

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Well, I mentioned in the last post that Bentley was going to have an MRI on the 30th.  Guess is the 30th, and the deed is done.  He has a sacral dimple about his little butt crack, and the MRI was done as precautionary measures.  We really don't think it's a problem, but better safe than sorry.  He was such a big boy, and he did better than we could ever have expected.  Mommy, on the other hand, didn't do so well.  Let's start from the beginning...

His last meal was at 4:45 a.m.  He wasn't allowed to have any milk after 5:00, but he could have had clear liquids (4 oz. or less) up until 9:00.  So, Daddy went to the store to get Pedialyte so Bentley would have something in his belly.  Here's what we learned after lots of trial and error and error and error...
1. Bentley does not like Pedialyte.
2. Bentley does not like 1/2 Pedialyte and 1/2 water.
3. Bentley does not like just water.
4. Bentley does not like diluted apple juice.
5.  All in all, Bentley likes Mommy's milk...period.

So, we had a hungry baby on our hands.  Luckily, he played a while in his gym, took a quick nap (and I mean quick...25 minutes), and then got ready to go.  He only fussed a little right before we left, which was a relief.  We were so afraid he was going to be starving and very upset, but we were pleasantly surprised.  We were on our way to the hospital at 10:25.

Hanging our in the gym...I have to get in my morning workout, no matter what my day has in store for me.
Bentley went to sleep in the car on the way there, and he slept for about 1 hour and 45 minutes before we had to get him out of his car seat.

Snoozing...getting ready for the big test.
Aunt Cyndel met us there, and Uncle Russ got there shortly after.  The nurse came in and explained all that would happen, and she was very sweet.  She said we could let Bentley sleep up until the very last minute before they did the IV.  Yup...IV...and we were told ahead of time that they would apply numbing medicine so it wouldn't be so painful, but the nurse explained that Bentley was too young for the toxins in the numbing medicine, so we were not looking forward to that.  While the IV situation was disturbing, we all thought Bentley was super cute in his hospital gown.

Get me all tied up girls...I don't want the world to see my fanny.

This gown is so silly...I look like a girl! :)
Once the gown was on, it was time.  Daddy and I had to help hold Bentley and try to soothe him through the IV.  I think he dislike being held down as much as the stick itself.  Luckily, the nurse got the IV the very first time, and it was a good thing.  I was crying more than Bentley, but I just felt so bad for him.  As soon as they got his arm all wrapped up and let him go, he stopped crying immediately.  That made me feel a little better.  I don't think he was really hurting, I think he was just scared and mad...really mad.

What in the world just happened to me!?!?  What is this thing on my arm?

Hum...I don't know if I like this or not.

Okay, okay...I guess I'm alright.  Daddy seems to think I am.
Bentley was a happy little camper for the rest of the time until the MRI.  When it was time to start, they let us carry him back into the imaging room, and I got to hold him while they administered the sedation medication.  Bless his heart...they started the medicine, and in about 10 seconds he gave a big loopy smile, and his head fell onto my shoulder...he was out!  This was little disturbing for me because his eyes were still open.  It was a little scary, and he was as limp as a dish rag, so I didn't enjoy this at all.  I laid him on the MRI table, and we kissed him goodnight.  It was hard to leave him as they were giving him oxygen and hooking him up to monitors.  The good part about the anesthesia was that it wasn't general anesthesia, so they didn't have to intibate Bentley.  They simply gave him meds through his IV that put him into a deep, deep sleep so he would lay completely still for the scan.  The MRI took about 35 minutes, and they brought him back to me at about 1:30 to wake up.  He was pitiful.  He couldn't hold his head up, and you tell he didn't feel right.  He wanted to wake up so badly, but he just couldn't.  He would let out a sad cry then fall back asleep.  He did this over and over again until he was awake enough to try and nurse.  It took him a few minutes to figure out what to do, but once he did, he ate pretty good.  Considering he hadn't eaten since 4:45 a.m., I thought he would eat more, but I think he was just too tired.  After about 20 minutes, the nurse took his IV out and he ate a little more.  After another 10 minutes, we were free to go.  So,  he fell asleep at about 2:10 on the way home and slept until about 4:00.

Sleeping so soundly after getting home.  He didn't even make a peep when I moved him from his carseat to his bed.
After waking up and eating a BIG meal, he was back to normal.  All smiles, squealing in delight, and ready to play!

MRI??? What???  That was all a bad dream!


