

Thursday, August 11, 2011

4 Months Old soundly!
Well, everyone, I'm four months old.  It's been a REALLY long week, so Mommy has been slacking with the camera.  She just took these pictures 5 minutes ago to have something to post on my 4 month birthday.  In case you all forgot, Mommy started back to work this week, so it's taking a lot of getting used to.  She misses me soooo much (and I miss her, too), while she's at work,  and she can't wait to get me from Aunt Cyndel's house every afternoon.  Mommy spends every moment she can with me in the afternoon even though she is super duper tired.  (She'll post more about school a little later.)

Anyways, this is just a short post to remind everyone that I'm growing, happy, and, according to Mommy and Daddy, the cutest baby ever!!!  Mommy told me to say that! :)  Here's some things we've learned lately.

  • I must have hit a growth spurt because the days of sleeping for 8 hours straight are long gone.  For the last three weeks, I've been waking at least three times in the night, but Mommy and Daddy can usually get me back to sleep pretty quick without having to feed me every time. 
  • I have a lot to say...Daddy and I have really important conversations every morning after Mommy leaves for work.
  • I am super good at tummy time, and I actually smile for a little while now before I get really mad about it. 
  • I think I am starting to have a preference about who holds me.  The other day I was really fussy with Mommy, but I got really happy when Daddy got me.  Mommy says that Daddy is my best friend.
  • I have a cute personality.  I can laugh out loud, and I get really excited about stuff now.  Mommy gets really tickled at me when I get excited.  Luckily, Mommy was home with me the first time I laughed out loud...she was really afraid she would miss it at work.
Overall, all is well.  Mommy still wishes she could stay home with me, but her classroom calls.  Right now everything is working out wonderfully, though.  I love my Aunt Cyndel and Cousin Coen, so I have a lot of fun with them everyday.  Mommy knows she doesn't have to worry about me, so her days go a little easier with that in mind. 

It's been a long day...I went to a birthday party at Mellow Mushroom tonight!

I like to sleep on my right side...that's why I wake up at night.  I can't seem to get back on my side by myself in the middle of the night.
I go for my four month check-up on Tuesday, the 16th.  Mommy has been checking on me though, and I am now 25 inches long and 12 pounds!  What a big boy!  :)  There are lots of things coming up in the next week, so keep your eyes peeled for more posts.  Bye for now!

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