

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Two-Year Check-Up

Bentley turned 2 on April 11th, but his doctor was on maternity leave and lots of sicknesses were going around the doctor's office.  So, we decided to wait a little while for his check-up so he could see Dr. Gunter and avoid yucky germs. 

This morning Bentley went for his check-up.  We were called back immediately and the nurse said, "Okay, strip him down to a dry diaper."  It felt good to say, "We aren't in diapers anymore."  Bentley was so cute waiting in his big boy Mickey Mouse style, of course. 
***Sidenote:  Bentley has pooped in the potty TWICE this week!  Maybe we are getting it!  He's a pro at peeing, but pooping has been a challenge.

Check out that farmer's tan.

While waiting for Dr. Gunter, Bentley was weighed and measured.

Height: 35 inches (50th percentile)
Weight: 23 pounds (Not on the chart)

Yes, Bentley is still a little scrawny, but the doctor said he's fine, just thin.  He eats pretty good...just not a lot of fatty foods (no chicken, nothing fried (except French fries), nothing breaded, hardly any bread).  We are keeping him on whole milk for a while just for extra calories. 


As soon as Dr. Gunter came into the room, he asked her for the "hammer."  I had told him earlier that it was Dr. Gunter's and he would have to ask he did!

Playing with the otoscope while the doctor felt of his belly.

Sitting very quietly while she listened to his heart.
Bentley was so good.  He cried a little when he got a shot, but not too bad. 

Of course he showed off his language for Dr. Gunter.  She was impressed by all he says.  He informed her that she was using "sanitizer" when she put some in her hands.  He also told her about "playing in a swimming pool with a bloaty."  Hilarious!  One of the funniest things was when they ask all the basic questions for what your two-year-old should be doing.  She asked, "Is he putting two words together?"  The very next thing he said was, "I need a tape measure."  I just looked at her, smiling, and said, "Yes."

The doctor said that Bentley is in great health.  Everything looks great!  It does look like his tubes are starting to move, so they may fall out soon.  We will see.  For now, we are so blessed and thankful to have a very sweet, smart, and healthy little boy.

It's Here...Summer!

School is out, the weather has been beautiful, and we are soaking up each and every moment. I get to stay home with Bentley for the next couple of months, so I am enjoying it as much as I can.  I don't have a lot to write on this post, just a bunch of pictures to share from the past few busy days.

First of all, we enjoyed Payton's birthday party at Kidventure in Madison.  Payton tuned 5, and she is every bit of a little girl!


Payton and Bentley saying, "CHEESE!"

On Saturday night, friends came over for an impromptu cook-out.  Friends + Food + Funny Kids = Fun Times!  The kids had a great time playing on Bentley's newest and most exciting toy...his "big truck!"

We finally had time to work in our flower beds on Sunday.  A trip to Home Depot, time in the yard, and fun in the sprinklers made for a wonderful family filled day.

Bentley had SUCH a good time running in the sprinklers.  It is now one of his favorite pastimes.

The only thing more fun than running in the sprinklers is Mommy running in the sprinklers, too!

I'm too lazy to replant flowers in the actual beds each year, so I choose to snaz up some pots instead. :)

Petunias around the trees work nicely.

Now, for the best part of the weekend...SWIMMING!  We wondered how Bentley would do this year.  Last year he was FEARLESS!  Yes, I mean fearless to the point of jumping into the pool with no reservations (and no one there to catch him on occasion).  Well, I think we are starting where we left off.  It took him a bit to get used to the water, which is SO COLD right now.  Once he was used to the water, he was all about putting on his new "bloaty."  By the time we left the pool Sunday afternoon, he was jumping off the side, swimming with his floaty (with very little assistance) and climbing in and out of the pool using the steps and ladder with no problems at all.  My little fishy!!!

Monday was a fun day for all...Daddy got to play golf, and Mommy got to go shopping.  Nana Kay went with us to help keep Bentley occupied.  I went prepared, though.  Bridge Street has a fountain play area for kids, so I took Bentley's swimsuit and he played and played with Nana while I shopped.  So fun!

