

Monday, March 19, 2012

Fun with Friends!

Our weekend was a little bit eventful.  We did the usual, which is a day of cleaning on Saturday (including lots of playtime).  To follow that up, we went to dinner with my college girlfriends, Krista and Jessica, and their families.  TONS of fun!!  While Saturday was a blast...Sunday was not so good.  I was sick ALL DAY!  I'm better today, but still not great.  More on that later...

For now, here are some pictures of Bentley playing on Saturday while I did some laundry.  BTW...we've accomplished another milestone.  Bentley took 5 steps on Saturday, and we are expecting more soon.  We may have a walker by his 1st birthday...only time will tell!

Walking with my walker...this thing is SO cool.  I can go anywhere.

Sweet profile :)

I love when he sits like this...I think he looks like such a big boy.  And, YES, his pants are too big!

Little hands...they make me melt.

Hey Mommy, what is that outside?  (He was watching a bird.)


I'm coming for you!

Siblings...too cute!
After lots of playtime, we went and did a little shopping and then met Jess and Krista at Wings.  YUM YUM!!  Bentley had a good time playing with all the pretty girls!

Payton (3), Bentley (11 months), Brinlee (4), and Marlee (2)

Making funny faces!

Bentley really enjoyed playing in Marlee's booster seat.

Brinlee was such a big helper...she made sure Bentley stayed safe.

All the girls needed a quick rest.

Handsome man!

Brinlee and Payton decided to take a break....

....So did Marlee.
We had a blast.  We always forget how much fun we have together until we get together again.  It's neat that our kids will grow up as friends.  Right now there are four kiddos, but we got some news Saturday night that will change a few things.  Congrats, Krista and Vann!  Baby #3 is on the way!  (a boy, we hope). 

On Sunday morning, Bentley thought it was time to rise and shine at 5:30.  I think we actually got out of bed at 6:30, but that's still early for Sunday.  I felt completely fine until about 8:00.  By 9:00, I was not okay.  I thought maybe it was something I ate, but by 3:00 and 9 moments of sickness, I knew differently.  I went to a Doc-in-the-Box here in town, and they checked me for Strep, Flu, Mono, and Pneumonia.  All of those were negative, so we determined it was a virus.  It was a simple bug that caused severe vomiting, body aches, and fever.  I was MISERABLE!  I did get some medication for nausea and vomiting, so that helped.  I slept until 7:20 this morning (late for me), and stayed home from school to recuperate.  I went ahead and sent Bentley to school to give myself a chance to rest because there is no rest with an 11 month old zooming about.  I've had an okay day.  I have managed to eat a little and I've kept everything down.  I'll be going to work tomorrow, so I hope I have more energy then.  I am super tired today with very little strength, but maybe that will improve quickly.

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