

Friday, July 27, 2012

Odds and Ends

I have some pictures, videos, and stories that don't really fit in anywhere, so here is my hodge podge of posts.  Enjoy!

This first set is from the 4th of July.  I know, I know...that was almost a month ago, but sometimes you gotta take what you can get.  We went over to Russ and Cyndel's on the 3rd for sprinkler fun and Beer Can Chicken.  It was fun and yummy!

Car wash anyone???

Sweet loving!

Too cute!

 A little confused about the chair situation...hmmmm.
 On the 4th we went to Daniel's parents' house for a cookout, fun in the sun, and fireworks.  Bentley LOVED the fireworks.  He jumped a little on the really loud ones, but he told us over and over again..."LIGHT!"

Mmmmm!  I love cantaloupe!

Ooooo Aaaaaa!  The fireworks are amazing! 
The next set of pics you'll see are from Pump It Up here in Huntsville.  Joseph and Matthew, both students in my class last year, had their birthday parties there, and we were invited.  I wondered how Bentley would take to the enormous inflatables, but he LOVED them...especially the 25 foot slide I had to climb with him about 50 times!

Sliding with Mommy!

Sliding with Daddy!

Taking a break with Bunny!

Here's a video of Bentley taking the plunge by himself.

The next couple of pics are of Nana and Jimmy.  They came by on Jimmy's motorcycle, so Bentley had to check it out.  He was scared at first, but as soon as he got to see the lights and honk the horn by pushing a button...he was sold!

If you look across the street in front of the door, you'll see the neighbors cat, Sunny.  Bentley LOVES Sunny, and calls her throughout the day everyday!  "Kitty kitty kitty!"  (In his language of course)

Check out my bike, Jimmy!  You aint got nothin' on me!
The next thing you'll see is a video of Bentley being a daredevil.  Cyndel's aunt and uncle have a cool inflatable slide at their pool, and Bentley had the best time with it.  He is not afraid of ANYTHING having to do with water! 

Finally, here's a peek at Bentley's first visit to the dentist.  The good news...he looks great, and we are doing everything we are supposed to...brushing twice a day, no juice or milk in the bed (or after brushing teeth), and getting his first check-up early.  The dentist said he expects Bentley not to have any cavities if we continue to be so proactive!  YEA!!  Bentley did great.  No fussing, no tears, just Mommy's big boy!

Waiting patiently.

Using his new toothbrush as a hairbrush.

Laid back for the Doc to take a look.

Look at those pearly whites!

All done!  Ready for his prizes!
Thanks Dr. Brown!
Bentley still only has four teeth, but his CRAZY slobber is telling me there are more to come soon.  We will see how long it takes to get these in! 

Hope you enjoyed the hodge podge of posting!  Now that I'm caught up, maybe I can stay on track now.  Have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

15 Months Old and CRAFTY!

I realize that this post is a bit late, but I've been battling the wonderful world of "out of space-ness" for my pictures on the blog.  So, we'll see how this goes! :)

To's a few pictures I took at McGucken Park one day when it was entirely too hot to be playing outside.  You'll notice NOBODY else was at the park!

Like I said, we were the only people there!

He thought he was BIG STUFF in this tunnel!

Bentley turned 15 months old on July 11th.  He is growing like a weed, learning more and more every day, and getting the most hilarious sense of humor.  He knows when to laugh, knows how to make us laugh, and is a complete ham when he knows he's in the spotlight.  He's talking more and more, though many of his words are still just that..."his words."  As his mother, I can understand lots of what he says, but there are still some things that I just can't figure out.

Bentley still uses most of the words I've listed in previous posts, though some of them have changed.  Here's some new words to add to his list:
  1. hot - He says to anything that is remotely warm, could be hot, or he isn't supposed to touch.  It's really cute to see him say it when we go outside.  He knows it's HOT in Alabama! 
  2. be with a short /e/ - bed (He started stringing a couple of words together with this one.  "Sissy bed" and he's also said "Dada toothbrush." 
  3. rog - frog (He was saying this when I got him out of bed the other day.  There are frogs are one of his blankets, so he was pointing them out.)
  4. boo - He loves to play peek-a-boo, but more than that, he loves for you to jump out and scare him saying "BOO!"
  5. de - peace (As he holds up two fingers above his funny!!)
  6. wee wee - I think we all know what this is! :)
  7. blah - balloon (He LOVES balloons!)
  8. nonono - no (He only repeats this right now, so I'm waiting for the dreaded day that he uses it appropriately!)
  9. dit - sit (He says this with a big smile as he STANDS on his rocking firetruck.  He also says it to sit with me on the couch so he can sit on Sissy's bed.)
  10. boom boom - Have you heard the Luke Bryan song, Drunk On You?  "Girl you make my speakers go boom boom..."  Every now and then he will even say it in the right place in the music.  If he hears a country song that is similar to that one, he says, "boom boom."  So funny!

