

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Catching up...

Well, Christmas is long gone, but I never posted some of the pictures or cute stories, so here goes...

On Christmas Eve, Daniel and I went many places.  Starting at my mom's we had a yummy lunch followed by opening presents.  Sadly, that's when we realized that we had forgotten the camera, so Daniel and Russ drove back to Huntsville to get the camera before the rest of our gatherings. We loved all our gifts, and as always, got way too much!  We must have really been good in 2010!!

Next, we went to my dad's for a visit and more presents.  Again, we got way too much, and are so thankful!  Even though Daniel had gotten the camera by this time, we somehow managed not to take pictures at Buddy's either.  Bummer!!

After Buddy's, we went to Papaw Fortenberry's Christmas gathering at Aunt Debbie's house.  We rarely get to see that side of the family, so it was really nice to get together with everyone and catch up.  Everyone had already received their Christmas cards, so they knew we were having a boy named Bentley.  According to Fortenberry tradition, Bentley received his first pocket knife, a red case knife that we'll hold onto until he's old enough to carry it himself. 

To round out the day, we headed to Daniel's parents' house Christmas Eve night.  Here...we didn't forget the camera! :)  A delicious dinner and more presents finished off the night, and again...we got way more than we deserved!!  It was fun to get together with family, but of course the best part of Christmas is watching the kids enjoy the fun.  Here's a picture of Charlie and Ruby Cate.  These two snuggle bugs belong to Daniel's brother, Jacob, and his wife, Jennifer. Too Cute!!

Charlie was pretty excited about holding Lil' Sis, Ruby Cate,
but she seemed a little concerned about the situation.

Check our Charlie and his pop gun, as well his gun and holster.
He thought he was HOT STUFF with that get-up.

Ruby Cate is enjoying her new toy. 
Baby sees, baby eats!!

After opening presents, and watching the kiddos play with their loot, we headed home to get ready for Santa.  Stuffing stockings and a good night's sleep made for a wonderful Christmas morning.  The snow didn't hurt either.  What a beautiful Christmas morning!!!

Daniel and I always stuff one another's stockings, and Porsche's, too, so that was the first order of business.  His stocking was full of golf stuff, and he got a knew Lacoste shirt.  He, of course, surprised me again.  My stocking was filled with the start of a scavenger hunt that lead me to a beautiful Tissot watch that I had looked at a long time ago.  I still catch myself asking everyone around me, "What time is it?"  I was so used to not having a watch, that I often forget I have one now.  After gifts, we had a delicious Christmas breakfast of French toast, bacon, and fresh fruit.  Yum! Yum!

Daniel decided we should check out the snow situation, so we headed out all bundled up to see what the roads were like and check out the parkway.  While we were out, Russ and Cyndel called with a Toy Emergency...Toys R' Us had exploded in their living room.  A two-year-old with a birthday 15 days before Christmas, makes for an unbelievable amount of toys to find a place for.  We went over to see the aftermath of Christmas, and it was a sight to see.  Coen was all excited and he couldn't stop telling me about Buzz and Woody!  Oh, the excitement of a baby/big boy and new toys!  Russ, Cyndel, and Coen had to get ready for their next gathering, and so did we, so we decided to save the "snow playing" for the next day.  (Pictures will follow.)

Daniel and I had one more stop on Christmas day.  We went to Sammi's (my aunt) for Nanny's Christmas.  We forgot the camera again, so no pics of that.  Sorry!  It was fun, though.  Coen really enjoyed playing with Sammi and Chris's kids, Callie and Ty.  We were blessed again, with even more gifts.

Now, the day after Christmas, we went to Russ and Cyndel's for breakfast, and decided to conquer the toy situation.  The boys did some "around the house" tasks, and Cyndel and I cleaned out old toys, made room for new toys, and made their house livable again.  In the midst of all the cleaning up and clearing out, we decided to take Coen in the snow.  Here's  a few pictures of our adventure.

Here is Coen playing in the "milk."  Cyndel said that when he first saw the snow out the window,
he looked at her and said, "Milk!"  She told him it was snow, so now he calls it, "mo."

I'm pretty sure Daddy had just thrown a snowball at Mommy. 
Coen thought that was pretty funny!!

Scooping up his own snowball...he got really good at this!

Tag Teaming Mommy!!!

Here's our "Moman."  In Alabama you're now always prepared for making a snowman,
so ours has pecans for eyes, an okra for a nose, and Dum Dum suckers for a mouth.
We had our last Chrismas gathering on January 2nd at Daniel's grandmother's house.  More fellowship with family made for fun time and even more wonderful presents.  We are so blessed to have wonderful families that love us so much.

Well, now that I'm finished with my novel, I hope you enjoyed the Christmas recap.  Tomorrow is supposed to be our doctor's visit for a Bentley update, so I'll post after that if the snow doesn't cause a cancellation.  Enjoy the snow!!

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