

Monday, March 26, 2012

Fun at the Park!

Just a quick post to let you all know that we are starting our week off right! It's Mommy's Spring Break, and she's home with me ALL week! WOOHOO!!! She and Daddy and I went to the park yesterday (Sunday) to enjoy the beautiful weather. Here's a few pictures of me playing so hard. I had the best time.

Swinging is SO much fun!

Hey Mommy!

Watching big kids play...

Focused on other kiddos.

The strongest boy alive!!!  Just kidding...Mommy held me up. :)

I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee...


This slide is just my size.

Going the wrong way on a one way slide.  Haha

Mommy said this better be the only time she sees me behind bars. :)

Climbing...I'm a little monkey!


Looking for Daddy...

Something's funny!
Well, that's all!  I thought you might enjoy these pictures.  By the way...I'm growing.  Mommy weighed me tonight and I finally weigh 18 pounds.'s about time! 

Til next time...BYE BYE!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Fun with Friends!

Our weekend was a little bit eventful.  We did the usual, which is a day of cleaning on Saturday (including lots of playtime).  To follow that up, we went to dinner with my college girlfriends, Krista and Jessica, and their families.  TONS of fun!!  While Saturday was a blast...Sunday was not so good.  I was sick ALL DAY!  I'm better today, but still not great.  More on that later...

For now, here are some pictures of Bentley playing on Saturday while I did some laundry.  BTW...we've accomplished another milestone.  Bentley took 5 steps on Saturday, and we are expecting more soon.  We may have a walker by his 1st birthday...only time will tell!

Walking with my walker...this thing is SO cool.  I can go anywhere.

Sweet profile :)

I love when he sits like this...I think he looks like such a big boy.  And, YES, his pants are too big!

Little hands...they make me melt.

Hey Mommy, what is that outside?  (He was watching a bird.)


I'm coming for you!

Siblings...too cute!
After lots of playtime, we went and did a little shopping and then met Jess and Krista at Wings.  YUM YUM!!  Bentley had a good time playing with all the pretty girls!

Payton (3), Bentley (11 months), Brinlee (4), and Marlee (2)

Making funny faces!

Bentley really enjoyed playing in Marlee's booster seat.

Brinlee was such a big helper...she made sure Bentley stayed safe.

All the girls needed a quick rest.

Handsome man!

Brinlee and Payton decided to take a break....

....So did Marlee.
We had a blast.  We always forget how much fun we have together until we get together again.  It's neat that our kids will grow up as friends.  Right now there are four kiddos, but we got some news Saturday night that will change a few things.  Congrats, Krista and Vann!  Baby #3 is on the way!  (a boy, we hope). 

On Sunday morning, Bentley thought it was time to rise and shine at 5:30.  I think we actually got out of bed at 6:30, but that's still early for Sunday.  I felt completely fine until about 8:00.  By 9:00, I was not okay.  I thought maybe it was something I ate, but by 3:00 and 9 moments of sickness, I knew differently.  I went to a Doc-in-the-Box here in town, and they checked me for Strep, Flu, Mono, and Pneumonia.  All of those were negative, so we determined it was a virus.  It was a simple bug that caused severe vomiting, body aches, and fever.  I was MISERABLE!  I did get some medication for nausea and vomiting, so that helped.  I slept until 7:20 this morning (late for me), and stayed home from school to recuperate.  I went ahead and sent Bentley to school to give myself a chance to rest because there is no rest with an 11 month old zooming about.  I've had an okay day.  I have managed to eat a little and I've kept everything down.  I'll be going to work tomorrow, so I hope I have more energy then.  I am super tired today with very little strength, but maybe that will improve quickly.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

11 Months Old...Oh My!

Bentley's first trip to the park was fun!  He really liked the slide.

First of all, this is so surreal.  I can't believe that my little man is already 11 months old.  That means he is almost one-year-old, which then means that he's almost not a baby.  I know he will always be my baby, but each new thing he does and each new skill he learns seems to be so much more significant now.  Bentley is growing so fast and learning something new almost everyday.  While I am so sad to see this time go so quickly, I cannot tell you how much fun he is right now.  I laugh all the time!  To let you in on a little tidbit of what causes all the laughter around here, here's the latest.

