

Monday, October 17, 2011

6 Months Old

Happy 1/2 Birthday, Baby Bentley Boy!

Bentley turned 6 months old on Tuesday, October 11th.  It's taken  me a while to post about it, but I finally have a minute to sit down and do just that.

Here's a couple of pictures of Bentley on his actual 1/2 b-day...his doctors appointment wasn't until 2 days later.

I love my shoes, but I love them the most when they're in my mouth!

Too cute little man!
Bentley's visit to the doctor went well.  He's perfect in every way!

Hey, Doc!  What's this cool contraption?

Here, let me help you with that.

Do you see any toothies in there yet?
(The answer is NO)

Ahhh, all done with the basic check-up.

Play time with Mommy before.....

The dreaded vaccines!  Oh, I forgot...I like this stuff (oral vaccine).

HOLY MOLY!!!  Sweeten me up and stick me like a pig!  OUCH!

Okie dokie...all done!  I'm dressed so we must be finished.
Bentley did super good at his appointment.  He was excited to see the doctor, so he squealed and squeaked the whole time she was working with him.  She said he's doing everything he is supposed to be doing, and he seems to be right on track.  She was glad to see that his ear was cleared up from the infection, as well.  (We were glad to hear that, too, for that has been quite a difficult situation to live with.)

As for Bentley's growth...he's 26 1/4 inches long, which is in the 50th percentile.  He is only 13 lbs. 6 oz., which is at about the 0 percentile (if that's possible).  While his weight curve did seem to decrease a little, the doctor wasn't concerned since he just got over a sickness.  While he had his ear infection, he lost his appetite for about 3 days.  He never asked to eat, so I just offered food to him ever 3 1/2 hours, and even then he only ate for about 5 minutes at a time.  So, she said that he should gain that weight back and even more now that he's eating good again.  Since then, he's been eating really well, and we've even added another baby food feeding during the day.  He'll be my little chunky monkey in no time!

Bentley got one oral vaccine, two routine shots, and his flu shot.  We have to go back on Veteran's Day for a booster shot for the flu vaccine.  He wasn't one bit happy about the shots, but he only cried for a minute. 

Based on what he was doing when she saw him, the doctor estimated that Bentley would be sitting completely on his own in a couple of weeks.  That was only 4 days ago, and he's already doing really well with sitting.  When he's sitting good, he can sit for over a minute, but he wants to stand up so badly, so he digs his heels in the ground which forces him to fall backwards.  I get tickled watching him.  We got him a toy to keep him occupied while sitting.  He likes it a lot, but his way of playing is not actually benefiting his sitting skills.

Lounging with my sippy cup.  Mommy gives me a little water in it each morning so I can get used to it before putting my milk in it.

Who needs to work on sitting...I've got this thing figured out. new favorite passtime.
We took Bentley up to Green Mountain to take his 6 month portraits, but we don't have those yet.  I know they will be great because he was so good the whole time we were there. 

Bentley has lots of favorite things right now.  He loves his new musical toy, his exersaucer, and his rubber duckies (especially if you sing the song with them).  He still has a blast at bathtime, no matter what kind of mood he's in prior.  One thing he's come to enjoy is dinner time.  He likes to squeal and squeak, and we can't help but laugh at him (along with many other people in restaurants).  Bentley loves Porsche (a.k.a. Sister).  He just sits and stares at her in amazement.  While I don't let him have his paci all the time (and never at bedtime), he cracks me up with it now.  He takes it out, plays with it, turns it all around and then plugs himself back up.  I am so glad he can do that on his own now. :)  While he went through many sleepless nights while he was sick, he's sleeping wonderfully now.  He's usually asleep by around 8:00 and he sleep ALL NIGHT.  Last week he woke up before 6:00 each day, but this morning I woke him up at 6:45.  Maybe he'll sleep a little later now.  He's still doing well with baby food, but we've discovered that he LOVES oatmeal.  He was getting rice cereal until now, and he like oatmeal much more.

I can't believe he's already 6 months old. Part of me is so proud that he's developing into such a sweet little guy, and the other part of me is sad that he's growing so quickly. I cherish each moment, and I try to remember each second as it passes. Every night that I sit with Bentley at bedtime and feed him his final meal of the day I try to take in every little detail...his baby soft skin, his fine fuzzy hair, the sweet look he gives me as looks up to make sure I'm still there as he's drifting off to sleep, the weight of his tiny body, and the feel of his little hand wrapped around my finger. I already have difficulty remembering what he felt like as a newborn, so I am determined to remember all of these tiny details. If only we could capture all these feelings in a bottle. That's something worth remembering!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! He is such a cutie pie! We need to get together soon!
