

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Too Cute Baby!!!

It's about 8:35, and Bentley has just gone to bed about 10 minutes ago, so I thought I'd take a minute to update you with some new cute pictures we've taken over the last couple of days.

First, he and Daddy had some T.V. time together yesterday.  Bentley loves watching television, and sitting/standing with Daddy in the recliner is the best view.  You'll notice a lot of slobber on his shirt, so I guess we're getting into the beginnings of teething.  Bibs will be a part of his daily wardrobe here soon, I'm sure.  It's pretty sweet sugar for now, though.

He was watching T.V. intently here.

Check out that drizzly drool!!

Hey, Mom!  Are you talking to me?

My two boys...aren't they cute?!?!?

Today Bentley had two REALLY good naps in his crib.  One was 1 hour 45 minutes, and the other was 1 hour 35 minutes.  He also had a quick cat nap at Cyndel's while I went to the dentist (no cavities...yippee!!).  While he slept really good today, he needed one more quick nap after dinner because he just couldn't make until bedtime.  I laid him on his pallet in the floor, and he went to sleep very quickly.  Porsche thought she'd try out the pallet, too.

You can see a hump behind Porsche...that's Bentley! :)

I think she thought she was in trouble.  She was about to move when she saw me taking a picture.

It was time for a bath, so I had to wake Bentley up.  This is what I saw when uncovered him...sleeping just like Daddy.
Okay, now for the WAY TOO CUTE part of this post...BATH TIME!!!   Bentley has graduated to sitting in the tub rather than using the hammock.  He was getting a little wild, and I was afraid he was going to jump out of the tub.  He LOVES his bath, and he LOVES his ducks.  He kicks around like crazy and splashes all over.  Enjoy this big smiling guy!

Hey...there's a duck on my belly!

This smile is infectious!  I just want to eat him up! :)

I just love this baby!!
That's all I have to say.  I just couldn't resist sharing these pictures.  I hope they make your day as good as they've made mine.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Shutterfly Photo Book

Click here to view this photo book larger

Not Much Going On

We haven't had a lot going on in the past week, but I thought I'd post a few photos of Bentley.  He is talking up a storm...not in sentences, of course, but his ooo's and ahhh's are becoming goo's and gah's.  He is so funny, and it's like he is having a real conversation.  His tummy time is getting better and better, and he has rolled over twice completely on his own from his tummy to his back.  Sometimes he gets stuck and needs help, so Mommy's there to pick up the slack. :)  He's still sleeping great, and he loves his playtime everyday.  Naps are getting longer, and he LOVES his bed.  He would rather sleep in his bed than anywhere else.  Trying to get him to sleep downstairs or out and about can sometimes take lots of bouncing, walking, etc., but as soon as I lay him in his bed, he's out like a light!  I can't tell you how happy that makes me.  Now that you've got the scoop on what's going on with Bentley, here are a few photos from the last few days.

He wore is sailor suit to church Sunday.  He went straight to the nursery again with no problems at all.  What a big boy!

He wasn't too thrilled about pictures after church, so we had support from the paci.

He looks a little delirious in this photo, but he was ready for a nap.

So sleepy!!

After a quick nap, it was playtime!  He loves his gym lately!

Daddy's Little Boy!

Help!  Attack of the worm...Herman got him!

Bentley won that battle...Aha, Herman...your mine now!

Bentley's favorite pass time...reading Brown Bear!

Tummy time...he's doing so good!

Worn out...nap time with Sleepy Bunny.  He LOVES that bunny, and this has to be the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Mornin' Mommy!  He was playing with Biscuit while I ate my breakfast.  So sweet!
I hope you enjoyed the quick pics this week!  I'll post some more as we capture more "too cute" moments!  Have a great week!

Monday, July 11, 2011

3 Months Old

Happy Three Month Birthday, Bentley!!

Good Morning Smile!!
Wow!  As I look at my baby boy, I cannot believe how fast these past three months have gone by.  In a way it seems as though it was forever ago that we brought Bentley home, but then again, it seems as though the time has flown by.  I am sitting here beside him as he sleeps so soundly, and I can't help but wonder what I ever did without him.  These brief moments of snoozing that I have each day to "get stuff done" seem to trivial right now.  I know that sometimes I can't wait for nap time so I can get a load of laundry done, start dinner, or catch up on phone calls and busy work.  Right now, though, I can't wait for him to wake up and smile at me once again.  I'm a little sentimental right now because going back to work is weighing heavy on my mind and heart.  I start back to teaching in 3 1/2 short weeks, and I am less than thrilled.  While teaching was/is my passion, motherhood has quickly taken over the top spot there.  I am trying to make every moment count, and I am trying to remember every detail of every day so not to feel so far away when I do go back to work. 

