

Sunday, May 15, 2011

My First Graduation!

Bentley here...I just thought I would update you on my weekend.  First, here's a big smile for all of you! 
Check out this cute gummy smile...I have more where that came from!! :)

Now that you got a's what we did this weekend.

Aunt Cyndel and Raven graduated from college on Saturday.  They both attended Athens where they got business degrees.  We are so proud of them, so to show our support, we went to their graduation on Saturday morning.  (The graduation was in Athens at 9:00, so we left home at 7:30.  This was our first early morning outing since I was born...Mommy and Daddy did really good, and we were ready early.)  This was my first graduation to attend, and I did so good.  My granddaddy held me, and I slept the whole time.  Here's a few pictures of us after the big event.

Cyndel and Raven are all decked out in their caps and gowns. 

Here's all of us "kids."  Coen and I are the only ones left to graduate.

Coen decided to get a head start with graduating...he tried on Aunt Raven's gown.  I think he'll need a smaller size...what do you think?
After graduation, everyone (ALL of Cyndel and Raven's family), went to eat at Cracker Barrel.  YUMMMMMM!  Mommy fed me in the car before she ate, so I was a happy little boy at Cracker Barrel.  On the way home, Daddy took us through all the tornado damage in Madison/Harvest.  It was awful.  It's hard to believe that all of that actually happened.  We are still keeping all of the people affected by April's Fury in our thoughts and prayers.

Saturday's busy day was followed by a normal Sunday.  Mommy, Daddy, and I went to church, and Daddy played golf...that's the norm this time of year.  Because it was a little cool, I got to wear my adorable day gown.  I was so handsome!!  I did really good in church for the third time since I was born.  I slept through the whole service until the very end when I decided I needed to poop.  Mommy and Aunt Cyndel got tickled at me when I was grunting really loud during the prayer. gotta do what you gotta do, right?  Mommy decided to take some pictures of me when we got home. 

I wasn't really wanting to give up my was time to eat, and I was trying to wait until the "photo shoot" was over.
Mommy tried to take my paci out for a couple of pictures...I didn't like that idea very much.

Ahhhh...that's better.  (She gave my paci back.)
We decided to take a quick break from pictures for me to eat lunch.  I was much happier after that!

Here's my happy face! :)

Mommy thought this was a really sweet look on my face.  I was so pleasant, and I really enjoyed looking out my window.

I was trying to make a kissy face!

I was cooing at Mommy right here, and she was cooing back at me.  Isn't that silly??
While we were taking all these pictures my sister, Porsche was trying to play with me.  She used to ignore me all the time, but now she follows me and Mommy everywhere.  She likes to play in my room, and I think she likes me know.  Here's a few pictures of us trying to play together.

Porsche was stretching out on my blanket.  I think she was trying to be long like me.

Mommy thought Porsche was really cute, so she had her pose for a picture.

Porsche brought me her bone.  I think she thinks I can throw it, but I haven't learned to do that yet.  I like to hear her squeak her toys, so she does that a lot.
After taking my picture, Mommy and I changed from our church clothes into lounging around clothes.  Mommy has on sweat pants and a t-shirt, and I have on my All-Star outfit.  "Casual but Cute..." that's what Mommy said as she changed me.  What do you think?

I like my lounging clothes, but not as much as I like looking out my window!!
Enjoy the update...I'll stay in touch!


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