

Sunday, February 19, 2012

10 Months Old...Mommy's Little Valentine!

Well, here again, I seem to be behind on our monthly posts about Bentley's growth.  He is now 10 months and 1 week old, and I'm just getting around to it.  Nevertheless, here we go!!!

This is, by far, the most fun we've had with Bentley.  His personality has developed so much, and he discovers new things every day.  I am in awe at how smart he seems...I know, I know...I'm his mom, so it's only natural that I think he's a genius.  :)  He's just so observant, and he seems to pick up on new things so easily.  He watches me do something once or twice, and he immediately tried to imitate what I'm going.  The latest thing he copied was writing.  I was writing on a birthday card, and I had given him a pen so he wouldn't try to get mine.  He watched me and immediately tried to write on the birthday card with his pen.  You'll see in a moment, the few things he's learned to do that he LOVES more than anything else.

#1: Loading and Unloading the Dishwasher

This is one of Bentley's favorite things to do these days.  If he sees you open the dishwasher, even if you just crack it a bit to get something quickly, he crawls as fast his little arms and legs will let him, and he tried to get stuff out of the dishwasher.  We've discovered that it works best if he is given a CLEAN spoon from the drawer (a metal one, of course...his plastic spoons don't have the same affect).  If you don't give him his own spoon or two, he grabs whatever he can reach from the dishwasher...clean, dirty, glass, plastic, is simply doesn't matter.  Here's a few pictures of his first real dishwasher adventure.

#2: Windows....and blinds

I've had to raise all the blinds, lately, as Bentley has discovered the window seal is the perfect height for him to look outside.  Just today, I raised the blinds in the living room, his room, and my room.  He's so cute looking outside because he talks and talks to everything he sees.  "da da da da ba ba ba ba ma ma ma ma blah blah blah."  That is a very serious conversation!

Here's a couple more pictures taken at the same time as those above.  The first one is the look you get when you say, "Bentley, no sir."  (He was headed toward the TV and surround sound stuff.)  The second one is of him and Porsche, a.k.a. Sister, when he got a sweet kiss from her.

Last weekend, we went out to eat on the day that it was TOO COLD TO GO ANYWHERE!  I had no idea it was that cold until we were out and about.  It was miserable.  We had Bentley bundled in his too cute sweater and lined jeans, so he seemed fine.  Here he is once we got home in is manly man outfit.

You'll notice in a couple of those pictures he had a bowl.  He LOVES to scoot that bowl on the tile floor.  It is super loud and, apparently, super fun!

#3: The Toothbrush

Bentley's new favorite toy is a toothbrush.  He loves to chew on it (both ends), carry it with him everywhere he goes, and hit it on EVERYTHING!  He tries to find hard surfaces that make really cool sounds.  So far, his most favorite things to hit are the dishwasher and the toilet.  Yep...that's right...I let him play on the toilet.  So you know, the lid is closed and they are cleaned and wiped down often.  Here's few pics of my silly man with his toothbrush.

Okay...this is what happens when he sees his Sleepy Bunny laying in the middle of the floor.  Bye bye, toothbrush!  Hello, Sleepy Bunny!

This is what happens when he plays with his toothbrush right out of Mommy's sight.  Hmmmm...I knew it got kind of quiet, but I didn't know he was rolling my bathroom.

#5: Bathtime + Tired Little Man = SO FUNNY!

Bentley has always liked bathtime, but recently, I have gotten so tickled at him in the tub.  He loves to play with cups and his foam letters.  He's also discovered he can crawl around the tub, stand up whenever he feel froggy, and rest if he needs a break.  For a while, we've had our washing routine.  I wash his hair, scrub his back, arms, and belly, and then I lay him back to wash his legs and "boy parts."  Now, Bentley has realized that routine, so he lays himself back for me.  The problem is that he will lay down with no warning, so I have to be ready at all times.  Never get the water too deep, always grab him before he hits bottom (he doesn't slow himself down at all), and laugh at him hysterically when he lays there with his too sweet smile just relaxing in the tub.  Wouldn't we all like to do that sometimes.

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Roses are red
Your eyes are blue
Your sugar is sweet
You know I love you!

My heart goes aflutter
My eyes well with tears
As you've grown and you've learned
Over this year.

See my tooth!  I'm working on #2.

Your first Valentine's
Was so special to me.
Please always remember
In my heart, you'll be.

At 10 months old, Bentley is growing each day.  He's a little over 17 pounds and getting so tall.  He never lays still (and straight) enough for me to measure good, so we'll just go with...he's growing. :)  He loves to play and now he can dance.  He's crawling like a little speed demon, and he regularly stands alone, but I don't think we are super close to walking.  We'll see. 

He LOVES eating big boy food.  No more baby food for this little guy.  His favorite meal right now is ham or turkey sandwich meat with cheese, crackers, and yogurt.  He LOVES bananas.  That has to be his favorite food right now.  He also still loves sweet potatoes and butternut squash.  He's pretty good about trying the foods we cook for dinner, too.  He tries all of our chicken dishes, potatoes, mac n' cheese, and bread.  He will eat a few green beans and peas, but not enough to say he likes green stuff...just like Daddy.

Bentley seems to really like day care.  He loves his teacher is so happy in the evenings when I get him.  I think he likes playing with the other kids.  For Valentine's Day, Bentley took each of his teachers a rose, a peanut butter heart, and a card with his hand prints painted as a heart. 

Overall, all is well with him, and I am so proud to be his Mommy.  Getting to come home to his smiling face everyday is a blessing.  I love him so much, and I look forward to many more Valentine's Days with my little Valentine.

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