Here's a list of "Bentley language" that only we (Mommy and Daddy) can seem to understand.
  1. danger danger - This is what I've said to Bentley when he's near something dangerous since he could possibly get into anything dangerous.  Having worked with special needs children, I've learned that kids can become conditioned to the word, "No."  If they hear it all the time, it loses it's shock factor and means nothing.  So, when faced with danger (an outlet, the oven, a knife, etc.) we call it just that "danger danger."  While it may not be cute when I say it, Bentley sticks his hand out flat, waves it back and forth, and with a very low and forceful voice, says something that is supposed to mean "danger danger."  IT IS ADORABLE!!
  2. dirty - After changing Bentley's diaper, I tell him, "Shooee, this is dirty."  So, he takes it to the trash saying something I can't make out.  Now, anytime anything goes in the trash, we get to here his little language saying "dirty" how only he can.
  3. bah bah (really loudly) - This is the reaction you get when you sneeze, so, yes...Bentley is saying "Bless you."
I cannot believe how much Bentley seems to understand.  He just soaks everything up, and it AMAZES me!  Here's a couple of examples...

Today, we were playing in the floor, and he wanted me to chase him, so I laid in the floor and pretended to be sleeping.  (Snoring loudly, of course)  He saddled up on my back, giddy-uped his way to happiness, then laid on my back and started snoring!  I laughed until I cried.  Just like that...he picked up that eyes closed + snoring = sleeping, and he imitated me!  To top it off, we were cleaning upstairs, and I put his changing pad in the floor to dust his dresser.  I looked over and he was laying on the changing pad flat on his back with his eyes squinted together (trying to peek) snoring!!!  Oh my goodness...can he get any funnier!

His favorite book is still Brown Bear, so we read it ALL THE TIME!  He can now point out the bear, bird, frog, cat (kitty kitty), dog (Sissy), and the fish (fishy).  He also makes animal sounds for the bear (rrrrraaaahhhhrrr), cat (his version of "kitty kitty"), dog (he whines like Sissy does at the dinner table), fish (bubble because I say blub blub), and the teacher (shhhh).  The page that all the children has a little boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, so I tell Bentley that it's Coen.  He constantly turns to that page and points to that boy.  He won't stop until I tell him it's Coen.

He can do his shape sorter (cookie jar), now.  I have to help him decide which one goes where, but he maneuvers the shape around until he can make it fit in the hole.  I say the shapes as he does them, and he tries so hard to repeat me.  He just can't seem to say them yet. 

Bentley has some new favorite things this month...

  1. Bunny - He still loves his Bunny and has to have him to sleep and sometimes to ride in the car.  As a reminder, he calls his Bunny "Mama."  I've learned something new here lately...I thought he called it mama because he associated it with me...WRONG!  Apparently, that's just how he says "bunny."  All bunnies (in books, on TV, stuffed animals, etc.) are called "mama."  So much for my Oh So Sweet theory!  :(
  2. Baths - He likes baths in his tub or in Mommy's...That's sometimes the only way Mommy gets a bath...I have to share the tub!
  3. Books/Reading - He still likes to choose his bedtime story.  Lately, we've read Goodnight Moon.  He points out the kitty kitty, balloon, bunny, cow, and moon. 
  4. Riding, Pushing, Pulling Toys - Basically, anything that moves. (rocking firetruck, musical truck, Little Tikes car, lawnmower, etc.)
  5. Dancing - Bentley loves dancing, and he's so cute doing it.  For a while he just bounced his knees, but now he adds a little head shaking and head banging into the mix. 
  6. Swimming - Or should I say jumping off the side?  He is FEARLESS around the water.  He will walk/jump right off the side of the pool whether you are there to catch him or now.  Thankfully, he doesn't mind going under!
  7. Snack Containers - You read that right...I bought the non spill snack containers that he can slip his hand into without spilling food everywhere.  He will eat until the snacks are gone then carry the container around...hilarious!
  8. Bubbles - He loves all bubbles...blowing bubbles, making bubbles in the bath with soap, bubbles in the oil cooking onion rings, bubbles in your coke you pour over ice...bubbles...bUbBlEs...BUBBLES!
  9. Sissy - He LOVES Porsche!  He's getting a little more hands-on, which is NOT okay with Porsche.  Bentley is trying to touch her more and chase her around, and Porsche liked him much more when he left her alone.
  10. Cleaning - I'm enjoying it while I can!  Bentley loves playing with the broom, hardwood duster, and vacuum cleaner.  Maybe he'll keep that love when he's actual old enough to do those things effectively!
  11. Playing Chase - He gets down on the floow on all fours, looks back with a "come and get me" look, and takes off!  He laughs uncontrollably!  So sweet!
There is ONE MORE THING that is noteworthy for this past month...The day after we returned from the beach, we lost a dear friend...THE PACIFIER!  Bentley woke up Monday morning, started playing with his toys, and spit that sucker out.  It rolled under the couch, so I said to myself, "Today's the day!  Let's see how this goes."  When he asked for it again, I said, " We don't have it anymore.  It went bye bye."  He fussed for about 10 seconds.  He asked for it a couple more times with a whiny voice, but I said the same thing each time.  After a few days, we never heard from it again.  I honestly don't thing we had any tears shed over it.  Much easier than expected!

