

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Another Christmas Gone

Well, it's been a while since my last post.  With all the hustle and bustle of Christmas, there simply hasn't been time to update, but here goes...

On December 17th, Daniel and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary.  It has become tradition that we take a weekend trip to celebrate, so this year we chose to go to Gatlinburg, TN.  We had a wonderful time!  The weather was great (COLD but pretty), and we even woke up to falling snow before we left to come home. 

On our way home, with a smidge of snow!
We began our trip on Friday, 12/17, and we ate at our favorite steakhouse in G'burg, The Cherokee Grill.  The food is amazing, and Daniel surprised me with my anniversary gift as we waited for our meal.  I got a beautiful black pearl ring that I have had my eye on for a while.  (For those of you that don't know...Daniel is a great gifter, and he's really good at surprises!  I really lucked out!)  My ring is being sized now, but I'll post a picture after I get it back.

Anyways...Saturday, 12/18, was full of fun with a start at the Pancake Pantry for breakfast (the most wonderful pancakes on Earth), shopping downtown, shopping at the outlets, and more shopping at my favorite place, The Christmas Place.  I found the most precious romper in the children's store for Bentley, and I couldn't resist. 

Isn't this TOO CUTE??
Next, we went to the Dixie Stampede for the Christmas show, which was great.  It was funny and entertaining, and who doesn't like to eat with your hands?  The food was wonderful!  After leaving there, we checked out the new tourist attraction and exhibit of the Titanic.  It was really interesting and we both learned some things we didn't know about the Titanic.  Finally, more shopping in Pigeon Forge followed by dinner downtown at the Smokey Mountain Brewery ended the day.  Needless to say, Bentley and I were EXHAUSTED after all that running around, and Daniel was pretty tired, as well.

Sunday, 12/19, began with a quick bite at the hotel, more shopping downtown, and lunch at one of my favorite places of all time...The Apple Barn.  Oh my fritters, apple butter, apple julep, mac 'n cheese, mashed potatoes, and homemade fried chicken...HOLY MOLY was I full!  I am so grateful that most of my sickness had subsided by this trip because I really got to enjoy some fabulous food!!!  

We made our way home, and back to the real world, but we still had some preparing to do for Christmas.  Here is just a couple of photos of Christmas in our home.

Ahhh...The warm glow of the Christmas tree and fireplace...This is my happy place. :)

Bentley's Christmas ornament for 2010

Our keepsake ornament for 2010
 Finally, Christmas came and went, and the holiday was wonderful.  We are very grateful to have all the things we have and to have received all the wonderful gifts from friends and family.  While the gifts are fun and so wonderful to exchange, the real meaning of Christmas seems closer than ever.  Carrying my baby boy makes me so grateful for health and happiness, and I know none of the wonderful things in my life would be possible without God.  We are truly blessed.

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