

Monday, May 16, 2011

Newborn Pictures

I already posted that Bentley's newborn pictures were taken on Saturday, when he was 5 days old.  A friend of ours, Sean Harrison, and his friend Bekah.  They were so sweet to come to our house, so we didn't have to get Bentley out an about just yet.  We got some AMAZING shots (you already saw the bunny shots on the Easter post), and I was so pleased to capture the innocence beauty of my sweet new baby.  Those first days pass so fast, and babies grow so fast that it was important to Daniel and me to capture those memories while we could. 

We had a space heater that kept the room at a steamy temperature (somewhere in the 80's), so Bentley was comfortable in all his sweet naked pictures.  Check these out...I melt everytime I see them.

I hope you enjoyed your peek at my baby boy!  There will be more posts to come, so stay posted! :)

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