor!  Later that night, Coen said, "Taylor is pretty!" 

Next, we went to the big town or Arab (ha ha) to visit all the Grandparents.  We started at my mom's, known to Bentley as "Nana."  Daniel and I were also a little excited to get there because Mom just got a new puppy.  He's a little dachshund named Kip, and he is ADORABLE!! 

Here is Bentley petting Kip.  He pulled Kip's lip and ear a little, but Kip didn't seem to mind that much. 

Nana got Bentley his very first Halloween bucket filled with candy and money.  The money was put into Bentley's piggy bank in his room, and the candy was put into Mommy's belly.  :)

Spiderman, I mean Coen, I mean Spiderman....whoever this is LOVED Kip. 
Coen couldn't stop petting and loving on Kip. I gave him his Halloween goodies while we were there, and he couldn't have cared less. He was way too interested in Kip to care about the Curious George movie I got him.

Here is sweet little Kip playing away.
You'll have to overlook the next silly picture.  Believe it or not, this is the best one we got of the two of these cuties.  Coen was too interested in Kip, and Bentley was ready to be Bentley again rather than a horse.
Spiderman and his horse.  Did you know that Spiderman rode a horse?...Neither did I!
After leaving Nana's we headed over to my dad's (Granddaddy's) house.  Bentley got a cute Elmo doll and yummy baby food (all fruit for treats, of course).  We visited a while, but we didn't manage to take any pictures.  Oh well...there's always next year! :)

Finally, with a super cranky baby, we ended the night at Daniel's parents' house (Nana and Granddaddy...yep, our parents have the same grandparent names...poor Bentley).  Bentley was sleepy, hungry, tired of his suit, and tired of his seat.  After a bite to eat, he perked up a bit, but he was not in the mood to visit.  He just wanted Mommy (it makes me happy that he loves me).  We did get a couple of cute pictures of the kiddos.

Bentley, Charlie, and Ruby Cate
Horsey, Army Man, and Ducky
The three of them were so cute.  Ruby and Charlie were both happy to see Bentley.  They were interested in everything he did, especially Ruby Cate.  Here, she was checking Bentley out as I changed his clothes.

Such a cute little ducky, and you should have seen her waddle!
Well, after visiting with Nana, Me-mommy (Grandmother Frances), Jacob, Jennifer, and the kiddos, it was time for bed.  We left at about 7:15, and I think Bentley was asleep before we got out of the driveway.

When we visited all the grandparents, we gave them all a Halloween card that Bentley made with just a little help from Mommy (wink wink) ;)

You'll notice that the bat is made from Bentley's handprints.  We attempted to use paint, but he very politely said, "No, thank you." (NOT)  I just outlined one hand, traced it, cut them out and made copies. 

Who's batty for treats?...ME (Bentley)
We got home, put on PJ's, ate a bedtime snack, and went to bed!  Happy Halloween...until next year!

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