

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bentley is GROWING!!

For those of you that are with me all the time, you have been able to see my "bump" for a while now. drives me CRAZY when people say, "You don't even look pregnant."  The hormones in me want to scream, "Well, you should have seen me puking for 14 weeks straight!"  I just feel that if I feel pregnant, I should look pregnant, and guess what...I finally do! :)

Here is a picture and Daniel and me at the beach at about 5 weeks pregnant.  Check our the belly there...NO bump!  By the way, that was approximately one week before my sickness started, so I was extremely happy and feeling great at the time.
Bikini body might have to go on hiatus for 2011...Ha ha ha :)
Now...check this out.  I've officially upgraded my "bump" to a "hump."  At 21 weeks 5 days pregnant, I finally "look" pregnant.  This is approximately 2 weeks after my sickness subsided, and I'm feeling much better now.

21 weeks 5 days
 Overall, everything is going well.  I will go to the doctor for my next visit on January10th (my birthday).  I'm anxious to see how much weight I've gained.  I've definitely grown, and I'm eating more, so surely I've packed on a couple of pounds. 

According to my update, Bentley is about 11 inches long and almost a pound.  He has spent this past week (and the next two days) as a carrot according to the veggie comparison, but on Thursday my little guy will transform into a spaghetti squash.  His little flutters have gotten stronger and more defined.  There is no mistaking his movements now, and I love to watch my belly move as he tumbles around.  That is so amazing to me. 

The cutest thing right now is my nephew, Coen.  If you ask him where Bentley is he pokes at my belly and says "Wake up, Bentley."  I guess he's seen me do that one too many times, huh?  I'll post a few photos of him later, but for now, it's bedtime.  Night night!!

Another Christmas Gone

Well, it's been a while since my last post.  With all the hustle and bustle of Christmas, there simply hasn't been time to update, but here goes...

On December 17th, Daniel and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary.  It has become tradition that we take a weekend trip to celebrate, so this year we chose to go to Gatlinburg, TN.  We had a wonderful time!  The weather was great (COLD but pretty), and we even woke up to falling snow before we left to come home. 

On our way home, with a smidge of snow!
We began our trip on Friday, 12/17, and we ate at our favorite steakhouse in G'burg, The Cherokee Grill.  The food is amazing, and Daniel surprised me with my anniversary gift as we waited for our meal.  I got a beautiful black pearl ring that I have had my eye on for a while.  (For those of you that don't know...Daniel is a great gifter, and he's really good at surprises!  I really lucked out!)  My ring is being sized now, but I'll post a picture after I get it back.

Anyways...Saturday, 12/18, was full of fun with a start at the Pancake Pantry for breakfast (the most wonderful pancakes on Earth), shopping downtown, shopping at the outlets, and more shopping at my favorite place, The Christmas Place.  I found the most precious romper in the children's store for Bentley, and I couldn't resist. 

Isn't this TOO CUTE??
Next, we went to the Dixie Stampede for the Christmas show, which was great.  It was funny and entertaining, and who doesn't like to eat with your hands?  The food was wonderful!  After leaving there, we checked out the new tourist attraction and exhibit of the Titanic.  It was really interesting and we both learned some things we didn't know about the Titanic.  Finally, more shopping in Pigeon Forge followed by dinner downtown at the Smokey Mountain Brewery ended the day.  Needless to say, Bentley and I were EXHAUSTED after all that running around, and Daniel was pretty tired, as well.

Sunday, 12/19, began with a quick bite at the hotel, more shopping downtown, and lunch at one of my favorite places of all time...The Apple Barn.  Oh my fritters, apple butter, apple julep, mac 'n cheese, mashed potatoes, and homemade fried chicken...HOLY MOLY was I full!  I am so grateful that most of my sickness had subsided by this trip because I really got to enjoy some fabulous food!!!  

We made our way home, and back to the real world, but we still had some preparing to do for Christmas.  Here is just a couple of photos of Christmas in our home.

Ahhh...The warm glow of the Christmas tree and fireplace...This is my happy place. :)

Bentley's Christmas ornament for 2010

Our keepsake ornament for 2010
 Finally, Christmas came and went, and the holiday was wonderful.  We are very grateful to have all the things we have and to have received all the wonderful gifts from friends and family.  While the gifts are fun and so wonderful to exchange, the real meaning of Christmas seems closer than ever.  Carrying my baby boy makes me so grateful for health and happiness, and I know none of the wonderful things in my life would be possible without God.  We are truly blessed.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It's a.......

