

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Not Much Going On

We haven't had a lot going on in the past week, but I thought I'd post a few photos of Bentley.  He is talking up a storm...not in sentences, of course, but his ooo's and ahhh's are becoming goo's and gah's.  He is so funny, and it's like he is having a real conversation.  His tummy time is getting better and better, and he has rolled over twice completely on his own from his tummy to his back.  Sometimes he gets stuck and needs help, so Mommy's there to pick up the slack. :)  He's still sleeping great, and he loves his playtime everyday.  Naps are getting longer, and he LOVES his bed.  He would rather sleep in his bed than anywhere else.  Trying to get him to sleep downstairs or out and about can sometimes take lots of bouncing, walking, etc., but as soon as I lay him in his bed, he's out like a light!  I can't tell you how happy that makes me.  Now that you've got the scoop on what's going on with Bentley, here are a few photos from the last few days.

He wore is sailor suit to church Sunday.  He went straight to the nursery again with no problems at all.  What a big boy!

He wasn't too thrilled about pictures after church, so we had support from the paci.

He looks a little delirious in this photo, but he was ready for a nap.

So sleepy!!

After a quick nap, it was playtime!  He loves his gym lately!

Daddy's Little Boy!

Help!  Attack of the worm...Herman got him!

Bentley won that battle...Aha, Herman...your mine now!

Bentley's favorite pass time...reading Brown Bear!

Tummy time...he's doing so good!

Worn out...nap time with Sleepy Bunny.  He LOVES that bunny, and this has to be the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Mornin' Mommy!  He was playing with Biscuit while I ate my breakfast.  So sweet!
I hope you enjoyed the quick pics this week!  I'll post some more as we capture more "too cute" moments!  Have a great week!

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