At ten months old, Bentley was doing a few funny things, but now...he has so many new tricks!  It seems like he picks up on everything we do and say.  My little genius! :)
  1. Blowing kisses - If you watched the video on the last post, you he's been doing this for almost two weeks.  We were sitting at lunch, and I was blowing him kisses, so he decided to return the favor.  He's been doing that ever since.
  2. Waving "bye bye" - This is hilarious, and I will post a video later this week.  He waves his tiny little hand up and down while saying, "dye dye."  Yep, that's right..."dye dye" not "bye bye."
  3. Says "Mama" discriminately - Usually "Mama" comes out when he wants to be held, wants to eat, or is upset.  I guess he knows who will come to the rescue.
  4. Says "Dada" discriminately - I can say, "Dada is home."  He immediately repeats me, "Dada Dada."  The "d" sound is his favorite right now.  LOTS of things come out sounding like Dada, but he definitely speaks of Dada purposefully, too.  The cutest thing I've ever heard was when we were at the park the other day, and Daniel was trying to get his picture.  I said, "Look at Daddy."  Clear as a bell, Bentley said, "Daddy."  Daniel and I looked at each other, both noting that that was the cutest thing we'd ever heard.  We haven't heard it again, but I know we will.
  5. "Bite bite" - When Bentley wants something to eat, he starts smacking his lips and saying, "Mama Mama."  I can say, "Do you want a bite bite?"  He then says, "bite bite."  So smart.
  6. "Mum mum mum" - At dinner the other night I was saying, "Yum yum."  Bentley looked at me saying, "Mum mum mum."  After repeating "yum yum" over and over, Bentley kept saying, "mum mum mum mum."  Daniel and I decided that's his way of saying "yum yum."
  7. Brown Bear - Though I can't get him to do it all the time, he used to roar like a brown bear.  When reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, I always make the animal sounds.  So, for the longest, I could say, "What does a Brown Bear say?"  Bentley would say, "Ahhhh."  (While that's great and all, he did the same thing for a cow...go figure.)
  8. Bzzzzzz - His bedtime story, Time for Bed, has a bee in it, so when I read it I always tell him the bee says "Bzzzzz."  Just two nights ago, he repeated me, "ssssss."  He's just started making the "s" sound, so that worked our perfectly.
  9. Walking with help - Bentley is not walking alone, though he stands very well.  He LOVES to walk behind his riding toys.  I posted the video of him walking behind his truck last week, but he was going really slow.  Not any more...he is a speed racer.  He practically runs behind his truck and his airplane now.  He even walks on his knees behind them.  It is so funny, and he has so much fun.
  10. Cruising - He pulls up on everything that will hold him up...doors, walls, furniture, me, etc.  As a matter of fact, he has figured out how to pull the drawers out just enough to get leverage to pull himself up.  On Saturday, he did that on his nightstand and decided to use the drawer as a teether.  Now, there are teeth marks across his nightstand drawer...Lovely! 
  11. Where's Bentley? - This is hilarious.  He plays peek-a-boo with anything he has in his hands....his bunny, a blanket, etc.  He will raise it over his head with both hands and wait for you to say, "Where's Bentley?"  Then, he quickly pulls it down to reveal a wide, two-tooth smile!
  12. Clapping - As of today, Bentley claps, claps, claps.  I've been trying to get him to for a couple of months, and FINALLY...he decided it was a good idea.  The more you say, "Yea," the more he claps.  So sweet!
That's all the tricks I can think of right now, but that's quite a lot of progress in the last month. 

Here are some of Bentley's favorite things:
  • Bath time (still) - I think this will forever be a favorite activity in the Bowling household.
  • His name - If you recall, I painted the letters of his name to go on the wall in his room.  Everyday, he points to the letters saying "dat."  I say "B-E-N-T-L-E-Y...Bentley!"  He smiles his biggest smile and says, "dat."
  • Walking with his truck or plane - He likes to ride them, too.  He sits on them and rocks back and forth to let you know he's ready to GO!
  • Doing laundry - Well, not so much doing laundry...He likes to ride in the laundry basket.  I can say, "You want to ride?"  He will crawl over and stand up by the basket waiting for me to put him in.  Too funny!
  • Playing with Daddy's golf clubs - Daniel has a club we keep in the kitchen now.  Bentley plays with it every night while we make dinner.
  • Opening the cabinet doors and drawers - We have recently invested in the safety latches for drawers and cabinet doors.  Bentley gets really excited when he finds one that we forget to close. 
  • Dishwasher - This was a favorite at 10 months old, and I don't think that's going to change anytime soon.  He tries to hold onto the top shelf and stand up on the door.  He has succeeded quite a few times!
  • Stairs - Bentley loves to hold onto the wrought iron spindles and play like he's in jail.  He has also learned to crawl up the stairs (with supervision, of course).  He's so funny to watch.  He does really good for the first little while, be he starts grunting as he gets closer to the top.  17 stairs is hard work for a little guy.
  • FOOD! - Bentley loves big boy food.  No more baby food at all!  His two favorites right now are spaghetti and smoked sausage.  He eats and eats and eats when we have those meals.  He still loves sweet potatoes, bananas, pears, crackers, ham, turkey, yogurt, goldfish, and crunchies.  He has eaten grilled zucchini and squash, grilled chicken, white potatoes (baked and mashed), mac n' cheese, grapes, plums, kiwi, and more.  He's so cute when he eats.  He doesn't like to be fed anymore, so he thinks he can do it all himself.  A little messy, but at least he's eating.

