

Thursday, January 27, 2011

26 Weeks & Counting!!

Even with the scare this past weekend, we made it to 26 weeks, and we're planning on hanging in there for 14 more. :)  Bentley and I are doing better, so we are thinking that our future looks bright.  Tuesday was another day of really bad headaches and a little more sickness, but we made it through that. 

Yesterday and today have been much better.  I spent ALL DAY Wednesday at home in the recliner.  Porsche and I snuggled and watched a Tori & Dean: Inn Love marathon.  (I was planning on taking a nap, but I became fascinated with the show, so I couldn't go to sleep.) 

Today, Mom and Cyndel came over to save me from my dusty house.  Saturday is usually my house cleaning day, but with all that happened last weekend, I never cleaned.  Two weeks without cleaning causes me great anxiety.  I think we could have made a whole dog out of the dog hair they swept up today, and Porsche's only 8 pounds, so I don't know where it all comes from.  Now, though, I can rest easy because I finally have a clean house again.  I helped a little with things that weren't strenuous, but Mom and Cyndel did the real dirty work.  (Thanks girls!!!)

I have a few more days of resting before we return to the doctor, but maybe I'll be feeling even better.  The medicine still gives me headaches, but they are manageable.  They don't seem to be bad enough to make me sick anymore, so I think I can handle it.  I am still having some contractions throughout the day, but they aren't painful.  There are about 3 times a day when I have about 30 minutes of really close contractions, but the rest of the day they are spaced out like normal.  Overall, they are much better than they were a few days ago.

I'll post again after our appointment on Monday, but keep us in your prayers!!

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