

Friday, August 9, 2013

You hurt my feelings...

This may be a funny blog title, but it's what I heard the other day, along with some other really funny comments from Mister Man.  My apologies for the randomness of this blog, but it's been a super busy couple of weeks, so I'm doing my best just to remember what I planned to say in the first place.

I am choreographing the halftime show for the Arab Danceline this year, so the last few weeks have been filled with practices and band camp.  I must say, I never dreamed I would be a part of band camp after my senior year...surprise surprise.  None the less, I feel like the last few weeks have flown by, and Bentley has said many memorable things that I hope I remember to here goes.

We've also been moving my classroom and getting it ready, so Bentley has been to school many times to "help" in my room.  During this time, he has shared some funny moments.

A few weeks ago, he got a paper cut while in my room, and he said it hurt, but it wasn't a big deal.  The next day, however, he was a little grumpy and was crying about his "boo boo."  I put him down for a nap, which was supposed to solve the grumps, but he woke up fussing.  When I went into his room, this is the conversation we had:

B: My got a boo boo on my panger (finger).  It hurts SO bad!
M:  Oh no!  What happened?
B: My got a letter cutter!

Okay, seriously!!!  How did he generalize that a paper cut is a letter cutter?  I was laughing hysterically, which I'm sure did not help matters at all.  One of those I never want to forget this moments.

Another school moment was when we were working in my room just a couple of days ago.  Bentley had been to the dentist, helped in my classroom all morning, we had gone to lunch, and then come back to school.  He said he wanted to take a nap, so I made him a pallet and turned on The Lorax for him to watch.  After making it all the way through the movie once, I told him he HAD to go to sleep.  I said, "No more playing.  You lay still and close your eyes."  After a couple of minutes, this is the conversation we had:

B: Hey Mommy, you hurt my feelings.
M: Well, Bentley, I'm sorry, but you have to take a nap.
B: You hurt my feelings SO bad.
M: I did?  Where are your feelings?
B: Um, um, ummmm...right here.  On my big toe.
M: Really?  Do you need me to kiss your feelings?
B: Yes, then I will take a nap.

I kissed his toe, patted his booty for a few minutes, and off to sleep he went!  So funny!

When I clean the house, Bentley helps.  I don't mean that he thinks he's helping, he actually tries to do it right.  He will sweep with me, and repeatedly say, "Not 'weep Mommy's pile."  When I dust, he gets his own towel out of the drawer and asks me to spray the cleaner so he can wipe it.  When I vacuum, he takes every step I do with his vacuum cleaner.  He even helps me clean the toilets, which is where this funny story comes in...He and I were cleaning all morning, and the only thing left to do was to clean the toilet downstairs.  When Daniel got home for lunch, Bentley and I cleaned the toilet.  When we were finished I closed the lid and sprayed it so Bentley could wipe it down.  Here's the funny part...

D: Are you finished?  Can I use it yet?
B: Not yet!  (wiped more) Okay, dere you go!
D: Thanks. (proceeded to pee pee in the toilet)
M: Bentley, you better tell Daddy not to make a mess.
B:  Daddy, not pee pee on the toilet! (pointing his finger like he meant it)
D: Okay (apparently following directions)
B: Good job, Daddy.  My see you pee pee!  Hold it down.  Not pee pee on the toilet.  (When he was first learning and sitting to pee pee, we told him to hold it down so he wouldn't pee over the toilet.)

I just get so tickled when he says things that sound just like us.  Hilarious! 

When we are driving anywhere, Bentley asks a million questions.  Where are we going?  You turning here?  Is the light red? on and so forth.  And to follow up every questions, he will then ask Why?  Why this?  Why that?  Why EVERYTHING?  This is how it went...

B: Go fast, Mommy!
M:  I can't go too fast.
B: Why?
M: Because I'll get at ticket.
B: Why?
M: Because it's not safe.
B: Why?
M: Because it's dangerous.
B: The road is dangerous?
M: Yes.

So now, here's the conversation...

B: Go slow, Mommy.
M: Why Bentley? What will happen if I go too fast?
B: You get a ticket.
M: Who will give me a ticket?
B: Police MAN!

We all know how trips to the store go, right?  Sometimes we are blessed with little angels that sit in the buggy and talk about what they see without ever asking to get out.  More often, though, we are challenged with the toddler that is so curious, inquisitive, and social that he thinks he needs to help, walk, talk to everyone, and really be a part of the shopping trip.  Bentley has only been super difficult a couple of times, but he usually asks to walk, eat a snack, have smarties, get out, be held, etc. during shopping trips.  Usually the simple reminder of whatever "treat" lies ahead is enough to keep him seated.  (Wal-Mart - see the fishies and/or ride the school bus, Target - ride in the cool buggy, Kroger - ride in the car buggy and get to walk after we get bananas)  There's something at every store that he looks forward to.

