

Friday, July 27, 2012

Odds and Ends

I have some pictures, videos, and stories that don't really fit in anywhere, so here is my hodge podge of posts.  Enjoy!

This first set is from the 4th of July.  I know, I know...that was almost a month ago, but sometimes you gotta take what you can get.  We went over to Russ and Cyndel's on the 3rd for sprinkler fun and Beer Can Chicken.  It was fun and yummy!

Car wash anyone???

Sweet loving!

Too cute!

 A little confused about the chair situation...hmmmm.
 On the 4th we went to Daniel's parents' house for a cookout, fun in the sun, and fireworks.  Bentley LOVED the fireworks.  He jumped a little on the really loud ones, but he told us over and over again..."LIGHT!"

Mmmmm!  I love cantaloupe!

Ooooo Aaaaaa!  The fireworks are amazing! 
The next set of pics you'll see are from Pump It Up here in Huntsville.  Joseph and Matthew, both students in my class last year, had their birthday parties there, and we were invited.  I wondered how Bentley would take to the enormous inflatables, but he LOVED them...especially the 25 foot slide I had to climb with him about 50 times!

Sliding with Mommy!

Sliding with Daddy!

Taking a break with Bunny!

Here's a video of Bentley taking the plunge by himself.

The next couple of pics are of Nana and Jimmy.  They came by on Jimmy's motorcycle, so Bentley had to check it out.  He was scared at first, but as soon as he got to see the lights and honk the horn by pushing a button...he was sold!

If you look across the street in front of the door, you'll see the neighbors cat, Sunny.  Bentley LOVES Sunny, and calls her throughout the day everyday!  "Kitty kitty kitty!"  (In his language of course)

Check out my bike, Jimmy!  You aint got nothin' on me!
The next thing you'll see is a video of Bentley being a daredevil.  Cyndel's aunt and uncle have a cool inflatable slide at their pool, and Bentley had the best time with it.  He is not afraid of ANYTHING having to do with water! 

Finally, here's a peek at Bentley's first visit to the dentist.  The good news...he looks great, and we are doing everything we are supposed to...brushing twice a day, no juice or milk in the bed (or after brushing teeth), and getting his first check-up early.  The dentist said he expects Bentley not to have any cavities if we continue to be so proactive!  YEA!!  Bentley did great.  No fussing, no tears, just Mommy's big boy!

Waiting patiently.

Using his new toothbrush as a hairbrush.

Laid back for the Doc to take a look.

Look at those pearly whites!

All done!  Ready for his prizes!
Thanks Dr. Brown!
Bentley still only has four teeth, but his CRAZY slobber is telling me there are more to come soon.  We will see how long it takes to get these in! 

Hope you enjoyed the hodge podge of posting!  Now that I'm caught up, maybe I can stay on track now.  Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. He is such a cutie!! Yes, let's get together again before the summer is over!