So you know, the 10th month was filled with fun and sickness.  Bentley learned so much and had a blast, but he endured about three weeks of being sick.  He had an ear infection in his left ear, followed by a really bad ear infection in his right ear, followed by RSV.  He was a pretty sick kiddo there for a while, but now he's doing great!  Hopefully we've done our time for the time being!  Due to all the sickness, his appetite has suffered a little, so I don't think he's gained any weight at all.  He's definitely growing taller, but he still weighs just over 17 pounds.  Skinny little boy...maybe he will fatten up as his appetite returns.

Hmmm...what's this pickle thing?

I may as well give it a taste.
Holy Moly!  That's sour!
Well, that's all for now. There was a lot to add for 11 months, and I know there will be even more for 12 months...or should I say, ONE-YEAR-OLD!!!

So you know, I am a very busy Mommy right now. I'm planning his first birthday party, and I'm having a BLAST!  The Very Hungry Caterpillar makes for some really cute birthday party ideas...hint hint!!!

Swinging for the first time. 

What fun!

His hair was blowing in the wind!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Making Me Smile

Too cute to pass in his hat like Daddy.

Bentley is getting into so much these days, and it seems like he has a new trick everyday.  His latest favorites include playing on the stairs (don't freak out) and walking with his truck.  He won't walk alone yet, but we are getting closer.  My favorite trick is blowing kisses.  He's so sweet about it, and he melts my heart.  I hope these make you smile as much as they did me.

Just a quick post to get you all through the rest of the week...Happy Wednesday!

Friday, March 2, 2012

a BIG weekend

Bentley had a big weekend, so he thought he'd share some pictures and stories about everything he did.  Enjoy...

It was his Nana Kay's 50th birthday!  WooHoo!  We celebrated with family at Top 'O The River, and it was so delicious.  There were about 30 people there, and Bentley got to see some family members he rarely gets to see.  Even though it was past his bedtime (we weren't even seated until after 7:00), Bentley was so good, and he stayed awake through the entire party.  We only got a couple of pictures because it was so hectic, but here's what we came up with.

Hey, Daddy.  I'm a little tired, but I just can't sleep. 
(Bentley usually sleeps in the car, but not on this 45 minute drive...go figure.)

I had fun with my Uncle Clay.  I don't see him much, so we had some catching up to do.

Bentley was an onlooker during the Birthday song.  Coen and Ty were in the middle of it all! :)

Hey, Nana...can we help you blow out the candles??

Nana and Coen...too cute!

Happy Birthday, Nana! 
I love you! 
Love, Bentley

Sunday was an exciting day!  Bentley played his first round of GOLF!  I think Daddy was more excited than Bentley, but Bentley had a great time.  The weather was beautiful, but it was a little more windy than we expected.  Bentley kept his jacket on and wore his hood the entire time.  Finally, after hole # 10, I decided to take him to the Clubhouse.  His little cheeks were pink, and I didn't know if it was from the wind or the sun.  Better safe than sorry.  Within just a few minutes, his little cheeks were back to normal, so no lasting issues.  Bentley was really good.  He watched Daddy tee off on each hole, and he got to get out of the cart and go to the green at each hole.  Too cute!  I think we have a future golfer on our hands.  (Especially if his Daddy has anything to do with it.)

I am having so much fun...lip gloss in one hand and a golf club head cover in the other.  I have to help Mommy and Daddy keep up with their stuff.

It's my turn...I'm so excited!

Aha!  I got it!

I can get it!  I can get it!

Sorry, Daddy.  You'll have to find another ball to play with.

I like playing in the Clubhouse, Mommy! 
Bentley made a couple of friends, although they were probably 50 years older than him. :)

The Hungry Caterpillar is a good friend.  You'll hear more about him at a later date.

Bentley had his first serving of SPAGHETTI on Sunday night...need I say more???

Hmmm...what is this ooey, gooey sketti stuff???

I wouldn't eat it off the spoon, but I think my hands are pretty good utensils.


Yummy!  I think this is my new favorite food!
That's that!  Bentley had a good weekend filled with fun, sports and delicious food.  Stay tuned for more!