Well, like I said before, I had band camp last week, so I went to Wal-Mart (just Bentley and I) to search for a workout top and a sports bra.  Note to shopping is MUCH more thrilling for a toddler than clothes shopping!  Anyways...after realizing that they didn't have ANY tops in my size, I headed for the sports bras.  Okay, really?!?!?!  Do we need 407,316 kinds of sports bras.  Ummmm, NO!  Here was my thought process, get ready -

~ Oh, this one is nice.  Wait, that's only one for $12, and there's three for $9.  But those are cotton...will the sweat dry quickly?  Maybe I need dri-fit.  Shoot, those are much more expensive, but I like that purple one.  Okay, Niki, you don't have anything to go with that, and it's going to show.  What about these?  They have built in support!  Hmmm...I don't think I qualify for "needing" support.  Doggone it!  How do you choose a bra??? ~

About this time, I hear Bentley pipe up...

B: Mommy, my ready to go.
M: Just a minute, Babe.  I'm nearly finished.  (Although I don't think I was any closer to choosing a bra.)
B: My ready!
M: Hang on...we are about to go.
B: My want to see the fishies.
M:  Just a second, then we will.
B: Mommy, I'm SERIOUS!
M: (Pause...Did he really just say that?) What did you say?
B: I'm serious!  My ready to go!
M: Well, by all means...I've obviously worn out my welcome here!

We saw the fish, and for the first time in my life, I left Wal-Mart with NOTHING!  That's right...NOTHING!  World record, I do believe.

Bentley's latest funny phrases involve the word probably, or in Bentley's words, "plobally."  He says it ALL THE TIME!  I got so tickled a couple of days ago.  I was helping him get his clothes on, and this is how it went...

M: Come on, let's get your clothes on.
B: You helping me?
M: Yes, I will help you.
B: You plobally put my pants on?
M: Yes, I will probably put your pants on.
B: Thanks!  Thanks, Mommy.

Then, a couple of days ago we were watching a storm out the window, and Bentley noticed a truck and a car across the street.

B: That's not your car, Mommy.
M: It's not?  Whose car is it?
B: Somebody's.  It's not ours.
M: That's right.
B: That truck IS yours.
M: Is that truck mine?
B: Uh huh!  You plobally crank it in the road.

Speaking of storms...Bentley is amazed and a little scared.  He doesn't mind lightning at all, and he likes thunder unless is really close and really loud.  The other day, he was waking from a nap, just as the storm was starting, and we sat and looked out his window and talked about it. 

B: You see that light-in?
M: Yes, I saw the lightning, did you?
B: Yeah, and you hear that funder?
M: I did!  Was it loud?
B: No, it not loud.  My hear it.  My not 'cared.

M: Okay, I'm not scared either.  It's just a noise.

So, he wanted to watch TV downstairs while I fixed my hair upstairs.  The storm apparently moved closer, and there was a loud clap of thunder.  In about 1.2 seconds, I heard...

B: MOMMY!  (I hear hands and feet running up the stairs.)
M: I'm coming!  (I met him half-way down the stairs.)
B: My hear funder, Mommy!  My NOT 'cared!  My not 'cared! (as he cries)
M: It's okay.  It's just a noise in the sky, remember.  It won't get you.
B: You not 'cared, Mommy?
M: No, baby.  You don't have to be scared either.
B: That funder hurt me.
M: It did?  Where did it hurt you?
B: Ummmm, my belly.  It hurt so bad.

So, apparently he knows how to cover for fear at a young age.  Bless it!

To top off our funny moments and sayings, Bentley has been very busy the last couple of weeks.  He went to the ENT for a check-up, which went perfectly.  He loves going to the doctor, so he enjoyed seeing Dr. Kostrzewa.  The right tube is still in place, but the left tube could fall out any time.  Bentley even had to lay on the table and let the doctor look in his ear with a microscope, which required him to lay very still for a few minutes.  He did perfectly!  My big boy!

Bentley went to the dentist this week, too.  He loves going to see Dr. Brown, and he has been asking to go back since our last visit six months ago.  He did very well for his third visit to the dentist.  We are so blessed that he likes the doctor's office.

Finally, Bentley is ready for school to start.  We got his hair cut and went to visit his school yesterday.  I know next week will be hard for both of us since we are so used to being home with one another.  I'm not even going to tackle that post right now, so maybe there will be another sentimental post to come. 

I'm sure I forgot something, so we will try to stay updated.  Hope your summer was great...sad it's over for us :(  Here's some pictures from our family outing...just Daniel, Bentley, and me.  It was so fun!  Southern Adventures for mini-golf and go-karts.

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