Here's my new elephant that Aunt Cyndel and Uncle Russ got me today...just in time for Bama Football Season!
All the grandparents came over to visit and see Bentley after his big day.  Mom (Nana Kay), made meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and baked beans for us, and we gobbled it all up.  Bentley pretended he had meatloaf, but he really ate some sweet potatoes and bananas.  Yummy!  (So far, he's only had sweet potatoes, bananas, and apples, but tomorrow we're going to try green beans...we'll see how that goes.)  After lots of playtime with the grandparents, Bentley took a quick evening cat nap before going on a walk before bedtime.

So sweet...all sprawled out!
Today was a roller coaster for us, but we all made it through.  Bentley is fine, and we should find out the results of his scan in the next few days.  Keep him in your prayers!  He is sleeping soundly in his bed, and Mommy and Daddy will be doing the same very soon.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

4 Month Check-Up

Bentley went for his 4 month check-up yesterday (Tuesday), and he was such a good boy. He smiled and laughed at the nurses and doctor. He was so sweet and cute, and the doctor thinks he growing and developing wonderfully. 
Bentley is flirting with Dr. Gunter here...such a ham!

He cooperated so well during the entire exam. 
Bentley has grown so much in the last couple of months.  He is now 25 1/2 inches long, which puts him in the 75th percentile.  He was only in the 10th percentile at our last visit.  He weighs 12 pounds 3 ounces, so he has doubled his birth weight.  He's now in the 10th percentile for weight, which is up from the 5th percentile at our last visit.  Overall, she said he's following his growth curve beautifully. 

Now for the sad part...Bentley had to get more shots yesterday, and he was not one bit happy about it.

Here he was getting the oral vaccine, which must be pretty tasty.  He liked it a lot.

HEEEEELLLLLPPPPP!  Somebody shot me!

Mommy helped make a sad face...moral support.
Here's Bentley's boo boo's...covered with Garfield band-aids.

Bentley ran a slight fever yesterday evening, but he slept well and was fine today.  While at the doctor, we got the go ahead to try rice cereal.  Bentley wasn't feeling well enough to tackle that last night, so tonight was the night, and he LOVED it!  He was so cute, and I got really tickled watching him.  He made the funniest faces, and he has a hard time figuring out what to do with his tongue, but he kept wanting more.  We fed him the cereal at dinner time, which was about 6:30, and he took a 5 1/2 ounce bottle (still breast milk) at about 7:45, so we'll see how he sleeps tonight.  Cross your fingers!!

Open the hanger...incoming!

What in the world is that?!?!?

Hmmm....maybe that's not so bad after all.

Hey, Mommy...can I help?

I've got this under control.

Hey, Daddy!  Check it out...I can eat, FOR REAL!

The only remotely bad news that we got at the doctor was regarding Bentley's butt, of all things. He has little dimples at the top of his butt crack that apparently shouldn't be there. The doctor is pretty sure it's nothing to worry about, but we've got an MRI scheduled for August 30th to make sure the dimples don't interfere with his spinal column. Most likely, there is nothing to worry about, but protocol is to follow up with a scan to make sure it's nothing. Keep Bentley in your prayers!  I know this sounds crazy but there's not a great way to explain it...and I don't know a name for the condition if it is a problem.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Weekend Fun!! :)

We had a super busy weekend at the Bowling house.  Daniel and I attended our 10 YEAR REUNION!!  Yep...that's right...10 years since high school.  I cannot believe it's been so long!  It seems like just yesterday we were getting out of high school and sailing through college.  Now, we are standing around as adults and discussing our children!  Holy Moly!  That had to have been the strangest thing!  We enjoyed seeing everyone and catching up with old friends.  We had a picnic in the park around lunch time on Saturday followed by a fancy dancy get together at the Guntersville State Park Lodge.  All the girls (women) were all dressed up and beautiful, and all the guys (men) were decked out and handsome.  It was fun, and I guess I'll update another reunion post in 10 more years.
Ready to reunite with old friends!

All dressed up!  :)
Other than the reunion, basic busy work kept us on the go all cleaning, yard work, baby time, etc.  In the midst of busy work, I snagged a few amazingly cute pictures of Bentley.  He is growing SO fast, and I can't believe he's getting so big.  You'll be able to see his new favorite pass time...playing with his feet (and sucking his toes). :)

Check it out...I have feet!!

Tummy Time Rock Star!!!

Wow...he LOVES this thing!  I had to wrap a blanket around him to make him fit in it right, but he had a wonderful time!