That's all for now.  I'll have another post with his 2-year check-up.  I'll also have another post with Mr. Man riding his truck.  Each day he gets a little better and better. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Summer's a comin'

Lawnmowers, bubbles, wagon rides, playgrounds, and bicycles...

"If you stay in the buggy in the store, you get to ride the lawnmower before we leave."
This was outside Wal-Mart after school one day.  He did GREAT!

These are EVERYDAY happenings at the Bowlings these days.  Bentley plays outside at school ALL day, then we come home to play outside ALL night.  Shoot...we even eat outside, too.  These are the days we love in our home.  As a family, we play, walk, ride, wash cars, and do everyday things that mean so much more when you do them with your child.  Being outside if freeing.  Yes, laundry needs to be done, floors need to be mopped, and tubs need to be scrubbed, but for some reason, when you're outside, none of that stuff matters.  So, my house is in disarray.  Dirty floors, laundry baskets full, and dishes in the sink, but we are family.  We are LOVING almost summer.  To prove that summer's a comin', Bentley is walking evidence...

Tanlines and Booboos
Like I said...Summer's a comin'

Thursday, May 2, 2013

What makes me laugh...

I know that everyone with a toddler has a live-in comedian in the house.  The funniest part, though, is that half of what they do, they don't expect to get a laugh, but they do. goes!

Bentley and "Dannanny Buddy" watching Randall mow the grass across the street.
This morning, I couldn't sleep, so I got up a little early.  Of course, I got ready early, so I took the opportunity to get Bentley up early, too, so we could go on a breakfast date.  I got him up about 6:05, and he was still sleepy, but as soon as I said, "donuts," he was A-Okay!  We went to Papa's Daylight Donuts before school.  He had a Donut Man (and named all of the body parts as he ate them), while I had an orange donut swirl.  Our funny story happened on the way to the donut shop.  I was driving  along, and Bentley was jibber-jabbering in the backseat like always.  Here's what I usually here:

"Is the moon, Mommy?  I see it!"
"Is a digger?  I see it!"
"Is Daddy?  In a chair.  Drinkin' a toppee (coffee)."

Today I heard the usual, but he tripped me up with a new statement. 

B: "I need big toys, Mommy."
M: "You need big toys?"
B: "Uh huh."
M: "Why do you need big toys?"
B: "My's a big boy!"

That was the start of my day...made for a good one.

At Papa's Daylight Donuts...SO happy!
This boy LOVES donuts!
Then, on the way home from school, he got me again. 

Flashback to Tuesday...Bentley was whining going down the road saying, "Sittin' with Mommy.  In Mommy's lap."  I explained that I was driving and that it was dangerous to sit with Mommy on the big road.  End of conversation...

Real time, after school today...on our way home, he whined again.  "Sittin' in Mommy's lap."  I said, "You can't right now, baby.  Mommy is driving."  Here's how the rest of the conversation went:

B: "Da-gewous."
M: "Yes, it's dangerous."
B: "Mommy da-geweos."
M: "Is Mommy dangerous?"
B: "NO! Big road da-gewous."

Moral of the story...they are listening!

After dinner, Bentley was playing with all of his toys.  Lately, he likes to get the key to his Little Tikes car and pretend to lock and unlock the back door.  So, he was outside, coming in, and he started laughing...

B: "Knock! knock!"
M: "Who's there?"
B: "Bentley."
M: "Bentley who?"
B: "Bent Bowlin!"  (while he was laughing hysterically)

Maybe we have a future in stand-up.

Finally, Daniel decided to go to the driving range after dinner tonight, so Bentley and I played and played.  He asked about Daniel once and got upset when he realized Daniel had gone.  He kept bringing me my shoes (gold wedges, nonetheless), telling me "Go see Daddy, Mommy."  Shortly thereafter, Daniel got home.  I said, "You better give Daddy love.  You sure missed him."  He hugged Daniel and said, "Good game, Daddy."  SO FUNNY!

While he was in the bathtub I asked him who taught him to say, "Good game."  He told me it was Charlie, my 5-year-old nephew. 

Well, that's all I've got!  I hope that will help you get through the final workday of the week!

Here's a couple more pictures to add to the happies!

Mowing with Daddy

Blowing off the grass after mowing with Daddy