

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It's a.......

Well, Daniel and I went to the doctor on Monday for the ultrasound that would tell us whether we're having a girl or boy.  The verdict is in.........

It's a


Daniel and I are so, so excited, and we can't wait!   We're already in love! :)

Everything is perfect.  He is growing just as he should, and he's actually ahead of the curve on lots of his measurements.  All of his bones and organs are developing perfectly, which is such a relief for me to hear.  My amniotic fluid is perfect, as well.  The doctor said we couldn't look better.  The only thing that hasn't grown is me (Ha Ha Ha).  I am starting to show some, but I've only gained 1 pound.  That's right....1 whole pound!!  I was really disappointed when I stepped on the scale this time and she said it was the same as my last visit.  I've been very sick, but I've recently started to feel a little better and eat more (so I thought).  The doctor wasn't concerned, though.  They said that as long as he's growing, that's the main thing that matters.  Overall, my baby boy now weighs 11 ounces, and he's about 10-11 inches long from his head to his feet.  that seems so tiny, but when I think of where he is...that seems really big!

I'll be 20 weeks along tomorrow (half way there...woohooo!!), and that means we're only 20 weeks away from meeting...
Bentley Daniel Bowling
Here is a preview of what's to come.   

I've been able to feel him move since the day before Thanksgiving.  Daniel felt him move for the first time on Sunday, December 5th, and now you can even see him move when you look at my belly.  You'll see a little nudge here or there, which is amazing to me.  I guess he doesn't have a lot of room in there, so it's really easy for me to feel and see him moving. 

The greatest part about the ultrasound was in the last 5 minutes.  Bentley stayed really still the entire time (despite my attempt to gear him up with a "REAL" Coke).  Finally, in the last little bit he started squirming, moving, and kicking around.  When he finally got comfortable again...he got the HICCUPS!!  It was the cutest thing every, and I have it on DVD.  Thank goodness for technology.  I never want to forget that!

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