Obviously I'm having a hard time with this...can you tell?  Yesterday morning we went to church, and the unthinkable happened (not really).  Bentley has decided that sleeping through church is for the birds.  While he thoroughly enjoyed the music and standing in worship, the moment I sat down, he starting fussing (not to mention that was during some poor little boy's baptism).  I got out as quickly as I could and headed for the nursery.  Last week I spent half of the sermon walking him in the hallway, so I figure it's time to give in.  As if getting ready to leave him every day isn't hard enough, I now have to leave him at church, too!  Golly!!  When we got back to hear the sermon, I was so caught up in thinking about leaving Bentley (you know...How is he?  Is he crying?  Do they know he doesn't like to be held like a baby?  Are they playing with him?) that I didn't hear a word that Brother Jimmy said.  It must have been a really good sermon, too, because LOTS of people went to the alter at the invitation.  When Daniel and I picked him up from the nursery, he was fast asleep, and the sweet lady said, "He smiles all the time." At least I know he was happy! :)   I know all this will pass, and I never dreamed I would be this way, but HOLY MOLY, I'm a Mommy now! 

Now that I've shared my up and coming fears and issues, I took some super cute pictures of Mister Man to share.  When we got home from church, we took a few pictures of him in his church outfit.  (Thanks's so cute and so comfy!)

Daddy was taking pictures, and Mommy was trying to make me smile, but I wasn't really into pictures right now.

After taking those pictures, we played a little and decided to change clothes.  Bentley likes changing clothes unless he's sleepy.  When he's wide awake and playful, changing clothes is like a game.  Here we are playing and changing!

Nakedness is SOOOO FUN!!

Mommy...that's not how I wear my shirt!  You Silly Goose!!
After changing, it was time for Tummy Time!  Bentley said, "Boooooooo!"  He's not really a big fan of tummy time, but he's doing so much better with it right now.  We used to max out at about 2 minutes, now I can get up to about 10 minutes if we're lucky.  He's doing really well...he's able to completely lift his head and turn it from side to side, and he's rolled over twice, though I'm pretty sure it was an accident.

Check it out...this big guy will be crawling in no time!

Wait a minute...he needed to take a quick break to snack on his arm...YUMMM!

You'll notice Herman the Worm sitting there beside him...I think Bentley was thinking, "I'm gonna get you!"

Take's break time from tummy time.
After all that tummy time and then a little time in his gym, Bentley was pooped.  I picked him up, got his Sleepy Bunny, and laid him in his crib.  His eyes were closed before I could close the blinds.  Luckily, he's gotten really good about going to sleep for naps and at night time.  We just lay him in his crib with his bunny, and off to Sleepy Town he goes.  (Another good thing...he's completely transitioned to one feeding per night!  Yippee!!)

Here is Bentley snuggling with his Sleepy Bunny.  He's so sweet with it, and he associates it with sleep now, which is GREAT!

In case you don't know...I HATE (yes, HATE) the pacifier, so I am super thrilled that Bentley has found his hands.  Here he is sucking his thumb as he started to wake up from his nap.
During all this playtime and picture taking, Porsche was in the middle of everything.  Here's her latest portrait.

My sweet furry baby!

After lots of play time and a bit of a lazy Sunday, it was finally bath time...Bentley's favorite thing!  He smiles as soon as we set foot into the bathroom.  Because bath time is part of his bedtime routine, it soothes him and calms him.  Warm water and a scrub down from Mommy end the day in a wonderful way!  We always end up with a very drowsy and lethargic baby.

Here's our Bama Baby wondering why I'm taking his picture rather than putting on his P.J.'s.

He's drifting off to sleep here.  "If you won't put my jammies on, I'll just sleep here!"

"Ahhh...finally, warm jammies!  I know my bottle is next!  Bring it on, Daddy!"
I love those pajamas so much that I just had to get some more pictures of him in them.  I preferred he be awake, though, so I waited until this morning.

Do you like my "Little Man" socks?

He was falling over a little here, and I think he thought it was kind of fun.

So serious...contemplating the situation.

Check it out...we match!!  (He's wearing a giraffe suit...ha ha ha)

Now that Bentley is three months old, we know him a little better.  He is really particular about some things, but I'm glad we figured him out!