Okay, wait!  There's ONE MORE THING that is noteworthy!  For the last three Friday nights, Bentley has spent the night with his grandparents.  That's right...I finally got up the nerve to let him leave me!  Yes, I was a nervous wreck.  Yes, I called and checked on him and insisted that they call me when he was asleep for the night.  Yes, I cried when I left him and again when I realized he didn't really need me at bedtime.  Yes, I made it through the night.  Yes, I missed him like crazy!  Yes, I had a wonderful time with my loving husband as we went on our merry way without a baby, car seat, diaper bag, extra food, toys, extra clothes, juice, and booster seats.  Yes, I will continue to miss him every Friday night from now on!

Like I said before, I am amazed at how much he's picking up these days.  Bentley just seems to understand so much.  It is so awesome to see little lights come on as he learns new things.  Speaking of that...I think he finally actually understands that I am "Mama."  He's called me that for a long time, and he's said "mama" when he wanted me, but he's never pointed me out in pictures or just said my name without needing something else.  Last week, he sat up while I was singing to him before bed, and so seriously, yet sweetly, he pointed to my chest and said, "Mama."  I said, "Yes, I'm your Mama."  He smiled, touched my chest again, and with the sweetest, tiniest, proudest voice, said, "Mama."  Then he laid his head back down and let me finish my song.  Yes, yes, was one of those moments.  One of those moments that makes me melt as I remember it so clearly.  One of those moments that makes me want to keep him little forever.  One of those moments that makes me so proud of my baby and so proud to be his Mama.  I love my baby!

Okay...I know you are sick of reading, so I will quickly go over his stats from the 15 month check up at the doctor. 

Height - 31 1/2 inches (60th percentile)
Weight - 18 pounds 3 ounces (not on the chart...scrawny!)
Head circumference - 10th percentile
Language - Advanced
Vaccines - 2 shots, no reactions at all! :)

Telling Dr. Gunter about the "LIGHT."

She's really nice to let him use all her stuff.  Maybe he will be a doctor someday.

Big stick!

After going to the doctor, Bentley got a good nap, ate a good lunch, and then he and I got crafty!  We read The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and he kept turning to the butterfly page at the end, so I decided we would make butterflies.  It was so much fun, he cooperated perfectly, and we ended up with a beautiful butterfly garden!

Materials needed: coffee filters, watercolor paint/markers (we used bingo markers from the Dollar Tree), spray bottle with water, pipe cleaners, and paper plates and paper towels to help with the mess.

dot dot dot
He just wanted to put the lid back on..."bye bye"

Hairbrush?  Not so much...

The colors on Bentley's first butterfly are complete!

I sprayed each of them with a little water so the colors would bleed together.

Here's how one of the butterflies looked after drying.
(If you're in a huge hurry, you could used a hair dryer to dry these quicker!)

Fold the filter like a fan.

Wrap the pipe cleaner around the center and give your butterfly antennae.

Spread your wings!


Bentley had the opportunity to look at each and every butterfly!

Here's our butterflies hanging from the light fixture.

So much fun, and so cute!
I had such a good time crafting with my little man, and he did so good!  I can't wait until out next craft extravaganza!  I still have so much posting to catch up on, so we'll see how quickly I can catch up.  Until then...ENJOY!