Well, Daniel and I went to the doctor on Monday for the ultrasound that would tell us whether we're having a girl or boy.  The verdict is in.........

It's a


Daniel and I are so, so excited, and we can't wait!   We're already in love! :)

Everything is perfect.  He is growing just as he should, and he's actually ahead of the curve on lots of his measurements.  All of his bones and organs are developing perfectly, which is such a relief for me to hear.  My amniotic fluid is perfect, as well.  The doctor said we couldn't look better.  The only thing that hasn't grown is me (Ha Ha Ha).  I am starting to show some, but I've only gained 1 pound.  That's right....1 whole pound!!  I was really disappointed when I stepped on the scale this time and she said it was the same as my last visit.  I've been very sick, but I've recently started to feel a little better and eat more (so I thought).  The doctor wasn't concerned, though.  They said that as long as he's growing, that's the main thing that matters.  Overall, my baby boy now weighs 11 ounces, and he's about 10-11 inches long from his head to his feet.  that seems so tiny, but when I think of where he is...that seems really big!

I'll be 20 weeks along tomorrow (half way there...woohooo!!), and that means we're only 20 weeks away from meeting...
Bentley Daniel Bowling
Here is a preview of what's to come.   

I've been able to feel him move since the day before Thanksgiving.  Daniel felt him move for the first time on Sunday, December 5th, and now you can even see him move when you look at my belly.  You'll see a little nudge here or there, which is amazing to me.  I guess he doesn't have a lot of room in there, so it's really easy for me to feel and see him moving. 

The greatest part about the ultrasound was in the last 5 minutes.  Bentley stayed really still the entire time (despite my attempt to gear him up with a "REAL" Coke).  Finally, in the last little bit he started squirming, moving, and kicking around.  When he finally got comfortable again...he got the HICCUPS!!  It was the cutest thing every, and I have it on DVD.  Thank goodness for technology.  I never want to forget that!

Introduction to Porsche

Before we get too carried away talking about the baby, you need to meet "The Baby."  The real baby in the family right now is our four legged pup, Porsche.  She is our first child, the first grandchild for all our parents, and she's the cutest, furriest, funniest baby ever.  (I might be a little bias.)  Everyone says that things will change once the baby is born, but I sure hope not...and if things are going to change, we need to give Porsche all the attention she's used to and she deserves right now.

Porsche is a mix of Dachshund, Chihuahua, and Yorkie.  We call her a Designer Heinz 57.  She has a wonderful demeanor , and she's so loving.  She is really attached to Daniel and me both, so we're hoping the transition to a new baby will be a little easier since she'll always have one of us to herself.  We'll see...

Here are some pics of Porsche in all her cuteness!!

Porsche as a baby...About 2 1/2 months old.

Should we say this was her "awkward" stage? : )

Porsche with her Volkswagen gear on...sitting on Daddy's VW GTI
(We painted that roof ourselves, you know!)

Roll Tide!!!

Christmas photo from 2007...what a great present she would be!

Christmas photo from 2008...She really enjoyed that candy cane!

Christmas photo from 2009...Mrs. Clause should be jealous of that outfit.

Sweet Porsche, being cute, as always!  (This is her princess pose on our pillows.)

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Latest News

Many of you already know that Daniel and I are expecting our first baby in May of 2011.  We are super excited, and we will find out what we are having on Monday, December 13th.  We can hardly wait, and neither can our family.  Of course everyone asks, "Do you have a preference of a boy or girl?"  The initial response is that we don't care as long as our baby is healthy and happy, but everyone knows, I would love to have a girl.  I have had all boys in my class for the last three years, so I am in need of bows, ruffles, and frills. I said, I'll be happy with whatever God chooses to give me.

The day before Thanksgiving I felt the baby move for the first time, and now I feel it move quite often throughout the day.  Last night was the first time Daniel was able to feel it move, which gives the whole experiece more of a "real" feeling.  Now that I'm 18 1/2 weeks along, I am finally feeling better (for the most part), I finally have a "baby bump," and I can feel my baby dancing around.  Ahhhh...this part of pregnancy is much more enjoyable!!!

Here we go...

Hello everyone!  After much persuasion from my wonderful husband, I've caved into the world of blogging.  I know, right?...Everybody's doing it!  While I'm inexperienced and hoping all goes well, I'm excited to start something new and give all my friends a family a sneak peak into our life together.  Daniel and I hope you all enjoy, and keep up with all the latest from the Bowlings!