

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


You might ask, two what? 

Two eyes? Two ears?
Two hands or feet?
Two arms? Two legs?
Two lips, so sweet?

No, I would say.
Not two of one thing.
But two years I've shared
With this precious being.

Lounging in his new chair during a week of sickness.
Man, oh man...I seriously have been putting this post off for the last couple of days.  I've been thinking about it for weeks.  I am having a hard time with "two."  There's just something about it, you know?  I feel like, even if I want him to be my baby, Bentley is just not a baby anymore.  Yes, he's small, and yes, he still needs me, but he's also SO independent.  When people see us out and ask, "How old is he?"  I've been saying, "Almost two."  Everyone is surprised for two reasons.  He's a little small and he's very smart.  Bentley's speech/language is really good for his age, and he listens pretty well most of the time.  (Don't get me wrong...we have our moments, but he's really good for the most part.)  Back to what I was saying...Now, when people say, "How old is he?"  I have to say, "Two."  It's like there is this immediate assumption that he's grown up.  I'm just not ready.

Okay, I'm leaving the whole Poor pitiful Niki; her baby is growing up saga.  I'll share his most recent stats, most recent skills, and some sweet and hilarious stories.

Weight - 22 pounds (I told you he was small)
Height - 33 inches
Teeth - 10 (4 on top, two on bottom, and 4 molars)  He's working on two more right now.
Number of words - a bazillion (Is that even a number?)

Bentley surprises me all the time with what he knows, especially the social cues he's picking up on.  Funny story, one night a couple of weeks ago, I was getting him ready for bed.  We had already done his bath, got PJ's on, read a story, sang a song, said a prayer, and I was just about to lay him down.  Usually, about this time, he says, "My go to bed, Mommy."  Not this night!  He looked around and started naming and talking about stuff.
"My toys in 'ere." (as he pointed to the study/playroom) 
"Bentley's window."  (pointing to the window) 
"Bentley's light." (pointing to his lamp)
"BENTLEY!" (pointing to his name on the wall)
Then, he looked around trying to find something else to talk about.  As he looked and looked, I guess he just couldn't think of anything else to say, so he looked at me with his eyes as big as could be, and he said, "Um, ummmm, ummmmmmm."  Then, he started smiling.  It's like he new he was being funny, and he knew I would get a kick out of him saying, "Um."  I'm pretty sure there is nowhere in a developmental calculator, chart, book, etc. that tells you when kids understand the concept of saying and using, "Um."  Hilarious!

Flashback to the part of his bedtime routine where we sing a song.  If you recall, I have been singing the same song to Bentley since he was a month or two old.  I just made it up after a few nights of rocking him when he was a tiny little baby, and he LOVED it.  It was always our thing.  Well, about a month or two ago, he decided he didn't want to hear that song anymore.  So, sometimes he prefers to go bed without a bedtime song, or he requests one of two songs.  Are you ready for this?  Cruise, by Florida Georgia Line or Wagon Wheel, by Darius Rucker.  REALLY?!?!  Did he have to replace my sweet bedtime song with country music's Top 20 Countdown?  Oh well!

Let's move on to some everyday comments and conversations that Bentley says.  Here are some that are so cute when he says them.

Me: "What's your name?"
B: "Bentley Bowlin'." (He used to say "Bent Bowlin'," so we've made progress.)

Me: "How old are you?"
B: "Bentley Bowlin'."
M: "That's your name.  How many years are you?" (key words "how many")
B: "My 2!" (as he holds up his first two fingers and his thumb...that doggone thumb!)

If you ask where something is or he wants you to go somewhere, you'll here, "Go up 'ere" or "in 'ere."

I LOVE the way he starts sentences that should begin with "I."  He says, "My."
"My go pee pee."
"My go to school."
"My helpin' Mommy."
"My cookin' a brownies."
"My poots, Mama." (Yep, you know what he's saying there.)

I love that he gets so excited about seeing people in our family.  Whether it be a grandparent, a cousin, and aunt or uncle, it's like he hasn't seen them in ages.  The funniest conversation to have with him is about his grandparents.  My family has a Granddaddy, Nana, and Mimi.  Daniel's family has a Granddaddy and Nana.  So, when we say, "Bentley, you get to see Nana today."  His wheels start turning.  So, he starts calling roll.  "Nana Reg?  Nana Kay?"  He does the same thing with with grandfathers, "Dannanny Dave?  Dannanny Buddy?"  He associates certain things with each grandparent, so as soon as you tell him he's going to see one of them, he immediately starts asking about "their thing."  For example, when he goes to my dad's, he asks about the "malower", "hummer", and the "trailer."  When he goes to my mom's, he asks about "the water" (a creek) and the "attic" because of the pitch in the ceiling.  At Daniel's parents, he always wants to know whether Charlie is coming or not.  "Charlie play a me?" (with his hands on his chest)  It's so funny to think that he understands so much.  He usually comes home from all of their houses telling me about what they did.  Sometimes the grandparents will start to tell me something they did on a previous trip, but I already know.  I told them to be careful...Bentley does not keep secrets yet.

