

Monday, April 8, 2013

Easter...Hopped On By

Well, Easter was only a week ago, but it feels like a century.  Being busy makes time fly by, but I need it stand still for just a bit.  I've got a ton of pictures to share, so hold on tight!

First of all, I was off for Spring Break the week before Easter, so Bentley and I had some much needed lovey, dovey, snuggle, play, and get back to business time.  It was so nice to be able to "play house" for while.  To start the week, Bentley and I were both sick with colds and sinus infections.  I finally ended up at the doctor's office with a sinus infection, upper respiratory infection, and an ear infection.  Even though we felt pretty bad, and the weather was far from "springy," we made the best of it.  We got together with friends, planned Bentley's birthday party, had lunch with Daddy, and just played and played and played! 

Bentley's favorite activity...Daddy mowing for the first time this year.  He still has an obsession with lawnmowers, so he was SO excited when Daniel said he was going to mow.  Bentley was so excited that he tried to run out the door with just one shoe on.  He got a little nervous when he realized how loud the mower is.  (I guess he forgot since last summer.)  Since it was super dusty and the grass was flying everywhere, we ended up coming inside.  Bentley sat at the window the ENTIRE time watching Daddy.  He kept saying, "Daddy mowing outside.  Daddy mowing the grass!" 


My favorite activity...potty training.  Yep, you read that right.  We went to watch Alabama play basketball two weeks ago, and by the time we got to Tuscaloosa, I REALLY needed to find a bathroom.  So, I sent Daniel to find our seats, and Bentley went to the bathroom with me.  While we were in the stall, Bentley said, "My go peepee, Mommy."  The Mommy in me was proud, but the realist in me was saying, "Really?  Right now?  Do you really need to go right now?"  I checked his diaper, and he was dry after being in the car for about 3 hours, so we gave it a try.  Would you believe that he peed immediately, like he'd been doing it all his life?  I screamed and yelled and cheered and offered M&M's.  Daddy was pretty excited, too, when we got to our seats to tell him.  Throughout the game, Bentley peed two more times at the coliseum, once at the restaurant, and once at Chris and Kayla's house.  He had a poopy accident in his diaper, but no peepee accidents all day.  So, the next day was deemed the start of REAL DEAL potty training; thus, no more diapers!  We went straight underwear starting on Sunday, and by Tuesday, he was only having about one accident a day.  He was able to go out and about, and he would tell me when he needed to potty.  So, pee pee, CHECK...poo poo, not so much!  Still working on pooping...if you have any pointers, LET ME KNOW! 

Bentley is still having accidents from time to time, such as when he's playing outside.  Sometimes it's just hard to stop playing long enough to go potty.  He has more accidents at school than he does at home, too.  I guess there's a lot going on and a lot more distractions there.  I can't complain, though.  Practically potty trained before he's two...YIPPEE!

As Spring Break came to a close, it was time to plan for Easter.  We were prepared.  We dyed Easter eggs, had matching outfits, were ready for church and a nice Easter Sunday gathering with family.

On Saturday before Easter, we ate dinner with Chris, Kayla, and Karington, so we dyed eggs with them.  Bentley and Karington were both SO excited.  Bentley kept saying, " Eata eegs!"  He and Karington were absolutely soaking up every second of dying the eggs.  They helped with every step, and were so proud of their work.

Counting...Bentley would say, "Two, three, two, three, two, three, YAY!"

Here is the "YAY" part! :)

Adding stickers for decoration.

He's saying, "Cheeeeeese!"

Hanging out!

When we got home Saturday night, it was time to plan for the Easter Bunny.  Bentley left his dyed eggs (the four that made it home in one piece) and two carrots in his Easter basket so the Easter Bunny would know to stop.

When Bentley got up Easter morning, there was a trail of jelly beans and carrots leading from his room to his Easter basket.  He passed the jelly beans at first, but then it was like a light bulb went off, "Ah ha...I can eat these jelly beans!"  (Disclaimer...Yes, I let him eat jelly beans off the floor.  Yes, I let him eat jelly beans before breakfast.  It was Easter, so there!)  Bentley was so interested in the carrots and jelly beans, he didn't even notice his basket at first.  Then, he saw it...that glorious, fluffy, blue, brand new BUNNY!  Bentley's basket was stocked with jelly beans, M&M's, a chocolate cross, Color Wonder paper and markers by Crayola, a Mickey Mouse Easter book, Mickey Mouse stickers and playdough. 

We started our morning with Cinnabunnies!

Just woke up...seeing jelly beans and carrots.

The trail led down the stairs...

Across the floor...

And to the Easter basket.

"Here go, Daddy," as he handed off the carrot.

Another jelly bean in...

He found Bunny (recently dubbed "New Bunny")

Look at all those goodies!

New Bunny got lots of hugs! of Mommy's favorite activities.  The teacher in me LOVES that pencil grip!
After all that Easter excitement, it was off to church then to Nana and Granddaddy's for lunch.

Asleep on the way to Arab.

Seriously, who is this big boy?  He was so stinkin' cute!  BTW...there were cute little Mickey Mouse undies under those sweet shorts.  Even with all the excitement on Easter, he didn't have any accidents.

Charlie, Ruby Cate, and Bentley

Bentley wanted to sit for the family photo.

Happy Easter, from The Bowlings

Leading up to Easter, I tried to explain to Bentley (as best as you can to an almost two-year-old) the true meaning of Easter.  I don't want him to grow up assuming Easter is just about bunnies, baskets, and gifts.  I want him to know the meaning of Easter, but how much can he really understand.  Here's where it starts...a few months ago, Russ and Cyndel's dog, Lilly, passed away.  Bentley heard Daniel and me talking about Lilly, so he started asking about her.  I explained that Lilly died, so she went to live with Jesus.  I told him that Jesus is in Heaven, but he also lives in your heart.  He, of course, talked about Jesus and Heaven, so I told him Heaven was way up in the sky. 

So, now, at least every other day, and out of nowhere, Bentley will say, "Lilly.  Live with Jesus.  Up there." (as he points to the sky)  You can ask him, "Where is your heart?"  He will usually pull up his shirt, and say, "Right there."  You can say, "Who lives in your heart?"  He will say, "Jesus." 

Another day, he was sitting on the potty, and he could see the cross that sits above the window in the living room.  He said, "Is that?"  I said, "It's a cross.  Jesus died on a cross for you because he loves you."  He said, "Me?  Love Bentley?"  I said, "Yes."  He said, "Love Mommy?"  I said, "Yes, Jesus loves Mommy, too."  He said, "Go see Jesus?"  I said, "Someday, baby.  You'll get to see Jesus."  He said, "Mommy see Jesus?"  I said, "Yes, Mommy will get to see Jesus, too."  He said, "Hold you Jesus?"  I said (with a lump in my throat, because this is one of those moments that puts you in your place), "Yes, baby.  Someday Jesus will hold you."  And just as fast as the conversation started, it was over. 

There have been many nights when we say his prayers and "talk to Jesus" that he asks about Lilly, seeing Jesus, Mommy seeing Jesus, and Jesus holding him.  I just have to take it all in.  The innocence of a child is a gift.  Anyone that gets to experience that innocence is receiving a gift.  It's as if the Lord speaks to us through children.  There's no filter, no gray area, no worries.  Just the knowledge that Jesus loves you, Jesus died for you, and someday, Jesus will hold you. 

Amazing!  I hope you all had a Happy Easter!

Much more to come...Bentley will be two on Thursday, and we had his party yesterday, so there will be an update with photos soon!  Until then I'm wishing you happy days and blessed childlike innocent moments. 

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