

Monday, January 31, 2011

Bentley Update & Nursery Starters

Our follow-up doctor's appointment was this morning at 9:20.  It was a really long visit, and I think we finally left the office at about 10:45.  Here's the WHOLE story.  But's our latest photo!!

Here we are!

Here's Bentley's close-up.
 I  was called back almost immediately, and they did a urine test, measured my weight, and checked my blood pressure.  It looks like I've gained about 1 pound in the last 2 1/2 weeks, pushing my total weight gain to 6 pounds.  My blood pressure was 90/60, which is about normal but even a little low for me.  The medication I'm on is the cause for that.  They took us into a room and checked Bentley's heart rate, which was in the 130's (that's good), and then they had me undress so the doctor could check me.  (Oh joy!...NOT!!)  Dr. Kakani came in to measure my belly and check my cervix, and she was a little concerned.  She thought maybe I'd had a slight change in my cervix since last week, so she ordered another ultrasound to check my cervix (just like last week).  I explained that I've still been having contractions, which was also concerning, so she wanted to put me on the monitor to see how often and how strong they were. 

So, first we went to the ultrasound room where a sweet and funny lady did my scan.  She said my cervix measured 3.8 cm long, and anything over 2.5 is good, so that's good news.  She also said that my cervix is CLOSED!  Yippee!  We want Bentley to be locked up tight, and that's what we heard.  After the good news, she took us back to an exam room for the monitoring. 

I was probably on the monitor for about 30 minutes, and we got to hear Bentley's heartbeat the whole time.  It was neat to see his heart rate increase as he rolled around in my belly and then slow down a little as he settled into a comfortable position.  I didn't have any contractions for the first 10 minutes or so, but as soon as I mentioned that I started having them.  After that...they came consistently every few minutes.  Daniel guessed I probably had 7 or 8 while I was monitored, and they continued for a while afterwards, as well. 

Overall, the doctor felt that I needed more time off to rest and see if the contractions subside.  She was very positive about the fact that my cervix hadn't changed, but she was concerned about the contractions.  Therefore, DOCTOR"S ORDERS are...remain out of work until my next appointment (Wednesday, 2/9) and take it easy.  I don't have to stay in bed and do nothing; I just have to refrain from strenuous and stressful activities.  At my next appointment, she'll check my cervix again, and if it hasn't changed, I'll get to return to work.  So, pray for that to happen.  I really don't need to be out of work for 3 months!!

Now, it's time for the fun stuff...NURSERY UPDATE  

First things first...we have decided to swap rooms.  The spare bedroom will now become the nursery, and we'll move the spare bedroom to the room that was supposed to be Bentley's room.  (The boys have some hard work to do.)  The only thing that stinks is that now we have to paint two rooms.  The spare bedroom is currently green, so we'll need to paint that room blue for the nursery and paint the other room green.  Ugh!!  Oh well!  So, here's a couple of pictures of our paint choices.

Here's the samples we painted on the wall, but it's hard to tell anything about them.  We will put up a chair rail, so the dark blue will be below the chair rail, and the light blue on the right will go above the chair rail.  (We originally liked the blue on the left, but after seeing them on the wall, we changed our minds.)

Here are the actual colors.  We have decided to go with Behr paint from Home Depot.
 Now that you know our paint colors and our furniture choice (see previous post), you can envision it all together.  We have chosen the bedding from Pottery Barn Kids.  It's from the collection, Harper & Max Nursery, and it's a lot simpler than I first thought I would like.  My plan is to use red and spring green as accent colors to give it a "POP."  I really think it will be beautiful and so fitting for my baby boy.

Here's the bedding as a whole, but remember to envision the bedding on the beautiful dark espresso finished furniture we chose.

Here's a close-up.  Aren't the stars on the sheets adorable!!!  Bentley's name will be monogrammed on the quilt, as well.
 There you have it.  You've seen the furniture, paint, and bedding, and I'll update as we actually start to put it all together.  I'll be resting for the next week and a half, so feel free to call and check in...I don't have anything better to do.  Also, PLEASE keep us in your prayers.  While the news is good right now, it's still a little nerve racking to be having all these contractions.  I really need my baby boy to stay in my belly as long as possible to remain healthy.  Until next time...I hope you enjoyed the update! :)

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