I could go on and on and on with cute and funny stories, but I imagine, you all don't want to sit here reading all day.  I'll get to his birthday week.

We started on Sunday April 7th, with Bentley's official Birthday Party!  We invited friends and family to celebrate with a Mickey Mouse themed party.  We had our friend Sean (who does all of our pictures) come to the party, so I'll post those photos later.  Let me tell you...that may have been a party I planned, but it was stinkin' cute.  I am quite crafty, so when I have an excuse to put that skill to use, I take full advantage.  So, good news...the party went off without a hitch.  A few of Bentley's friends were out of town or sick, so they all didn't get to come, but it was still great.  The bad news...Bentley started feeling bad on Saturday, and right smack in the middle of his party, he had diarrhea.  Bless.His.Heart!!!  He was pitiful!  After about 3-4 hours of it, he was more than upset.  I felt so bad because there was nothing I could do.

Bentley and Daddy played dress up after his party on Sunday.
I kept him home on Monday to make sure it wasn't a bug that was going to make everyone at his school sick.  On Monday, though, he started having a super snotty nose.  I thought it was allergies, but after a terrible cough all night Monday and a fever that got up to almost 102, a trip to the doc was in order for Tuesday, so that meant another day off work for Mommy.  He determined it was just a bad cold, but it was bad enough that Bentley didn't go to school Wednesday or Thursday either.  Nana Reg stayed home with him Wednesday, and Daniel stayed home with him Thursday.  By Friday, he no longer had fever, but his ears started draining, and we knew  it had turned into an infection.  Uggghhh!  More meds...hopefully he will be better soon.  To top off not feeling well, he didn't eat hardly anything all week.  The last thing he needed to do was lose weight, but barely ate anything from Saturday through Thursday.  Finally, Thursday night, he started eating a little more normal. 

I totally just skipped Bentley's real birthday!  Rewind!  Thursday, April 11th, was Bentley's actual birthday.  I must say, it didn't start off too good for me.  Since Daniel was staying home with him and I was going to school, I didn't want to wake him up before I left.  So, I didn't get to tell him "Good Morning" or "Happy Birthday" when he first got up.  It might be silly, but I was so sad.  It all worked out, though.  Daniel sent me a few pictures and texts throughout the morning, and because of the weather, I got out of school at 12:30.  Bentley had just gotten up from his nap when I got home, so we got to spend the rest of the day together.  We did some basic cleaning (sweeping, vacuuming, and laundry), all of which Bentley loves to do.  We watched the weather, and I mean watched the weather.  We sat on the back patio and watched the clouds roll in until it was too rainy and windy to stay out anymore. 

'Wingin to the moon and back!

Listening closely to the "dunder" and watching the "lightnin'."

Then, we made brownies.  I even let Bentley help me measure out what we needed.  He loves to cook, and he loves brownies, but more than that, he LOVES brownie batter! :)

Ready to make "bownies"


Measuring out 2 tablespoons of water

Pouring carefully into the bowl

Pouring the oil into the bowl...otherwise knows as "ooool."

"Missin' it"

" yummy!"

A little double dipping never killed anyone, did it?

He was feeling a lot better, so we invited Russ, Cyndel, Coen, and Reese to go to Mellow Mushroom with us, and then we came back home to eat the brownies that Bentley baked.  The boys played together for too long.  By the time they left, Bentley had transformed into a grump.  So, I have a couple of cute pictures of Daniel and Bentley, but none of me and Bentley.  He wasn't going to have his picture made!

Mommy and Bentley at Mellow Mushroom.

"Happy Birthday, Dear Bentley!"

So excited about his "canles."

Blowing out the candles.

Eating the "pankles."

"Oh no! 'Pankles in 'ere!"
The sprinkles were falling into the holes that the candles left in his brownie.

Eating like such big'd think he's two or something.

Giving Daddy night night loving sweet!
Is your heart melting yet?
Overall, he had a pretty good birthday, with the exception of still not feeling 100%.  He went back to school on Friday, but I know he still felt a little crummy.  Throughout the weekend, he's gotten a lot better, so maybe next week will go well.