Are you wondering why this picture isn't centered??  I have to look through the camera then look up to get a smile...the camera doesn't always stay where it should.

Big Smiles...This is fun Mommy!!
After all that busy work on Sunday, Daddy thought the pool was calling our name.  We changed clothes and headed out.  Bentley went to sleep almost immediately once we got there, so I got to lay out for the first time in a LONG time.  He slept about 50 minutes, woke up, ate a big dinner, and got ready to swim.  I don't think you're ready for these pictures...they are TOO CUTE!!  My baby boy is a little fishy!  He loved the water and smile almost the whole time.  He even stuck his face in the water and it didn't phase him a bit!  This was so much fun, and I can't wait to do it again!

Check it out guys...I'm really swimming!

Such a sweet boy.

Little Fishy!


Oh, Mommy, you're so silly!

So sweet.

Funny face.

My Daddy is my best friend!

My two boys...I'm in love!
Overall, we had a wonderful weekend, and we've already started a busy week.  We can't wait for the next fun filled family weekend!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

4 Months Old soundly!
Well, everyone, I'm four months old.  It's been a REALLY long week, so Mommy has been slacking with the camera.  She just took these pictures 5 minutes ago to have something to post on my 4 month birthday.  In case you all forgot, Mommy started back to work this week, so it's taking a lot of getting used to.  She misses me soooo much (and I miss her, too), while she's at work,  and she can't wait to get me from Aunt Cyndel's house every afternoon.  Mommy spends every moment she can with me in the afternoon even though she is super duper tired.  (She'll post more about school a little later.)

Anyways, this is just a short post to remind everyone that I'm growing, happy, and, according to Mommy and Daddy, the cutest baby ever!!!  Mommy told me to say that! :)  Here's some things we've learned lately.

  • I must have hit a growth spurt because the days of sleeping for 8 hours straight are long gone.  For the last three weeks, I've been waking at least three times in the night, but Mommy and Daddy can usually get me back to sleep pretty quick without having to feed me every time. 
  • I have a lot to say...Daddy and I have really important conversations every morning after Mommy leaves for work.
  • I am super good at tummy time, and I actually smile for a little while now before I get really mad about it. 
  • I think I am starting to have a preference about who holds me.  The other day I was really fussy with Mommy, but I got really happy when Daddy got me.  Mommy says that Daddy is my best friend.
  • I have a cute personality.  I can laugh out loud, and I get really excited about stuff now.  Mommy gets really tickled at me when I get excited.  Luckily, Mommy was home with me the first time I laughed out loud...she was really afraid she would miss it at work.
Overall, all is well.  Mommy still wishes she could stay home with me, but her classroom calls.  Right now everything is working out wonderfully, though.  I love my Aunt Cyndel and Cousin Coen, so I have a lot of fun with them everyday.  Mommy knows she doesn't have to worry about me, so her days go a little easier with that in mind. 

It's been a long day...I went to a birthday party at Mellow Mushroom tonight!

I like to sleep on my right side...that's why I wake up at night.  I can't seem to get back on my side by myself in the middle of the night.
I go for my four month check-up on Tuesday, the 16th.  Mommy has been checking on me though, and I am now 25 inches long and 12 pounds!  What a big boy!  :)  There are lots of things coming up in the next week, so keep your eyes peeled for more posts.  Bye for now!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Getting So Big!!

Bentley is about one week shy of 4 months old, and he is growing, learning, and developing so quickly.  He's holding his head up perfectly, and though he still doesn't care for tummy time, he's really good at it.  Rolling over happens once in a blue moon, but I think he's starting to figure it out.  He sits in his Bumbo seat a little better, and LOVES his high chair.  We took just a few photos over the last week that I thought I would share.

He was super sleepy here, but he still did really good at dinner time.

He's got his tongue stuck out at Daddy.

Coen needed in on the photo action.  He is so big, and we can't believe how quickly he has gone from a baby to a big boy.

Bentley likes his Bumbo seat for short periods of time, and he loves this toy...go figure.

Bentley and George were watching T.V.
Bentley is now 25 inches long and he weighs 11.6 pounds.  WOW!  He has almost doubled his birth weight, and I can't believe how big he is sometimes.  So you know...I go back to work tomorrow, and I am NOT looking forward to leaving Bentley.  We'll see how it goes.  I'll post this weekend to let you all know how the first few days went.  Wish me luck and send up prayers.