  • To be held up on your shoulder or facing outward.
  • To lay down to play.  I think he likes to be able to move his arms and legs and see everything you're doing.
  • To start his naps in his bed and finish them in the swing or on a pallet.
  • Bath time...should I say he LOVES bath time!
  • Reading...his favorite books are a touch and feel Easter Bunny book and Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
  • Singing silly songs, especially my 5 Little Fishies song.
  • Mommy's curly hair...he was amazed by my hair when I wore it curly a couple of days ago.
  • Diaper changes, he's still getting the "Clean Butt Award!"
  • Music...his arms and legs are moving and shaking any time there's music on.
  • Being held like a baby (cradled) unless he's got something in his mouth or his Sleepy Bunny.
  • Being held all the time...he wants to MOVE!
  • Being passed around all the time.  He wants to get comfy and stay in one place.
  • Waking up from naps...he wakes up happy in the morning, but he's always grumpy when he wakes up from his naps.  It takes him a  few minutes to wake up nicely.  (He's like his Mommy.)
Well, that's another month gone, and it went so fast.  Bentley is growing and learning everyday.  He is right on track for meeting his milestones, even though he's still measuring a little small.  I measured him today, and he is about 24 inches long.  That's between the 25-50th percentile.  He weighs 11 pounds, which is below the 5th percentile.  Oh well, as long as he growing, meeting milestones, and happy, I think he's doing just fine.   We don't go back to the doctor until he's 4 months old, so we'll see what they say then.  Overall, I am the happiest Mommy in the world, and I LOVE MY BABY!! :)

    Sunday, July 3, 2011

    4th of July Celebration

    Okay, okay...I realize that it is only the 3rd of July, but who cares?  We've already had our get-together, so I'll post a bit early.

    Daniel, Bentley, and I had a really busy weekend, starting with Saturday.  Daniel planned to smoke a Boston Butt for our cookout with the parents, so he did that (which took about 8 hours), mowed the grass, washed my car, and put up a new fan on our patio.  While he did all the outdoor stuff, I managed to clean the WHOLE house.  Since Bentley was born, I've been splitting it up into two days...upstairs and downstairs.  I was so glad to get it all done in one day.  Cleaning, paired with feeding, changing, and playing with Bentley was an ALL DAY AFFAIR. 

    Bentley does not like this carrier unless I'm vacuuming, so he helped me vacuum Saturday.  You can see what it does to him...he's snoozing!

    Although he was awake for a lot of cleaning, he did take a 2 1/2 hour nap in his crib.  That's a big deal, you know?  For some reason, he's become really fond of 30-40 minute naps, so the 2 hour naps have been long gone.  For him to sleep that long in his bed is an even bigger deal.  He often sleeps for about 30 minutes in his bed and wakes up only to fall back asleep in my arms, his bouncy seat, or the swing.  I'm choosing my battles, though.  He sleeps so good at night, so I'll take what I can get during the day.  During the last week, we've cut down from two feedings a night to just one.  Two nights he slept until 4:00 AM before waking up to eat!  YIPPEE!!  Last night he woke up at about 2:30, but he put himself back to sleep like such a good boy.  He then woke up at 4:20 to eat, went back to sleep, and woke up at 7:00.  Ahhhh...a lengthy period of sleep...I'm so proud of my Big Boy!! :)

    Enough talk about (Sunday) was busy.  We went to church this morning and came straight home to load up the car to head to Arab for the cookout.  Daniel grabbed the butt (the Boston Butt, that is), and we loaded up Bentley's stuff and Porsche, and off we went.  It was SO hot, but it was a beautiful day for playing outside.  The BBQ was delicious, the company was good, and we are all exhausted now.  Here's some pics of the day.

    We hung out on a pallet in the shade.

    Bentley was so sleepy.  My "All American Baby" was laying on a blanket made for Daniel by his great-grandmother, Ginny.

    Porsche stopped for a quick picture with Mommy.

    Mommy and her Little Man

    Charlie enjoyed the pool and the sprinkler toys on this sweltering hot day.

    Ruby Cate was on a mission to get into something...her favorite pass time.

    I was about to put Bentley's feet in the water, and Porsche decided to join us.  She wanted to go swimming really bad.

    Bentley liked the water...he hardly flinched when his feet hit the water.

    Maybe he'll swim like a fish like his Daddy.
    Overall, we had a good, productive weekend.  Bentley will be three months old next week, so keep your eyes peeled for an update.