

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dear Daddy...

Well, it's been a LONG time since our last post, but believe it or not, there's only a couple of things that are note worthy.  But first, let's start with some TOO CUTE photos of Mr. Snuggles!

Although he hates tummy time, he's rolling like a champ now.  He's been "able" to roll over for a long time, but actually getting him to stay on his belly long enough to practice those fabulous skills was another story.  Now we are rolling really good.  He can go from his belly to his back and his back to his belly if something is really enticing him.

I still like my Johnny Jump-Up!

Happy hair (check out the left's sticking straight out after a nap).

Exersaucer...Mommy's lifesaver!  Anytime I need to get anything done in the kitchen, this is Bentley's posted position.

Ready for the Bama game.  Roll Tide!
First of all, Bentley has been running a fever since Monday, and after calling the doctor we were told to wait at least 24 hours for other symptoms to arise or call back if the fever lasted more than three days.  So, no other symptoms ever came about, that is unless you include MANY sleepless nights and a SUPER cranky baby.  There were a few nights that we would be up for 2 hours with a screaming little boy, and there was nothing we could do to console him.  Bentley would be completely fine and happy as long as he was on Tylenol and his fever was down, but as soon as it wore off, we were in for a not so sweet treat.  Finally, after having fever (up to 102.6) for more than three days, I called the doctor back on Thursday, and they wanted to see him. 

The good news...we found the culprit!  The bad news...Bentley has his first ear infection, and it's pretty bad.  The doctor gave him an antibiotic and numbing drops.  We are continuing to give him Tylenol as needed for his fever, but overall, we had a much better night.  Bentley slept until 4:00 a.m. without waking up, and then we had one of our "My ear hurts, and I'm going to scream about it" fits for about 45 minutes.  We got him back to sleep after some Tylenol and numbing drops, and he slept until 6:45 a.m., which is his normal time to rise and shine.  Thank goodness we know what's wrong, but it is so sad to see him so uncomfortable.  Maybe the antibiotics will take affect quickly. 

Monday, October 10th: Bentley is doing much better.  He hasn't run a fever since Saturday, and he seems much happier lately.  We're trying to get back into the old sleep routine that he was doing so well with, so wish us luck with that.  Learning to sleep again after sickness is a tough task for a little guy.  Overall, I think we are back to normal...Thank Goodness!
Now for the much better, happy, exciting, and long awaited (since last October 6th) fun moment as of lately...Daniel's birthday!!!

Daniel turned 29-years-old on Thursday, October 6th, and Bentley and I had a wonderful time shopping and trying to make him some special things.  Daniel mentioned a while back that he wanted a new golf bag, so Bentley and I went to Dick's Sporting Goods and got him just that.  Although, we didn't know exactly what we were looking for, so we got a pretty blue bag.  There's a pretty good chance Daniel will take it back and swap if for one that is exactly what he wants.  I told Bentley that was probably what would happen when we bought it, but it's the thought that counts.  So, to go along with the golf bag, we got Daniel some Alabama shorts (We call them sleeping shorts because they are Daniel's P.J.'s.), and we painted him a picture and made him a cake!  Here's the proof...

We didn't have the camera at home before eating cake on Daniel's birthday, so this was an "after the fact" shot of the cake.  Yellow cake with homemade fudge frosting...Daniel's favorite.

For the record...painting an infants hands and feet BY YOURSELF...not a good idea!  We got it done, but we also got paint on a few things in the process.  ha ha ha!  You'll also notice that the writing is not centered or angled correctly.  Bentley decided he was FINISHED while I was trying to do that, so I didn't get to take the time to get it just right.

The whole sha-bang! 

Daddy and Bentley after a nice birthday dinner.

Seriously...check out the big boy clothes.  So stylish!
We went to Mellow Mushroom Thursday night with Russ, Cyndel, and Coen, and we went to Carrabba's Friday night with Daniel's parents and Grandmother Frances.  Finally, we had everyone over to our house to watch the Bama game Saturday evening.  So, we had a busy, but fun-filled birthday weekend. 

Here's some more pictures we've taken recently.  Enjoy!

On a get Porsche.

That's pretty funny, Mommy!

Oops, I fell over.  I'm still working on this sitting thing.

Rubber Ducky, you're the one...

Giggles and grins, so much fun!

Hey guys, check out my shoes...they have strings!!
Sissy shoes are still okay at almost 6 months old, right??  They will have to be because he was so sweet in them.
Well, that's the latest, but we'll have another update very soon because Bentley will turn 6 MONTHS OLD on Tuesday!! We have a doctor's appointment for Thursday for his next well baby visit, so we'll definitely post after that.

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