So, here's a list of a few more things that Bentley has done lately.
  • Potty Training - On the last post I mentioned potty training, and he was doing well, but now he's doing even better.  He rarely has a pee pee accident anymore at home, and it's usually after a lot of water or juice if he does.  He has also pooped in the potty three times this past week.  YAY! Progress!  He has more accidents at school, but I think it's because there are a lot more distractions for him and his teachers.  We'll get there!
  • Why? - He started asking "Why?" over the last couple of weeks.  Sometimes he does it appropriately, like yesterday when we were going out, I said, "We are going outside." He said, "Why?" he really wanted to know.  Other times, he will walk up to me, look up, and say, "Why, Mommy?"  I say, "Why what?"  He just repeats, "Why, Mommy."  So funny.
  • "My helpin'" - Bentley helps me do EVERYTHING!  He helps do laundry, vacuum, dust, clean toilets, sweep, mop, do dishes, cook, set the table, write, cut, glue, fix my hair, brush my teeth (and his), paint name it...he helps do it!  He cracks me up because he gets so proud of himself and says, "My helpin' Mommy" or "My helpin' Daddy."
  • Need vs. Do - Bentley is always in need of something or doing something, so he says.  Here are some phrases we hear All.The.Time.
    • "I need it." or "My need it."
    • "I do it." or "My do it."
    • "I get it." or "My get it."
  • He is very in tuned to his surroundings, and is very observant to things he hears and sees.  Bentley can hear a lawnmower from a mile away, as well as an "airpane," and a "hepitopper."  He loves to see "diggers," a "'cool bus," and a "bug t-ruck." 
  • Anything that starts with the /tr/ sound is enunciated into /t//r/.  Anything that starts with an s blend (snow, skate, smart, stop, etc.) just loses the /s/ sound.  Sometimes he starts words with a /c/ sound, but not always.  A lot of times, a /c/ sounds like a /t/. For example, a cup might sounds like "tup."
  • Bentley's /l/ sound is hilarious right now, especially when it is near the start of a word, like flower, blower, or lawnmower.  He sticks his tongue WAY out to say these words, which makes them sound a little funny.
  • Golfing - Bentley went golfing with Daddy on Sunday, which he loved despite the nasty weather.  He would put his ball inches from the hole and hit it in with his putter, followed by a big "YAY!"  The funniest part of our golfing trip was riding the "pop-tart."  Yep...hilarious!  Bentley wanted a pop-tart for breakfast, so later on, when we started talking about riding in a golf cart, he just couldn't get past the "pop-tart."  He kept saying, "My ridin' in a pop-tart."  I would say, "Say golf."  Bentley would say, "Dolf."  I would say, "C-Cart."  He would said, "Tart."  I would say, "Golf cart."  Bentley would follow with, "Pop-Tart."  So funny!
Eating his Pop-Tart Sunday morning.

He placed his ball inches from the hole.

So excited that he hit it in!

He got back to the golf cart ("pop tart") before us, so he got Daniel's phone and was checking the pollen count.
We went to the 2013 Walk for Autism on Saturday, and Bentley had a blast!  He got to play in bounce houses, go on an inflatable slide, ride in his wagon, eat popcorn and popsicles, and meet some pretty cool characters.

Meeting Jerry the Frog, the Autism Society of Alabama's mascot.

Sweet Frogs, a frozen yogurt shop in Huntsville, sent their mascots to the Walk.  Bentley gave the Lady Frog a hug.

Nothing like a good green popsicle!
 And the BIG REVEAL...

Bentley met Mickey Mouse.  He hopped out of his wagon and gave Mickey a HUGE hug!  Then he got a little shy.  He looks a little worried in this picture, but he was actually saying "Cheeeese!"
Okay...I could go ON and ON and ON with funny stories, but I guess that's enough for now.  Like I said, I will have pictures of his party to post soon, and we will get his two-year photos done soon.  That's almost all for now. 

Before I go...Bentley's Favorite Things:
  1. Playing outside ("pay ouside")
  2. Playgrounds (paygown)
  3. Bathtime (" 'wimming" on his belly and blowing bubbles in the water)
  4. Anything with a motor (trucks, diggers, buses, lawnmowers, four-wheelers, etc.)
  5. Household chores (I sure wish this one would hang around for years to come.)
  6. Bunny and "Bankie"
Favorite Foods:
  1. Spaghetti ("dettie")
  2. Pizza
  3. Macaroni and Cheese ("wacaroni")
  4. Fruit ("dapes," "nanas," "tawbewies," "buebewies")
  5. Fruit snacks ("'nacks")
  6. Snickerdoodle Muffins ("cimanon muppins")
  7. Yogurt (of any kind)
  8. Hot Dogs
  9. Popcorn
  10. Brownies ("bownies")
Favorite Words:
  1. "No!" (We hear this ALL the time...I'm ready for this phase to pass!)
  2. "My do it!"
  3. "Hold me, Mama!"
  4. Peek-a-boo (playing with Bunny in the car mostly)
  5. "airpane"
  6. "digger"
  7. "I see it!" (If he sees something or wants to see something)
  8. "Daddy is?"  (Code for "Where is Daddy?")
Bentley's yearly pictures...

7:34 PM, April 11, 2011

7:34 PM, April 11, 2012
7:34 PM, April 11, 2013

To My Sweet Boy,
Bentley, you are the light of my life.  If only I could make you feel all the love I have for you.  I love you so much it hurts; it literally hurts my heart to think of what you have brought to mine and Daddy's lives.  You are so special, and you are so precious.  I know you will do great things one day.  For now, just be happy, live life, have fun, love others, make friends, love God, and share your laughter and innocence.  You are so smart, and you are so funny.  I can only imagine who you will be someday.  Someday you won't want hugs and kisses.  Someday you'll want to spend time with friends rather than Mommy and Daddy.  Someday you will find a girl that makes your heart flutter the way mine does for Daddy.  But right now, you are my baby.  You are my little boy.  Right now, you are what I love most about myself.  I love being your Mommy, and I want nothing more than to always be your Mommy. 
                                                                    I love you, love you, love you!

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