

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Two-Year Check-Up

Bentley turned 2 on April 11th, but his doctor was on maternity leave and lots of sicknesses were going around the doctor's office.  So, we decided to wait a little while for his check-up so he could see Dr. Gunter and avoid yucky germs. 

This morning Bentley went for his check-up.  We were called back immediately and the nurse said, "Okay, strip him down to a dry diaper."  It felt good to say, "We aren't in diapers anymore."  Bentley was so cute waiting in his big boy Mickey Mouse style, of course. 
***Sidenote:  Bentley has pooped in the potty TWICE this week!  Maybe we are getting it!  He's a pro at peeing, but pooping has been a challenge.

Check out that farmer's tan.

While waiting for Dr. Gunter, Bentley was weighed and measured.

Height: 35 inches (50th percentile)
Weight: 23 pounds (Not on the chart)

Yes, Bentley is still a little scrawny, but the doctor said he's fine, just thin.  He eats pretty good...just not a lot of fatty foods (no chicken, nothing fried (except French fries), nothing breaded, hardly any bread).  We are keeping him on whole milk for a while just for extra calories. 


As soon as Dr. Gunter came into the room, he asked her for the "hammer."  I had told him earlier that it was Dr. Gunter's and he would have to ask he did!

Playing with the otoscope while the doctor felt of his belly.

Sitting very quietly while she listened to his heart.
Bentley was so good.  He cried a little when he got a shot, but not too bad. 

Of course he showed off his language for Dr. Gunter.  She was impressed by all he says.  He informed her that she was using "sanitizer" when she put some in her hands.  He also told her about "playing in a swimming pool with a bloaty."  Hilarious!  One of the funniest things was when they ask all the basic questions for what your two-year-old should be doing.  She asked, "Is he putting two words together?"  The very next thing he said was, "I need a tape measure."  I just looked at her, smiling, and said, "Yes."

The doctor said that Bentley is in great health.  Everything looks great!  It does look like his tubes are starting to move, so they may fall out soon.  We will see.  For now, we are so blessed and thankful to have a very sweet, smart, and healthy little boy.


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