

Monday, August 15, 2011

Weekend Fun!! :)

We had a super busy weekend at the Bowling house.  Daniel and I attended our 10 YEAR REUNION!!  Yep...that's right...10 years since high school.  I cannot believe it's been so long!  It seems like just yesterday we were getting out of high school and sailing through college.  Now, we are standing around as adults and discussing our children!  Holy Moly!  That had to have been the strangest thing!  We enjoyed seeing everyone and catching up with old friends.  We had a picnic in the park around lunch time on Saturday followed by a fancy dancy get together at the Guntersville State Park Lodge.  All the girls (women) were all dressed up and beautiful, and all the guys (men) were decked out and handsome.  It was fun, and I guess I'll update another reunion post in 10 more years.
Ready to reunite with old friends!

All dressed up!  :)
Other than the reunion, basic busy work kept us on the go all cleaning, yard work, baby time, etc.  In the midst of busy work, I snagged a few amazingly cute pictures of Bentley.  He is growing SO fast, and I can't believe he's getting so big.  You'll be able to see his new favorite pass time...playing with his feet (and sucking his toes). :)

Check it out...I have feet!!

Tummy Time Rock Star!!!

Wow...he LOVES this thing!  I had to wrap a blanket around him to make him fit in it right, but he had a wonderful time!

Are you wondering why this picture isn't centered??  I have to look through the camera then look up to get a smile...the camera doesn't always stay where it should.

Big Smiles...This is fun Mommy!!
After all that busy work on Sunday, Daddy thought the pool was calling our name.  We changed clothes and headed out.  Bentley went to sleep almost immediately once we got there, so I got to lay out for the first time in a LONG time.  He slept about 50 minutes, woke up, ate a big dinner, and got ready to swim.  I don't think you're ready for these pictures...they are TOO CUTE!!  My baby boy is a little fishy!  He loved the water and smile almost the whole time.  He even stuck his face in the water and it didn't phase him a bit!  This was so much fun, and I can't wait to do it again!

Check it out guys...I'm really swimming!

Such a sweet boy.

Little Fishy!


Oh, Mommy, you're so silly!

So sweet.

Funny face.

My Daddy is my best friend!

My two boys...I'm in love!
Overall, we had a wonderful weekend, and we've already started a busy week.  We can't wait for the next fun filled family weekend!

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