

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Getting So Big!!

Bentley is about one week shy of 4 months old, and he is growing, learning, and developing so quickly.  He's holding his head up perfectly, and though he still doesn't care for tummy time, he's really good at it.  Rolling over happens once in a blue moon, but I think he's starting to figure it out.  He sits in his Bumbo seat a little better, and LOVES his high chair.  We took just a few photos over the last week that I thought I would share.

He was super sleepy here, but he still did really good at dinner time.

He's got his tongue stuck out at Daddy.

Coen needed in on the photo action.  He is so big, and we can't believe how quickly he has gone from a baby to a big boy.

Bentley likes his Bumbo seat for short periods of time, and he loves this toy...go figure.

Bentley and George were watching T.V.
Bentley is now 25 inches long and he weighs 11.6 pounds.  WOW!  He has almost doubled his birth weight, and I can't believe how big he is sometimes.  So you know...I go back to work tomorrow, and I am NOT looking forward to leaving Bentley.  We'll see how it goes.  I'll post this weekend to let you all know how the first few days went.  Wish me luck and send up prayers.

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