

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Much Needed Vacation Days

Beach Baby
The stress of work and everything else that comes with being an adult has been exhausting over the last year, so we were in need of a vacation!  We had such a good time last year, we decided to have the same crew along again.  So...Russ, Cyndel, and Coen, as well as Chris, Kayla, and Karington accompanied us to PCB...again!  We had a great time, and we have some photos to prove it.

We went down on Tuesday afternoon (arriving a little after 7:00 PM), and we returned on Sunday.  We had some YUMMY food, good company, fabulous weather, and lots of time with friends. 

It took Bentley a couple of days to learn to enjoy the sand, and even then his joy was short-lived.  He enjoyed himself MUCH more at the pool, so he and I (and sometimes Daddy) spent a lot of time swimming in the pool while everyone else stayed at the beach.  He is a little fishy.  He doesn't mind getting wet, doesn't mind going under, and loves for you to throw him in the air. 

Our first full day was spent swimming (and napping for the kiddos), and we finished up with dinner at The Boatyard.  This is one of my favorite places...the food is so good, and the atmosphere is perfect.  Bentley didn't mind waiting for a table.  He made himself at home out on the deck in front of the restaurant.

Gotta love those eyelashes...I'm jealous!

Ha ha

Sneakity Sneak

He needed to rest for a minute.
Day two was, again, spent swimming the day away!  The weather was perfect, so we took full advantage.  That evening we headed out to Tacky Jacks, a fairly new place in the harbor.  The tables surround a pool, there's live music, and the food was pretty good, too.

The kiddos were all climbing up to see the big fish.

Maybe not all smiles, but they are all in the picture.

A beautiful picture of Karington.

Silly boys!

Dancing the night away out on the pool deck at Tacky Jacks!
Day three was spent much the same as the other days...swimming, napping, swimming, napping...I think you catch my drift.  We finally got some good pics of Bentley enjoying the water.  You'll notice our beach photos are not that great.  Mister Man decided to take his second nap a little early that day, so he was ready for nap #3.  He was G.R.U.M.P.Y!!!!!  We have lots of pictures of him fighting me and crying...only a couple without tears, so we will take what we can get.  We ate dinner at Saltwater Grill, and it was AMAZING...never disappoints!

Little Fishy!

Bentley and the Swim Coach (a.k.a Daddy)

Walking in the sand...a little difficult for this little guy.

He didn't love the ocean, but he tolerated it a little better each day.

Taking a break at the pool.

Suntan anyone???


Wakey wakey sleepyheads!

Chris, Kayla, and Karington

Russ, Cyndel, and Coen (and baby Reese will make his appearance in a couple of months).

As good as it gets when Mister Man NEEDS a nap!

We attempted to get all three kids in this can see that didn't work out.
On our final day, we made sure to soak up as much sun as possible.  It was a little overcast with the threat of rain all day, but we lucked out and the rain didn't start until the middle of dinner.  We stayed out on the beach and at the pool all day and enjoyed a delicious dinner at crazy cheap prices at The Wicked Wheel that evening.

Getting long as Daddy is nearby.

Look Mommy, there is something stuck to my fingers (sand).

Napping on a boogy board.

Bentley and Karington napping together.

Karington woke up talking to Bentley saying, "Hey baby." 
She needed some loving!

Bentley thought Karington looked famished...a little goldfish shoud do the trick.

Coen and Karington swimming together.

Coen LOVES to be thrown in the air...though you wouldn't know it from the look on his face.

The Wicked Wheel has really cool

All the guys!

Bentley found the light!

Mommy and Bentley
Overall, we had a great trip.  Bentley travelled much better than we expected.  We all had a wonderful time, and we are already ready to go back to the beach!  Who knows...maybe we will live there someday...wishful thinking!

More updates to come...stay posted!

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